Chapter Thirty-Nine: Emma and Will

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A/N: Didn't edit or proofread this so bear with me if there are any mistakes! I'm late enough updating as is, so I figured I'd just post it. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!


Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 39: Emma and Will 


We gave Will and Eric a ten minute head start. I hoped it would be enough. I figured it would be; I was guessing they were both pretty fast. I mean, they were both in good shape—very good shape— and Will was a soccer player who was used to running, so I didn’t see why they wouldn’t be able to cover a good amount of distance in those ten minutes.

I had Taylor stand guard by the door as I finally used the lame little Nokia phone to call the police. The door to Will’s room didn’t lock, and I didn’t feel comfortable calling when Charles could barge in at any moment without any warning. My hands were actually shaking as my fingers hit the three numbers, 9-1-1. Without Will and Eric around to protect us, Taylor and I had to move fast. We couldn’t be anywhere near Charles when the police showed up. I didn’t know if he was armed, but I did know he was dangerous. He seemed dangerous, at least.

The operator answered after two rings. “911, what is your emergency?”

“My name is Emma van der Bilt,” I said in a low voice, worriedly glancing at the door. No movement and no sound. Safe—for the time being. “I need help. My best friend and I are being held hostage by a man named Charles.”

There was a muffled sound and then the dispatcher spoke again. “Okay, Emma, what’s your address?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t sure why; the dispatcher couldn’t see me. “I don’t know. I don’t know where we are. I think we’re thirty minutes away from the city.”

There was a brief pause. “It looks like you’re calling from 1100 Alpine Lane. We’re sending the police out.”

Dang. Their tracking mechanisms were legit.

“Okay,” I said. “Hurry.” I swiftly hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket. The thought of Will’s fingerprints being traced made me whip the phone back out and rub it on my shirt in frenzied motions. I’d already wiped it off, and my fingerprints were probably the only fingerprints on the phone, but I just needed to make sure.

Taylor poked her head through the door, nearly giving me a heart attack. “Are you done? He hasn’t come upstairs. I haven’t heard anything.”

“I’m done,” I said. After checking the time—12:13 PM—I put the phone back in my pocket. “Come on. We need to find you a hiding spot.”

“What about you?” She furrowed her eyebrows and walked inside, gently closing the door behind her.

“I’ll find one, too,” I said, waving her worries away with a flick of my wrist. I was more preoccupied with finding her a place to hide. If it came down to it, I would be able to distract Charles long enough for the police to arrive. I had a better shot at it than Taylor did, at least, and besides, Taylor wasn’t the best at finding hiding spots. 

She didn’t seem convinced, but she had the sense to avoid an argument. She nodded and followed me to Will’s closet. I opened the door and pointed up at the shelf on top. It had a huge suitcase laying on it, and it looked sturdy enough. There weren’t many other alternatives. If we’d been at the old house, we both would’ve been able to hide in the walls, but that wasn’t an option here.

I dragged the suitcase down as quietly as I could and set it aside before I gave Taylor a boost up. She clumsily pushed herself forward once she’d reached the shelf and crawled towards the back of the shelf.

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