Bucky: Barnes, Don't You Dare

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-August 20-

Bucky, Steve, and you are close to 21/22yrs old.

Walking down the sidewalk you came across the high school you went to and the memories of that place came back quickly, and the memories of meeting your best friends, Bucky and Steve.

You were a freshman, just moved to Brooklyn from Georgia. Your Pa had got a job up here in New York that blindsided the family and moved everyone.

You weren't looking forward to high school even more now that you were in a different state and knew nobody.

Searching for your classroom, you weren't looking where you were going and bumped right into someone.

"Oh my! I am so sorry." Your southern accent ringing loud and clear making you even more embarrassed.

The person you had bumped into was tall, brunette, and had the prettiest eyes you'd ever seen.

"No worries Doll, you look like you're lost." He voice was pleasant to listen too.

"Just a little, I'm looking for Mrs. Hartley's classroom." You smiled shyly at him and showed him the piece of paper the front desk had given you.

"I've got the same class as you. I'll walk ya, I'm Bucky." He stuck out his hand for you.

"(Y/n), a pleasure to meet ya Bucky." You smiled and followed him to class.

Once inside Bucky, he introduced you to his best friend. A smaller boy named Steve.

"Where are you from? Your accent certainly isn't from around here." Was Steve's first question as you sat down in between the two boys.

"Georgia, my family moved 'ere a week ago."

"So you're our very own Southern Belle?" Bucky asked making your turn your head towards him.

"I guess so, but I'm not sure as of what makes me y'all's" you raised an eyebrow.

"Oooh, sassy. Well Southern Belle, as to what makes you ours-"

"Mr. Barnes, I appreciate you trying to welcome our classmate but would you mind turning your attention up to the front?"

"Not at all, ma'am.
By lunch time, you and the boys were friends, already joking and making fun of each other. And of course, you did have a slight crush on Bucky but after you saw that he was a 'ladies man' even as a freshman, you tried to stop liking him in that context.

Finishing your walk past the high school you made your way to the little diner you always met Steve and Bucky at for breakfast.

"Hey, Steve." You said halfheartedly flopping into your seat at the diner.

"(Y/n)? You alright?" His worry carried through his voice.

"Just dandy Steve. Nothing to bother yourself with." Over the years your southern accent has slowly died down.

"Don't lie to me. You know I can tell when you do that and you weren't very convincing." He put down the newspaper he had been looking at and gave you his full attention.

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