Tony Stark: Remember to Eat

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//it has been a long time since I updated and this one is just one to let you guys know I'm still here 👌

Tony was locked in his lab, working on who knows what. He seemed to be working nonstop lately and you were starting to get worried. The rest of the Avengers noticed your increased concern about Tony and some thought it might've been you catching feelings for him, which in some cases it was kind of true but you already were in love with him.

Late one night, you got back from a mission and were in a simple way to put it not looking good. It had been a rough mission and you were covered in cuts and bruises. A black eye made it hard for you to see out of your left eye, so when you noticed the small animal by the jet you took mercy on it and brought it home with you.

You walked into the compound with the brown Labrador puppy in your arms asleep. Being so late everyone was off to bed already, and you trucked into your room and made a makeshift bed for the puppy. You headed to the kitchen to get a bowl of water for him.

You walked past the lab and saw Tony hunched over the desk working on something. Your mission had broke you psychically but seeing Tony like that made you lose it mentally. You busted into the lab and marched right up to him.

"Tony." You right hand was placed on your hip, but you left hand was dangling by your side, the wrist of twisted to the point of almost breaking but it somehow stopped from being broke.

"(Y/n), I don't have to for this-" his sentence stopped when his glanced towards you then back to his work, but quickly snapped back to you. "Shit! What happened to you?" He dropped his pencil and jumped to his feet taking steps towards you.

"It doesn't matter. The question is what's happened to you? You lock yourself in here 24/7 and you hardly eat or sleep. You're drained, and you're running on empty. You have to talk to us, or you have to remove yourself from this environment and get help."

"You don't understand (y/n), I can't sleep and all I can do to keep my mind sane is to keep working."

"Why can't you sleep Tony?"

"The nightmares! You don't get it do you? The things I've seen? They haunt me!" Tony threw his hands in the air and rubbed his tired eyes.

"We all have nightmares Tony, don't for a minute think you're the only dealing with dreams. You don't ever come to the sleeping wing anymore so you don't hear any of us waking up to screaming and sobbing." You reaches for his hand, he slowly took it. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that, but you've got to take care of yourself. Come on." You pulled him to the kitchen, and you hoped he didn't notice your right leg limping as you walked.

"(Y/n), what happened to you?" Tony took a seat at the island.

"The mission was tougher than I thought. I'm just beat up." You grabbed a bowl and filled it up with water, and started walking towards your room, Tony following close behind.

"Can you even lift your hands above your head?"

"Not really. It hurts but I can." You got to your door and opened it up and walked inside, leaving it open to Tony.

The puppy ran to your feet and did circles around you. You looked at Tony and his eyebrows were raised very high.

"I saved him, he's mine now." You gave the puppy the water and he began drinking right away.

"(Y/n), we're not really equipped to have a dog here..."

"Youre not making me get rid of him. End of story. Sit with him while I shower please." You turned away and headed towards your bathroom.

As you pealed your clothes off, you examined your body, a cut across your stomach will need to be bandage and maybe even stitches,but you quickly jumped in the shower despite of it.

After the shower you put on very loose clothing and grabbed a first aid from under your sink and walked into your bedroom to find Tony snuggling the puppy and whispering to it.

"Tony would you stitch me up?" You laid flat on the bed and handed him the kit. The puppy jumped off his lap and was licking your face.

"Stop it puppy, I'm all clean." You pushed the puppy away and he didn't seem to notice.

Tony lifted your shirt up and tsk tsk at the sight. The bruising and cut had got worse with the hot water.

"You can't just call the puppy, puppy all the time you know. You need to name him." Tony began to mend your skin.

"I'll name him Stitch. Since that's what you're doing." You grimaced as he tugged against you.

"Cheesy. But're done. Stay laying down. I'll turn off the lights." Tony got up and shut them off and crawled back into bed with you.

"Tony?" Your heart was beating a little faster. "What are you doing?"

"Stitch and I bonded, I can't just leave. Now be quiet. I'm going to try and sleep."

You felt him lay next to you and cuddle the dog and lay his arm around you. You smiled and you realized what just happened. The man you loved is in your bed.

• • •

Over the next month, all the avengers had grown to love Stitch. The next morning you got him shots, bedding, food, and all the puppy needs. The puppy was actually helping Tony more than anyone ever could.

The puppy would follow around him all the time. And when it was time to eat the puppy would yap until Tony fed him and himself. Tony would only sleep if the puppy was next to him, and occasionally you.

One late Sunday morning. You and Tony were the only ones in the compound and you were in the notching cooking breakfast. You heard the puppies foot steps as he charged into the room. You heard Tony's sleepy footsteps follow. You hadn't turned around so you were very surprised when you felt Tony hug you.


"Thank you."

"What do you mean?" You made the motion of turning around and Tony let you go to face him, then he tightened his grip on you again.

"For pulling me out of the hole I dig myself in." His lips were so close to yours, and that's all you could look at. No matter how much you tried to pull your eyes away you couldn't.

Tony noticed, and smirked. "Do you want to kiss me (y/n)?" He pulled you closer to him.

You couldn't answer, instead you mouth moved and no noise came out.

"Do you want to kiss me?"

Since you couldn't answer you let your body take control. You hands went behind his head and you pulled him into you. Your lips crashed into each other, starting slow but soon grew with passion.

Stitch yapped and made you pull apart.

"Thanks buddy. But you shouldn't see what else happens." Tony said as he turned off all the things you were cooking with. He grabbed your hands and pulled you to the bedroom.

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