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Max's POV

Alex was pulled last week.
My dad is never home. He's always at Kellins.
Mike and tony aren't home either. Who knows where they are and jaime is at his girlfriends house.
So I'm alone in my bathroom with blood flowing down my arms. I have no reason to live.
I hear someone yelling my name but It sounds so far away.
Someone runs in the room. "Max." It's Zack. He picks me up and cleans my wrist then wraps me.
I slowly gain full conscience. "Why bud?" I look down. "Everyone's leaving. My dads never home. As you can see no one is. I can't take it." He hugs me tightly.
I close my eyes. "Who about you come with me and Rian somewhere he's downstairs." I nod. "I need to get dressed." He walks out. I put on a black hoodie and black pants. I walk downstairs.

We went to the state park and now we're walking home. I walk in and for once all the guys are here. "Oh look your here for once." I say rolling my eyes. Everyone looks at me.
"Where were you." I roll my eyes.
"Seriously your never here. Zack came to check on me. Wish he would've let me die." I say and mumble the last part. "What was that last part?" Mike ask. I forgot Rian was still behind me. "Well your gone and he tried to kill himself." Rian says bluntly. I look down. Zack puts his arm around me protectively.
"You guys just weren't here and I was alone." Vic walks over to me.
He's hugs me tight. "I'm sorry max." I nod.
I just go to my room and see Andy sitting in my bed.
Andy's like my best friend.
We're closer in age then any of the other band members. I'm 18 and he's 21. I close my door. "What are you doing here?" He smiles. I won't lie and say I don't have a crush on Andy.
"Your my best friend and I haven't seen you in a week." He says acting like it's been a year. For some reason the word friend hurt. I'm probably just stupid.
I sit next to him and he loosely drapes his arm over my shoulders. I lean my head on his shoulder. "How are you?" I nod. "I'm good you?" He smiles. "I'm perfect." I look at him. "Yeah you are." Then I wink.
He smiles. "Same as always." He says with a slight blush. "Andrew Biersack are you blushing." He pushes my shoulder. "Shut up max." I laugh.
"So how's being allowed to legally drink?" He smiles. "Pretty good." I nod. "Max I know you. You still drink even if your not 21." I sigh. "Yeah." I look down. He makes me look up and we kind of just stare at each other.
He slowly leans in and I lean in too.
This may sound like a stupid thing you'll only read in cheesy fan fictions and romance books but it really felt magical. I pull away from the kiss. "I really like you max." He says looking down and I look down to. "I really like you too Andy." He smiles.
"I'll text you. I doubt your dad would like me in here." I nod and he jumps down.
"I heard Andy." I chuckle. "He was in here?" I nod. "You like him." I look down. "What if it ends like Alex?" He walks over to me. "Don't worry. Don't hide your feelings. I know someone who is." I look at him confused but nod.

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