Christmas #8 Steve: Silent Super Hero

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Steve, Bucky, and you are 17yrs old.

You were slipping a pie into the oven when there was a knock on the door. Putting a timer on you rushed to get it.

Your parents were away on a couples business trip so you knew it couldn't be them. Mail or Milk Man perhaps? Or even Sarah, you neighbor down the hall. Her son, Steve, and his best friend Bucky were always over at your place.

But every once in a while she would come over and hang out with you. Your parents were gone most the time, so you found yourself looking to Sarah more as a mother figure then your own.

You opened the door to find your friends standing there. Bucky smiled unsurely, and Steve had his tie, wadded up and pressed against his eye. He has a bloody nose and a split lip.

"Steve! What happened?!" You opened the door wider to let the unusual best friends in.

"There was a jerk harassing some folks, and I told him to stop..." He sat down at the kitchen table and Bucky went to the kitchen.

You pulled the tie away and examined the black eye. "Why do you so this Steve?" You hummed as you used the rag Bucky had gotten you to clean him up.

"Well, no one else was going to do anything about it." He jutted his jaw out. As small as he was, you learned to accept his unchanging mindset. When he could help, he did.

"And what will your mother say?"

Steve glared at you. Bucky and he always came to you when Steve or Bucky got beat up. Their parents would get upset, but since they had a place to come and get fixed up they hadn't nearly gotten into as much trouble. And your parents weren't around enough to notice.

"We hope she doesn't find out." Bucky chuckled as he peeked into the oven.

"Close that door, Barnes! It won't cook if ya stick your nose in it." You got up and handed him the rag to finished with Steve as you looked at your pie.

"Fine, as long as we get a piece." He nudged Steve with his elbow.

"You won't ever get a piece if it doesn't cook." You said as you closed the door again.

Steve and Bucky stayed over till it was dark, enjoying the pie and each other's company.

"Well Steve, I think the swelling has gone down far enough to where your mother won't notice right off the bat." You stood and took the plates you ate the pie on back into the kitchen to be washed.

"Alright, thanks, doll, once again you're our savior." Bucky gave you a kiss on the cheek and grabbed their jackets from the hall. Leaving you and Steve alone.

"Do take care of yourself, Steve, I don't like seeing you hurt." You pulled him into a hug. You were only about two inches taller than him so it wasn't that big of a difference.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but I can't help it." He looked down away from your eyes. "Listen, about the school Christmas dance coming up, I was wondering, well I mean, I wanted to know-"

"Rogers! We gotta go. Your Ma is heading this way." Bucky voice came down the hall.

"Talk to me tomorrow Steve." You pushed him towards the door and towards Bucky. "You guys be safe."

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