Chapter 30

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I held my breath as I walked in the hallway that will take me to the giant staircase and the crowd that is awaiting my presence from so long.

Unlike Aiden's room the rest of the house was a painted with a combination of gold and cream colour and the floor was carpated with a red carpet. In my weirdest dreams I would have never imagined a demon's house to be this luxurious.

The walls had pictures or paintings of I guess their ancestors, the couples stood with their head held high, I didn't hand time acknowledge all of them's Faces but I recognised Aiden's grandparents and parents after that the walls had a lot of free space to probably hung the pictures of their next king and queen, which means we will be the next one.

While we still walked down a question came up in my mind. Will they accept me? I don't know. I am not even a human what if they hate me and never want me to be their next queen?

"Don't worry darling they will accept you it is your fate to rule over this world and nobody can change this." Emilia said as she gave me her warm motherly smile.

"You can read my mind too?" I asked her with a frown. She smiled and looked at me with amusement.

"No dear, you said that out loud."
It was clear that she was amused by me and I was acting childish, me and my stupid mouth.

"Now hold my hand dear." I looked at her and then down at her extended hand and slowly I placed my right hand in her left hand. I could clearly hear the voices now, they seemed busy in their own demonic world.

We finally reached the top of the stairs and I looked down at all the crowd, as soon as we arrived the chattering died down and all eyes were at us.

I looked around for the person that I need right now. I want him to be by my side to keep me safe. My eyes searched for him and finally I found him, piercing his deep blue eyes right through me, giving me the sense of security.

"Just wait until I get you all alone my queen, because your not getting any rest tonight." I heard his voice in my head and startled I looked away and then I heard his laugh in my head and my cheeks started burning with embarrassment and another place in my body started burning with desire.

I saw him move from the crowds to the bottom of the stairs. Emilia started stepping down the stairs along with me but all I could see was a deep blue ocean. When I was on the last stair he extended his left hand for me and Emilia took our jointed hands and handed me over to him and he grabbed it in a firm hold.

Emilia left me and I walked down the last stair and as soon as I was down Aiden pulled me in his arms placing his hand on my bare back and moving it up and down, giving me shivers.

Everybody gave us a round of applause as we stood in the center now. I mustard the courage to look up at their faces and when I finally did I was surprised. They all seem to be very excited and happy everyone had a smile on their face.

After the round of applause they all bowed their head in front of us except for Aiden's parents and Grandparents who were standing  on both sides.

"They are showing respect to their new king and queen And in return we will nod our head in acknowledgement to their respect." I heard Aiden's voice in my head and I looked at him, he gave me a comforting smile and we both nodded our head back.

Suddenly Aiden's grandfather came in front of me and I felt Aiden loosing his grip from my arm and I looked at both men with a questioning eye. They both smiled at me in return.

"May I? Is grandfather extended his hand in front of me and without hesitation I placed mine in his and I felt Aiden stepping away from me just a bit.

"This beautiful woman here is the one choose by the powers above us to rule over this world. I can tell that this woman standing with me is something special or else this world never had a human Queen." Aiden's grandfather said and I was startled by that, I never thought about me being the only human queen.

"I can feel the power and authority oozing frm her, she is a precious gift to us and I know that this world will show her the respect and love that she deserves. Aiden come and hold your queen and rule the world." Aiden came and held me again and everyone cheered.

"Ooh and give me great grand children." Samantha said and everybody laughed, even Aiden. I hide my blushing red face in Aiden's arm.

It's been two hours since that speech and now everbody was enjoying the night in their own little groups even kids enjoyed here, playing around.

I was surrounded by the women's of this village, they all greeted me and complemented me saying I look so pretty and me aand Aiden look perfect together and so on.

In no time everyone started leaving and I was just standing near the door waving to the ladies when a pair of hadnds found their wah around my waist and a pair of lips attached themselves onto my neck.

No matter how much I elbowed him he would still not leave, it only made him start teasing me eben more. Without any word Aiden picked me in his arms and everything went blur after that, then next thing I felt was a soft mattress underneath me and a heavy man over me.

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