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That's what max looks like now (his hair is dark blue with black streaks) ^
Max's POV

God I'm so tired.
It's 9:47 and i just left the gym. So I lost track of time.
I worked out for 10 hours on a empty stomach not a big deal. Okay maybe a small deal.
I'm really dizzy.
I just got home and I almost fell down the tree when I was climbing it. I fall on my bed when I get inside. I start shaking. Your probably confused. I'm having a panic attack cause one I can't breath and two i just feel very depressed.
I start shaking on my bed.
It probably looks like I'm having a seizure.
Well I'm sweating so bad, I'm shirtless, I'm shaking really bad while gripping at my neck. Someone runs in. "Vic!" My eyes start rolling like I can't open them. I feel someone pull me into the chest and play with my hair whispering in my ear making me calm down. I open my eyes to see my dad.
"You were at the gym again weren't you?" I nod looking down. "You are working yourself way to hard!" I look down.
"I'm scared Max. You could've died from that panic attack." I look down and nod. "I'm sorry dad." He hugs me. "I worked for 10 hours today..." he gasp. "That is way to long. Your 17 not invincible." I nod knowing he's right.
"Well tour starts tomorrow. It's us, state champs and sleeping with sirens." I nod. "I like Derek he's funny." My dad nods.
I stand up.
"I'll be back later." I rush out before jumping out my window. I knew if I told him I was going to Alex's house he wouldn't let me.
I run down the street to Alex's house. Levi answers. "Is Alex home Levi?" He nods. "Come in." I walk in.
"Alex your boyfriend is here!!!" Alex runs downstairs and smiles when he sees me. "Levi go talk to your girlfriend." Levi laughs walking away. "Hey Alex." Alex smiles. "I thought you hated me." I said looking down. He gasp. "Of course not but I do have to go to work." I nod and hug him. I walk over to Levi. "Hey Levi can I talk to you?" He nods and we walk into the hallway.
"Could me and you talk while I'm on tour. It's 4 months and I'm just scared he'll move on." Levi smiles and rubs my shoulder. "Of course. I understand." I nod. "I better go thanks Levi." He writes his number on my hand then I run back home but I use the front door this time. Tony looks at me. "Are you okay?" I nod. I guess I look bad.
"I'm going to dye my hair." My dad goes to say something but I run up to my room. I bought dye the other day. First I bleach it then put in the dark blue hair dye with some black streaks. I blow dry my hair then put on a black falling in reverse shirt and black jeans.
I walk downstairs and everyone stairs at my hair.
I really like to dye my hair.
I sit next to mike and he starts playing with my hair. "Where'd my dad go?" Everyone goes quiet.
"Guys?" No one says anything. "Michael Christopher Fuentes where is my dad?" He sighs. "He went to kellins." I sigh. "He's been telling me the whole time Alex will hurt me but Kellin already hurt him." I say closing my eyes and looking down.

About five hours later vic walks in with a black eye. "Who did it." I say not even moving. The other guys went to bed because tours tomorrow. "No one." I stand up. "Who did it!" He sighs.
"Jack Fowler. He was drunk and me and Kellin got back together. He punched me." I sigh and pull him up to my room.
I start cleaning his eye.
"Please be careful dad." He nods. "If Kellin hurts you again ill cut his balls off." My dad shakes his head. "Turns out someone in sws was drunk and sent that." I smile nodding. "I knew Kellin loved you to much." He smiles. "Your done." I say when I finish cleaning his eye. "Now go get some sleep you have to wake up in less then 6 hours." I say when I see it's 1am. He nods walking to his room. I'm about to change when my phone rings meaning I got a text.

Kellin: please meet me at the skatepark in 5 minutes.

I sigh. I grab my skateboard and sneak downstairs. It's hard to jump down a tree with a skateboard. I've done it before and I almost broke my neck.
I make it out of the house without waking anyone up.
I get to the skatepark and see a mop of black hair. I walk over to Kellin. "So why am I here at almost 2am?" He looks up at me. "Um I need help." I sit next to him.
"What's up?" He pulls out a box. "I want to propose to your dad." I smile. "That's amazing kellin!" He smiles. I love his smile especially my dad causes it. Kellin also makes my dad smile.
"When should I do it." I think. "Um how about right before you guys start singing king for a day. Get the rest of PTV on it." He nods. "Thanks now go get some sleep you have to get up in like 4 hours sorry." I hug him. "I'm not tired anyway don't worry. This is more important." He nods and we both get up.
I skate home and sneak in the door when my dad looks at me.
Oh no.
"Where were you?" I see mike holding Tony's hand behind my dad.
"I'll ask you again. Where were you!?" I look down. What am I supposed to say. I can't tell him the truth so I lie. "I was at the gym." Okay that was a week lie since I don't look sweaty or bad at all. I don't look mike I went to the gym.
"Your lying Max." I sigh. "I was uh at the skatepark." Technically I was. He sighs. "Get to bed." I run upstairs.
I hope he believed me.

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