Chapter 34

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I walked out of my room and made my way to the kitchen. Aiden's grandfather and Samantha already left two days ago it's been a few days since I got a tour around the house and Aiden's been busy with some work since that day and usually went out during the afternoon. While he was away Samantha and Lily gave me company and told me some more about the Demon's.

Like how they love to eat normal food even though they don't need to but it's the aroma of the food that gives them a high. Aiden is still asleep. I sometimes doubt if he even sleeps or not. Every time I wakeup in night I always find him staring at me.

Since i woke up early today i thought I'd make him something nice to eat, one thing i must mention here that in this weird place you can't think of finding human food in grocery store at least i didn't thought of that but believe it or not there is a place here just like grocery stores where you can find literally all the things, you name it and it's already there.

I went to that place with lily yesterday so i bought quite a bunch of things and they take dollars and that's not surprising at all, is it? (note the sarcasm please)

I took out the veggies, fruits and eggs from the fridge and started working on my eggs, then i fried some bacon and the next thing is one of my favourite fluffy Blueberries​ pancakes. One thing i forgot to tell you that Aiden has a great appetite for both me and my food if you know what i mean.

I was decorating the pancakes when a pair of hands grabbed my ass and a warm body collided with mine. I moaned when he rubbed my ass cheeks with his hard cock and threw my head back on the strong chest of my husband. It feels nice to say that word, I always felt I had nobody with me but now I can say that I have a husband who is everything I want and need and he loves me and Can protect me with all his strength.

Even though we didn't get married like i always imagined but still in this new world we are married. My thoughts went back to when i was young and I always imagined that i would marry a handsome prince charming who will swift me off my feet and will carry me to our bedroom right after the ceremony and will make sweet love to me. The way he will slowly free me out of my wedding dress and kiss every inch of my naked body. I was pulled out of my daydreaming when suddenly Aiden picked me up bridal style and started walking.

"What are you doing Aiden? I made us breakfast. " I told him or more like screamed because i put so much effort in making all that.

" I want to fulfill your fantasy. " He said with that evil smirk on his face and trust me a demon's smirk is the definition of evilness.

" I don't give a fuck about my fantasy right now because I made that all for us to eat and I want to do just that so you better take us back or you are not getting any food for next hundred months. " I yelled at him with a damn angry expression.

" Hundred months is too much love and aren't you suppose to threaten me with sex? " He stopped walking when we reached near the stairs and told me with that sassy ass attitude and the perfect brow raised.

" uhh..I would but I know you'll find a way to seduce me so why bother with it and alsoicantresistyou. " I said the last part in a hurry but damn him and his demon because he still caught that part and I had to see him laugh his ass off.

" Ok my Queen. " He said and then turned around to go back into kitchen. He walked over to the dining table where I placed everything and then finally let me down. I was going out to make our plate but pulled me back.

"Allow me to make you a plate of that delicious food. " He said and the bowed to me. And i heard something in my head which he was probably telling himself that 'every man even a Demon king has to bow down to his Queen."

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