Chapter Twenty-Two: Emma

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Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 22: Emma 

The tables had turned. When I woke up the next morning, Will wasn’t the one forcibly cuddling with me. I was the one forcibly cuddling with Will. Why he was even on the bed, I wasn’t sure. Why I was holding onto him, I definitely wasn’t sure.

My head was resting on his chest—not his bare chest, thankfully—and I had my left arm thrown over his ribs. His own arm was loosely slung around me. I could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. I laid perfectly still, afraid to move. If he woke up, he would definitely get the wrong idea, and I wouldn’t be able to hold the whole cuddle-raping thing against him anymore. The fact that his arm was around me wouldn’t mean much. Cuddle-raping was his thing, not mine. It was in my best interest to carefully get up.

The second I lifted my head, just slightly, Will’s voice resounded through the room. “Nice of you to join us.”

Godammit. I slowly laid my head back down, unwilling to look at Will just yet. His smug smirk would only vex me. “Who’s us?”

“Us. The world of the living.”

I lazily glanced around the room without lifting my head. The room was empty. “There’s no one else in here.”

Now would be the time to get the hell up, Emma…

“That we know of,” he muttered. I smiled at the tone of his voice. Eric hadn’t let me down. I had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to resist my proposition. The thought of how Will had spent his night made me want to laugh out loud, but that would only make me look like a prime suspect. Instead of giving into the waves of laughter that threatened to erupt, I hid my face into Will’s chest, hoping my action would be distracting enough to hide the fact that I was stifling a serious bout of giggles.

If Will’s quiet, sharp intake of breath said anything, I was willing to bet he hadn’t noticed my amusement, only my movement.

Finally, once I was sure I could control my facial expressions, I removed my arm and lifted my head off of his chest. He reluctantly moved his arm and let me sit up. I’d stayed in that position way too long, even after I was already awake. I really didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.

“You don’t have to move,” he said. When I lifted my eyebrows up at him, he went on. “I don’t mind.”

I internally rolled my eyes. He was still trying to make this happen. Hadn’t I made myself clear enough? I wasn’t interested in hooking up with him. I wasn’t a hook-up kind of girl.

“Why are you up here?” I asked, not-so-subtly changing the subject. “Your bed is down there.” I inclined my head towards the floor.

His complexion—normally a nice shade of olive—whitened as I adjusted my position, sitting Indian style on the bed. “I, uh, wanted to spend time with you?”

I gave him a weird look. “I was asleep. What kind of freak are you?”

His face went from white to red. I was starting to think he had the ability to turn every color of the rainbow. I’d seen him turn white, red, pink, purple, and blue. Those last two were thanks to me and my handcuffs, fine, but still. It counted. “I’m not a freak. I swear. I just—”

“Like to lay in my bed and watch me sleep? What are you, Edward Cullen?”

He gave me an offended look. “I am not a sparkly vampire! Come on, Rage. Of all the comparisons you could’ve made.”

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