Chapter 15

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"So,what do you want to know? "
Aiden asked as we both sat on his bed.

"Everything" I plainly said.

"Something specific to start from?" He asked but hu hah j looked down at my face in amusement.

"What are you?"

"I am a Demon."

"Then What is a Demon?"

"A demon is just a sole a dark sole, they are heartless untill they find the one they love." He said simply and I nodded. Now it make sense why I couldn't feel his heart at the night I saw him for the first time.

"How do they find the one they love and why couldn't I see you all this time untill that night? Because you said you were always there, it just doesn't make any sense to me?" I asked him honestly. I had felt him on the window on that morning, in the forest and heard his voice in my dreams and outside my dreams.

"Demon's have been cursed many many decades ago. People says that it was because a demon that time took an eight year old girl from her house and forced himself upon her, he claimed that she was his love and it was true....." My eyes grew big and I gasped in shock that such an innocent girl had to go through something like that.

"A Demon's power and strength and sexual appetite is hundred times more then the humans." I visibly gulped at that and thought what he would be like for me but befoe I could day dream he started talking again.

"The girl was only eight, thus, she was not awair of anything around her and when he forcefully had sex with her. She couldn't handle his strength and the girl died after endlessly being raped, for the man she was his love but she hated him." I gasped loudly and a few tears fell from my face.

"She was a pure and innocent sole and she cursed that A demon will never find the other half of his sole or the love of his life untill the girl is18." He looked at my tear filled eyes and smiled.

"This is just something my grandmother used to tell me all the time." He said and then wiped my tears away.

"So does that explains why you couldn't see me untill your eighteen birthday. It's like we have to kiss the loved once for them to have feelings for us, right on the minute they turn eighteen. If we don't then the other person may have difficulties having feeling for us or not at all have them. " he explained furthen and I nodded my head at him but then something clicked inside me.

" But you never did that on my Birthday. Then how come I can have feelings for you?" I asked him confused.

"Who said I didn't? You just won't remember it because of a spell." He said with a sexy smirk and my mouth fell open.

"What happened with my grandparents?" I asked him and his smirk fell a little but I need to know.

"Do you know why you never had any contact with your father's or mother's side grandparents until the day your parents died."

I looked at him surprised at how he knows about the death of my parents.

"Because my mother never had any contact with them so I never knew who they were and two days after my parents died I was about to sent to a foster home when they both my grandparents came to the police station and after some verification they brought me here with them." I explained everything that I knew about my them but he was still expressionless.

"You never had any grandparents,phill and martha bane never existed on this earth, they were both demons and they live in my kingdom. It was your fate to be in this small town so that you can turn eighteen here." He explained everything with a sadness and all I can do was look at him in shock.

I never had grandparents. can this all happen I started to love them and accept them and then I know that they never existed they were simply two demons in the body of a human.

"Stop over thinking,love. It is all your fate, that was your past but this world and I are your future. You are to be the queen of my kingdom, to rule over this world and be by my side." He soothed me when he saw the tears fell from my eyes. I started sobbing quietly in his arms and after a few minutes when my sobbs died down he leant down and placed a tender kiss on my lips and my forehead.

"C..can I meet the girl demon, please. If I have to be the queen then I need to know more people then just the king." I told him with a small smile letting him know that I accept him and I accept my fate. I can't run from it forever and someday I will have to accept it so why bother delaying it and causing hurt for both of us.

He grinned down at me and kissed me long and hard before he let me go.

"Of course, darling. You can meet her and there are other girls, they will be more then happy to meet their queen." He said with with excitement and I let out a laugh but then we both started to walk towards the door.


This is it.


Lol, just kidding.....

But seriously I'll have to change the cover of this book, I got scared last night because apparently watching a horror movie and then seeing this cover was not the brightest idea.


I had made some changes in the 8th chapter, and it is minor changes but kind of important for you to have a re-read of the last part of that chapter.

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