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Vics POV

Me and the guys were just watching TV when the news came up.

"-and at San Diego high school it was confirmed the there were three shooters who have been taken into custody. Many of the kids were hurt and rushed to the hospital but luckily no one died. The ninth and tenth graders were able to make it out safely before the shooting occurred but sadly not the eleven grade." My breathing hitches. "That's Max's school and he's in 11th grade." I mumble.
We all shoot out the door and into the car. Me being a shaking mess doesn't drive.
Mike drives to the hospital and we run in.
"Maxwell Fuentes?" I say hoping he's not here. She looks at her notes.
"Room 128B fourth floor." I nod and we all go upstairs. We walk in and see a doctor. "Hello you must be Vic am I correct?" He says to me. I nod. "Well max seems to have not been shot but He did blacked out from anxiety." I nod. I see max just on his phone.
"Doctor?" Max says. He turns toward max. "Was a Carson Fish admitted?" The Doctor looks through the papers. "No sir." Max lets out a breath he was holding.
"When can be leave?" The doctor smiles. "Right now." I nod.
Max stands up and we leave. "I can't believe that." He nods looking down. "Who's Carson?" He jumps up. "Good friend. I was scared he was hurt." Just then a boy with platinum blonde hair runs over and picks up max. "Your okay MAX!" Max laughs and the boy puts him down. "Yeah. Carson do you ever where a shirt?" Carson shakes his head. "Wait yes i wore one when the principal forced it on me." Max laughs. "Then you took it off and got suspended for a week." Carson laughs. "Oh sorry. Guys Carson, Carson guys." Carson waves. "Sup I'm his dad." Carson says laughing. Max punches him. "Carson I will literally cut your dick off." Max says violently. Carson smiles.
"You wish." Max rolls his eyes. "Hey dad can I go hang with Carson?" I nod. He runs off.
Mike smiles. "He's in love with him." I look at him. "There both in love with each other but to blind to see it." I nod. "I just hope this doesn't go like Jude." They all nod and we head home. I hope he will be okay.
But I'll be here the whole way.

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