Chapter Twelve: Emma and Will

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A/N: 100+ votes in one day? You guys rock. And waking up to comments on a new chapter is such a nice feeling (unlike waking up to your dad blaring Beyonce at eight A.M. why) so thanks to everyone who continuously leaves me comments. :D 



Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 12: Emma and Will


Eric and Will left the next day to look for me again. Neither of them thought to look in the walls, as expected, and they went right back to assuming I was lost in the middle of nowhere. This really was the best hiding spot ever. I’d wanted to find a way to escape that very night, but after the shower fiasco, I wasn’t too keen on leaving the safety of my hiding place.

I waited until I was sure they were gone in the morning and took another shower, changing into some more oversized clothes right after. My search for food went pitifully horrible that day; they had almost nothing left to eat. Were they really so broke that they couldn’t afford enough food to make a sandwich? No wonder they’d resorted to kidnapping me. Something told me they wouldn’t be content if I gave them only enough money to go grocery shopping and told them to let me go, though.

After eating whatever I could find, I walked into the living room and glanced around. Now that I’d regained my energy and felt like a little more like myself, I saw things more clearly. I saw the phone on the table by the couch, and I saw the cord that connected it to a box on the wall.

Running over, I grabbed the phone and dialed 911, but all I heard was static. “Bastards didn’t pay the bill.” I shook my head. Why was I even surprised? If they didn’t have enough money for food, I doubted they had enough money for phone service. Or maybe they had it disconnected so Taylor and I wouldn’t try to call for help. It didn’t really matter why there was no service. The only thing that mattered was the fact that calling 911 was no longer a possibility unless one of them had a cell phone, and getting my hands on a cell phone wouldn’t be easy.

Maybe it was for the best. If I’d called 911 just then, that could have meant leaving behind Taylor, and that was something I just wasn’t willing to do. She’d gotten herself in this mess because of me. She’d been trying to help me, when really, all she did was make things ten times worse. But I couldn’t tell her that. She’d done what she thought was best. It was what I’d thought was idiotic, but it was what she’d considered best, and I loved her for even trying.

No, I couldn’t leave now. Not without my best friend. I’d sooner go back in that disgusting garage than abandon my best friend, knowing she was in the hands of these lunatics.

Escape might not have been an option, but wreaking havoc definitely was. I’d heard Will say he filled the gas tank completely this time—apparently, they had enough money for huge tubs of gasoline, but they didn’t have enough money for food—and that they’d search until it got dark. I wasn’t expecting company for a long while. I had plenty of time to cause mayhem and explore. The better I knew this place, the better my chances of escape and survival.

I kept getting ideas for Will’s haunting as I walked, but after some deliberation, I decided those tricks would work better at night. In the middle of the day, it just wasn’t as entertaining. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun, anyway.

While I was searching the kitchen cabinets for possible weapons, I found a giant roll of clear saran wrap. “This could be interesting,” I muttered, holding the roll up to my line of sight. A smile began to cross my lips. “Very interesting.”

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