Chapter 23

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I took a small step away from him in fear but before I could go and further he lunged for me and gripped both me arms in his hands. His grip was so tight that it started to hurt my arms and a few silet tears escaped my eyes.

"You wanted some time, and I let you have it. But not anymore." His demon's voice was not the same anymore it sounded so scary this time, I couldn't bring myself to utter a single word.

I couldn't breath anymore, I felt helpless, the tears were falling down my eyes freely and I didn't attempted to hide them, somehow I had a hope that maybe my tears would bring my Aiden back.

He pulled me impossibly closer to him and I let out a painful scream because he pulled my arms behind my back making my breast to push painfully hard in his chest. I could feel him put his head in my neck but it didn't felt as good as it felt whem Aiden would do it.

My eyes landed on a unconscious Andrew and before I could see anything around me I felt my eys shut close on its on and that strong force around me.

When I opened my eyes again I felt a little dizzy but soon my sight adjusted to the minimal light around me.

I recognized his room instantly and I dared looked up to get a glance of his face, he looked deadly dangerous.

His grip was still tight as he took a step forward and I took one back I kept taking steps untill I felt the edge of the bed touch the back of my knees and I stopped and tried to take a step away.

But he released my hands and pushed me back so that I fell on the bed. Before I could even attempt to run away from him, he came on top of me and I felt his body weight push me back down in place.

"I told you, you are mine,Didn't I?" His demon said and I looked away from him.

His hand gripped my chin and turned it to face him. I didn't utter a word and soon his grip loosened and the hand started to caress my cheek but even that felt like a burn to my skin and I closed my eyes.

"You wanted time and I gave it to you, didnt I?" He said right before my face in a deadly quite voice.

"You asked for a day with that fucker and I let you have it, didn't I?" I didn't said anything but I felt the tears still running down my eyes.

"But not anymore, we had a deal and you got your side pf the deal but now it's time to finish my side of the deal. It's time that I show every single man on this earth who you belongs to, it's time that I claim you as mine, for eternity. " before I could access the word's properly I felt a mouth attack me and a pair of lips started to kiss mine.

His kiss screamed possession, domination, authority, possesivness. It wasn't the same feeling that I had when I kissed Aiden, this one was diffrent.

"Kiss me." He roared loudly whenbi didn't reciprocate the kiss and in fear I moved my lips along with his.

He devoured my mouth and went onto my neck, kissing his way up and down his neck while his handd pulled both my hands up above my head a kept them there.

He started to trail kisses on my neck, my hands and my face. I heard a cloth being teared and when the cool air hit my breasy I realized it was my tshit geyting ripped.

He started licking me and biting me on every inch of the skin that he could touch and his hands trailed down from gripping my hands and started to caress my under arms then he shifted on top of me, sitting on top of me with both his legs on both sides of me.

I could feel his hard member pushing down at my lower abdomen. He took my breast in his hands and started to massage them, squeez them, I knew I was getting wet but I didn't want this.

I want to be his but not like this. I want Aiden to be here, I want Aiden to be in command, I want to give myself over to him and not his demon.

Please Aiden.....take control before it's too late...


Oohh....too many updates in one week. But don't get you hopes up for another one for a few days now.

I am working on a new book. I know...I know that I already have two ongoing books but I just can't resist the new idea anymore...


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