Thor: Your Royal Highness

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Requested// after Ragnarok

Waking up inside your small tent you wormed your way out. As you stood you strapped your weapon back onto your hip as your surveyed the field.

Destruction and ruin, nothing of this beautiful land remained. The wind blew in your face, your hair whipping out around you. Your work here was done and the people of Thrall were free. And you could return back home.

• • •

You stood at the top of the hill, where Heimdall had sent you down here. You had been there for a while, calling out to him and trying to make him bring you back. But nothing.

You started to worry more and more, you had finished your work on the planet Thrall and wanted so badly to go home.

Just as you were about to yell for Heimdall again, a ship came shooting from the sky. Not huge, it appeared to be more like a scouting ship. Before it could see you, you dived into the foliage next to you hiding and watching the ship land close to 30 yards away.

You placed your hand on your magical gloves that gave your ability to blind your opponents for a time. And the other hand was placed on your sword.

Soon, the doors to the ship opened wide. Out stepped a woman, darker skin and wearing blue. Following her, a large rock monster, and the next person to step out made your heart stop. Loki.

The Asgard Prince had died last time you heard, you and Thor were heartbroken. The three of you grew up together, and you and Thor might have fallen in love but you all were lead to different paths. Out from behind Loki stood Thor himself. Except he was missing an eye and his hair had been cut short.

You stayed in hiding until your breathing had eased. Those boys out there had been raised alongside you, and one of them was supposed to be dead. How did they know you were here?

"Someone was calling Heimdall's name from this planet. He said (y/n) had been sent here to help the planet but they Asgard has not heard from her for some time." Thor stated as they walked farther out of the ship.

You stood from your spot and walked towards them. No one noticed you coming towards the group until the women pointed at you and said something to the others.

Loki and Thor turned to you, both looked completely shocked. And at the same tome bolted towards you.

"(Y/n)!! You're alive!" Thor's words hit you hard.

"Of course I'm alive you idjit!" You yelled as he swept you up in his arms in a large hug. After he put you down the most exciting thing happened next.

He kissed you.

Your heart raced, a very long time ago you and Thor couldn't keep away from each other. You had fallen hard for each other but Odin had forbidden it. Your lives were too different.

But now, here was Thor kissing you. In front of Loki and a few strangers. But that didn't stop you from kissing back.

He pulled away and smiled at you. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"Well, you're seeing me."

"Ahem? Brother, would you mind letting me say hello?" Loki's voice spoke from behind both of you.

Thor stepped aside, and there stood Loki. Tall, dark, and handsome. The way he would always be. "Hi (y/n)." You took a few steps forward and threw your fist into his nose.

The loud crack made everyone flinch slightly. But no one felt pity. "You, you lowly evil little creature. You made me believe you were dead? How are you alive?!"

You stood angrily as he held his nose. He put a small piece of magic and it healed itself quickly enough. "It was all part of the plan my dear."

"Bullshit, I missed you!" You leaped into his arms and hugged the life out of him. Not caring if you heard Thor mumbling about how he wanted a hug like that.

"This is amazing guys! But why didn't Heimdall just beam me up?"

They all shared a look and Thor began explaining what happened to Asgard. You couldn't say anything, so much had happened since you've been gone and part of you was grateful. But you also missed your home. But your friends were here. And they made anywhere a home.

They guided you back onto the pod and took you back to the main ship to see everyone else.

//Sorry it isn't long but I'm just trying to get back into the groove of writing. Hope you enjoyed it Bucky is next!//

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