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Vics POV

I look at Max curled up on tony. "I don't think he's telling the truth." Mike nods. "He wasn't warm. I just didn't want you to get mad at him." I nod. "I get it little bro. I just want to know what's wrong." Mike nods. "We get it." Jaime says.
"Well there has to be a reason he changed." I nod.
Tony shakes max. Max opens his eyes and crawls next to tony pulling his knees to his chest.
"H-hey guys." we nod. Something's wrong. He hasn't stuttered that much.
"W-what should I do if someone I-insults my h-hero." I see tears well up in his eyes. I quickly pull him to my chest. "What happened Max." He starts sobbing. "Some kid at my school insulted Mitch. He's my idol. My hero. It hurt so bad." I just hold him as he sobs.
Tony sits next to me.
Max starts pulling at his hair and tony grabs his hands. "Play with my fingers or hand when you want to do that okay bud." Max nods into my chest and starts playing with Tony's finger. He soon calms down and lets go of Tony's hand.

"Max will you tell us the real reason you left." He nods.
"People kept making fun of. Calling me a f-fag. I don't like that word. Pulling my chair from under me, hitting me, pouring food on me....." I gasp. "Your being bullied?" He nods. "I'm used to it..." he closes his eyes shoving his face in mikes shoulder mumbling something. Mike gasp. His face showing complete horror. He carries max up to his room then comes back down.
"H-he said he wanted to die...." I gasp. "This is my fault if I would've just let him be homeschooled." Tony hits my shoulder.
"No. It is not your fault!! I will talk to him tomorrow but he needs sleep. He looks like a sleep deprived anime character." I chuckle softly.
Tony smiles probably feeling accomplished he made me laugh.
I smile and walk up to Max's room seeing him sleeping. He seems so peaceful.
I also understand the Mitch thing. Even though Mitch is used to it his fans can get really sensitive. I should have Mitch come over down time.
I smile and walk into my room. I trip a bit and something falls from under my dresser. I look and see it's the blade I had as a teenager.
I look at it.
Mike walks in without knocking and gasp taking the blade from me. "No Vic." I nod. "I was just looking at it." He takes it flushing it.
"Stay strong big bro." He hugs me tightly. "I almost lost you. Not again." I nod into his chest.
"Promise me vic." I nod. "I promise." He smiles. "Good." He stands up smiling and walks out. I nod and get up.
I walk downstairs and see the guys eating pizza. Jaime threw the controller at tony who beat him. Again. I don't think jaime ever wins.
"Jaime if you hurt tony max will attack you."
I hear loud footsteps then max is on jaime. "Jaime is really comfortable.." we all laugh. "Don't hurt turtle or giraffe." Jaime groans.
"Your no fun." Max shrugs.
Max sits on the floor and stares at the wall. I poke tony and he shakes Max's shoulder. Max jumps. "H-huh." He was defiantly thinking about something.
"You okay bud?" He nods looking down. Jaime slides siting on the ground next to him. "Wanna play?" Max nods. "I love video games." He takes the other controller and they start playing Mario Kart.
Max wins twice.
Max puts the controller down. "H-hey d-Vic." I look at him. "Yeah Maxxy." He groans. He shakes his head. "N-never mind." Then he runs up to his room.
We all sigh and tony goes to the kitchen seeing it's now 6:40PM. "I'm making tacos!" We all cheer.
I walk up to Max's room and knock. He opens the door. "Yes." I smile. "Dinners going to be ready-" I'm cut off by tony yelling "Dinners Ready!!" I laugh "-now." He nods. "I'll be down in a minute." I nod and go downstairs. Tony hands me a plate with three tacos on it. I sit down.
Max comes down and tony hands him a plate with two tacos.
Max sits next to mike.
While we all dig in I look and see max just staring at his food. "Are you going to eat Max?" He looks up at me and nods slowly eating one taco.
"I'm done." Tony looks over at him. "Not hungry?" He nods.
Max gets up and walks upstairs.
I go into the living room and see jaime watching Home Alone. I chuckle and sit on the floor. But I end up falling asleep.

Adopted by Vic FuentesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt