Tony: Make Me pt2

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-by request-

You had won the internship contest and had secured a spot in working with Bruce and Tony personally. Which meant working at the Avengers Tower every day.

You would work with the Avengers in the day, and you would work the streets at night with very little sleep in between.

Last night was one of those nights where there was constantly someone in need and you had been running around the entire city all night. Needless to say, you were bone-dead tired.

Slumping into the elevator you hit the floor for the lab. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you took another sip of your liquid caffeine.

As the doors opened a few floors early, Steve was standing on the other side in workout clothes.

"Hey (Y/n), what happened to you?" He stepped inside and clicked a different floor.

"Thanks, Captain Tight-pants, that's what every girl wants to hear."

"Captain Tight-pants?" Steve mumbled an apology and turned to look a different way.

"Sorry 'Merica, I just had a rough nights sleep."

"It's alright, you shouldn't have to explain yourself to me-"


The doors opened to your floor and on the other side was a very impatient looking Tony.

"(Y/n)! There you are, what are you doing with America's Golden Boy?" His impatience turned quickly into confusion and what may have jealousy?

"Riding the elevator. What do you need Tony?" You stepped out and waved a goodbye at Steve.

"Fine, whatever. You need to come to the lab." He grabbed your wrist and tugged you away.

Entering into the lab you saw Bruce running something through JARVIS, Stark dragged you over to him.

"Bruce, I got her."

"(Y/n), good. You know we've been trying to track down Shockwave, we think we have a lead. You see, after every 'gift' she has left us, the criminals have always pointed in the same direction of her escape. We took a map of the city," Bruce clicked a button and the city came up with marks on all your recent hits. "All the points lead to this five-block radius. And you just so happen to live in that area. We need you to track her down the rest of the way."

That shocked you. The way they found you were incredible, but now you are in a pickle. "Why do you want to catch her?"

Your question must have startled them, why did they want to find you?

"She doesn't obey the law-"

"The people she stops aren't obeying the law. I for one, support her, you guys aren't out there every night trying to save the everyday people, she is. I'm not going to help you find her." You couldn't help then reveal your identity, sure you could lose your job but it was a risk you were willing.

"(Y/n), you gotta understand-"

"No, I'm sorry Tony. I ain't doing that." You turned from your spot and walked out the lab.

Tony turned to Bruce, "I told you that would be her response. She's either a friend of Shockwave or she is Shockwave."

"I hate to admit it, but I think you're right Tony." Bruce took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.

"Now, we have to prove it." Tony looked up to his AI. "JARVIS, Assemble the Avengers."

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