Chapter Twenty-Five

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Mia's POV
The stadium is full of people. Loud kids. Screaming parents. The whole student body. Everyone in town is here at this football game.

My heart beats fast, but steady as I search the many faces for my father's. He better show up. This was his idea, after all.

Brayden, Alastair, and Adrian are somewhere in the stadium, also on the lookout for the man who started it all. Adrian knows not to stray too far from Alastair because he is aware of the gun in Alastair's waistband. I'm pretty sure he understood what not to do when Alastair waved the gun in his face and told him, "Pull anything funny and all five of these bullets will go through your forehead." Talk about crapping your pants.

The bleachers and the many stragglers by the fence outlining the football field go wild as my school's wide receiver zips through the opposing team's players, heading straight for the touchdown zone. The student section roars with clapping and shouting. I can't help but think about how I should be up there with Skyler, cheering on our school's team with the rest of our friends in pride. Instead, I'm looking for her because she's been missing for almost two weeks now.

This is definitely not like High School Musical.

My mind runs over everything that's happened to me and I come out with a common denominator: My father.

Adrian's glowing yellow eyes the night of Brayden and I's date? My father.

The reason my mother packed up ship and left without a trace? My father.

Skyler going missing? My father.

Everything leads back to him. Where can I sign to be disowned by him?

I'm about to make my second lap around the bleachers when a male asks the guy next to him: "What the hell is that guy doing?"

My head snaps to another that shouts: "GET OFF THE FIELD!"

Then someone else mumbles: "That's the girl that's been missing."

My stomach drops to my feet when I realize who it is. Skyler.

I run to the edge of the fence, pushing people out of my way so that I can see whatever they're talking about. I inhale a sharp breath at the sight of my father walking across the field with his back to me, dragging Skyler by her red hair. The football players throw their hands in the air, spitting expletives because Dad is ruining their championship game.

I can't stop myself from thinking that this is only the beginning.

I turn to the woman next to me. The fact that she has a young daughter clinging to her leg makes what I'm about to say ten times more important.

"You need to leave," I tell her, sternly. Her eyes squint in confusion before looking around to see if I'm actually talking to her. "I can't let you be here with your little girl. It's going to be dangerous. Please convince everyone you can to leave," I ramble.

This girl is insane, the woman thinks.

As much as I want to say, "You haven't seen insane, yet," I hit her with a weakness. "Please, for your child, leave."

Her eyes widen as she looks down at her daughter. There are tears in her eyes when her eyes lift back to mine. "But, my son—" She's cut off by blood-curdling screams that come from all around us.

I spin around to find one of the referees flying through the air. My mouth drops open as he lands in a fetal position yards away from Dad.

If anyone tries to stop him, he'll kill them too. I need to get out there. I need to do something or everyone's lives will be at stake.

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