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Max's POV

Whys my dad have to make such stupid decisions. Like seriously punching mike. I just wish he liked Alex. Alex is my boyfriend. I love him.
I'm just scared. I don't know where my dad is. No one does. Mike said he took off in his car. I may be mad at him but I love him.
Mike walks in my room.
I'm currently shoved into Alex's side. "Your dad's here." I nod into Alex's side. "I don't want to talk to him." He nods walking out. "You can't hide forever." I shrug. "I can try babe." Alex sits me up.
"You should talk to him." I look down. "Come with me?" He nods grabbing my hand.
I walk downstairs to see jaime passed out on the floor asleep, mike staring my dad down and tony sitting next to my dad. My dad has bloody knuckles which makes me really sad. "Dad why'd you hit mike?" He looks at me shrugging. "He defended you and Alex. I don't like him. He will hurt you." I shake my head. "No he won't dad." Alex tightens his grip around my waist.
"Well In a week your not my problem anymore." That's right my birthdays in a week.
I'm cut out of my thoughts by mike punching my dad in the face making him fall. "Stop being a fucking asshole! He's your son not some toy you can play with Vic!" Mike walks over to me and hugs me. "I love you Max." Then he grabs Tony's hand, they leave.
What surprises me is jaime hasn't woken up. My dad gets up and now he's angry. I grab Alex's hand and run outside closing the door. "I can't believe that happened." I nod. I start walking to Austin and Alan's house. "Are you okay babe?" I nod. I'm not. He holds my hand.
"Babe you don't have to be okay all the time." I nod. "I know I'm not." I knock on Austins door. My dad smacked me across the face so I have a handprint most likely. Austin opens it. He gasp very loud and pulls us both inside. "Well first Austin this is my boyfriend Alex, Alex best friend Austin. Okay so my dad freaked out, doesn't care about me so I'm here." I hold Alex's hand while Alan walks in the room.
"Your Alex." We both look at each other than nod. "Oh that was weird. Sorry. Mike called telling me you'll probably come here. Mike and tony are staying with Andy for the night." I nod. I go up to there guest room without saying that anything. Alex follows me. "Babe are you sure your okay?" I shake my head. "No I'm not babe." He sits next to me. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

•next day•

I feel someone shake me. "Mike wants you to get home. It's only 7am." I nod and try getting up but someone has there arm around me. "Alex get up." He groans. I poke him and he stands up with me. "Austin will you drive me home and Alex to his?" Austin nods.
He drops Alex off at his first.
"I'm scared what if he yells again." Austin rubs my back. "It'll be okay Max." I nod and walk inside.
Well my dad is passed out on the stairs. Mike walks over to me. "Your dad went through your room." I inhale but stop breathing as I inhale. "He found your  cigarettes." I sigh.
"I'll be 18 in like 3 days." Mike sighs. "I know but he's being a asshole." I nod. "What's going on with him?" Mike shrugs. "Kellin broke up with him. He's deciding to take it out on everyone else." I hear someone laugh. My dad. "No my sons just stupid. He's dating someone who's just going to break his heart and he keeps smoking. I bet he's not even a virgin." He stumbles. He's drunk. "Yeah I'm not! I was raped you idiot!" He walks over to me. "Your a idiot Maxwell." I feel my emotions start to bubble inside of me. Mitch died on my birthday. I run up to my room and start crying.
I slide down my door.
Can't I just maybe die.

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