Christmas #7 Tony: Bah Hum Bug and Fudge

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You woke to find Tony missing. It was normal and you were used to it. But you did miss the warmth his body provided.

You glanced at the time to see it was only 2am, which meant it was Christmas Eve! Excitedly you jumped from your covers and pulled on a robe. Bustling down to the lab where you figured you'd find Tony.

The door opened and you stepped inside expecting to see a tired, disheveled, covered in grease, man. But to your surprise, there was no Tony.

Biting your bottom lip you wondered through the lab to the other door, once you passed through it, you headed towards the lounge to see if you could find your man.

Walking down the steps you noticed a bottle of scotch was open on the counter but still, no Tony. Walking to the bottle and the glass next to it, you picked up the glass and saw there was still liquid inside the cup. He was here recently. You thought as you placed the glass back down.

You turned around and put your hand on your hips and huffed. "Where are you?"

You searched for a while hoping to find your beloved boyfriend. After walking the whole floor you noticed some movement outside on the balcony.

Slowly approaching the glass doors you made out the shape of the man you'd been looking for. Taking a few steps out you shivered. No one should be this high up, in this kind of weather, wearing only their pjs.

"Tony? Are you alright?" You forced yourself to continue out into the cold December air of New York.

You reached your arms around him. Wrapping his frame with your arms you felt how cold he was. "Tony, you're freezing, what are you doing out here?" You forced him to turn to you.

When he turned to you, you noticed immediately that he had been crying. You both made eye contact and he broke. Crying, he leaned into you and slowly led him back inside. Sitting him down on the couch you wrapped him in a blanket and he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid into you.

You brushed your hands through his hair, humming a soft unknown tone. When he was ready he would talk to you, all you could do was be there for him.

After a minute or two, you actually heard him crying softly, even more, concerned and confused you held him tighter.

"(Y/n)?" You heard his quite voice say.

"Yes, darling?" You soothed.

"I hate Christmas." He sat up a little more to look into your eyes.

"And whys that my love?" You pressed your lips to his forehead.

"It's because of my dad, growing up he never had time for me, so Christmas was nothing special. Just another day to get gifts. All I wanted was a day to be with my dad. But his stupid inventions were way to precious to leave alone.

"So my mom always made it nice because she would make this fudge, every year and only for Christmas. It would be the only gift I truly appreciated. So after they, after they, died. No more fudge, no more warm kisses or hugs, no more hating my dad. I actually missed the jerk, even now.

"But my mom. She may not have been much but she cared." He collapsed back into you.

"I'm sorry Tony. You know I care, don't you?" You continued running your fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, but Steve used to care about me too. Then he had to rip apart my family and take half of them away just to protect his friend who killed my parents." Tony said bitterly.

"I know sweetie, I know Steve hurt you. He still cares for you, he has a big heart but he doesn't know how to share it, my love." You held him closer.

"I love you (y/n), you know that?" Tony mumbled into your stomach where his face was buried.

"Yes Tony. I do, and I hope you know how much I love you." You got up and pulled him with you. "Lets go to bed Tony." You gently wrapped yourself into him and led him back you our shared bedroom.

• • •

Tonys P.O.V

I wake to find (y/n) missing. Which was concerning. I was always the one to get up first and go tinker on something. Stumbling I got dressed. "FRIDAY, where's (y/n)?"

"She asked me not to tell you, Sir." The female robotic voiced over.

I frowned. Where could she be? You walked out to looked for her.

Fortunately, I didn't have to look far. My girlfriend was in the kitchen making a wonderful smelling breakfast. I walked up behind her and engulfed her up in a hug.

She giggled and turned away from her bacon and eggs to kiss me. Her lips tasted like the bacon she was cooking.

"Rhodey is coming over soon." (Y/n) informed me.

"Good, that's good." I sat down to a wonderful breakfast with the love of my life.

After we had finished I was just about to escape into my domain when Rhodey actually did arrive at said time.

After I hugged him I thought I saw him mouthing to (y/n) something but I couldn't catch it. Shrugging we wondered off to help him with the robotics attached to his legs.

• • •

Your P.O.V

As you watched Rhodey and Tony retreated to do whatever you hurried to do the task you set out to do.

"FRIDAY, I need all accounts of Maria Starks cookbooks."

"Immediately ma'am."

You smiled as you brought out cooking supplies. Tony will enjoy this Christmas.

• • •

When Christmas dinner rolled around, what's left of the Avengers were assembled in the dinning room. Tony, you, Rhodey, Vision, T'Challa, and even Peter Parker made it. You had sent an invite to Natasha but you didn't expect her to show. You kept in contact with her but no one knew about it.

You sat them around the table and served turkey, mashed potatoes, bread rolls, stuffing, corn, cranberries, and a large assortment of pies. Laughing and merely having a good time with the bunch you quietly slipped away to the the kitchen to bring out your Christmas present to Tony.

Grabbing the fudge with mittens you headed towards Tony. "If I may have everyone's attention please." Quickly the group shut up.

"A special thanks to Rhodey for keeping Tony busy all day. But now, I have a gift for our favorite 'Bah Hum Bugger', Mr. Tony Stark himself. Merry Christmas my love." You placed the fudge down in front of him and kissed his cheek.

Everyone clapped and Tony looked at you, raising an eyebrow he took a bite. He froze. Everyone held their breath, especially you. You didn't know I you've might've per stepped you bounds but you were hoping he liked it.

The group around silently gasped as they saw a tear fall down Tony's face. "(Y/n), this, this, this is my mother's recipe."

"I know Tony. Do you like it?" You took a step closer to him.

"(Y/n) I love it! Thank you, thank you." He stood and hugged you, pressing his lips to yours.

"Merry Christmas Tony."

"Bah hum bug." And he captured your lips again as the table erupted in cheers.

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