Bucky Barnes: Pains and Aches

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You were sneaking around the bushes, ready to level out the playing field. The Avengers team was infiltrating a HYDRA base and you and Wanda were covering the west side.

The plan was for Tony, Cap, and Thor to go to the east and push them all your way. Sam had air support and Barton was in the jet ready to get everyone out of there if the need calls for it. Natasha and Bruce had the north side and Scott and Peter had to watch the south exit.

"We're going in." Tony's voice came over the comms and then quieted. After a few moments of silence, the whole building began to shake and noise erupted from the walls.

HYDRA agents were outside running to the lake or to the vehicle compound to try and escape but unlucky for them, the Avengers were ready for that.

You and Wanda burst from the trees and bring mayhem to the party. You didn't have special powers like Wanda but you were amazing with a firearm. Not soon after the battle started did it finish, and you all rendezvous back at the jet. You and Wanda were the last ones to make it.

As you walked out of the tree line you saw your team settling in the jet. Who you cared about seeing though was Bucky, and he was putting his weapons away.

Wanda was walking in front of you when you heard the loud snap behind you. You whipped around to see what caused it, a HYDRA agent. You pulled out your sidearm and took aim, but the agent had more prep time than you and fired. The bullet was heading towards Wanda but by some miracle, you were able to step into it.

The bullet lodged itself into your abdomen, at the sound of everything the team looked out and saw what was happening. Wanda had turned around in enough time to catch you as you fell to the earth, more gunshots and plasmablasts could be heard but to you, they sounded like a thousand miles away.

You think you heard Bucky calling your name, or Wanda and her soft tears hitting your face, soon your vision was blurry and then all went black.

• • •

You woke in a hospital bed, the white walls hurting your eyes as you forced them open. You were alone in the bedroom, the only noise was the beeping of your monitors.

You pushed yourself up into a sitting position. Instantly monitors started blaring and pain erupted in your body. A nurse and Bucky came flying into your room, the nurse was checking the machines and Bucky forced you to lay back down flat.

"No sitting up (y/n). The shot punctured your lung just enough to send the rest of your body into a shock. Don't move around."

"Actually mister Barnes-"

"Sergeant." You said quietly to correct her.

She blushed and nodded. "Sergeant Barnes, that was a mechanical malfunction. Her body is healing faster than the normal rate and she should be released to you soon. But he is correct on not moving. You don't want to bust anything."

"Hear that Barnes? I'm getting better so I can whoop your ass in the ring."

"If you think I'm going to spar with you that's a new thing coming to you. No, I'm not."

Before you could continue you to argue the rest of the team walked in. Wanda showed an extreme amount of concern for you.

"Thank you for saving me (y/n), and thank you for waking up." She hugged you softly.

"Hey now, don't get mushy. I'll be right as rain in just a little bit."

After more conversation and badgering, the nurse shooed out the team and came back to your bedside. She added something to your IV and helped you get comfortable and you dozed off to sleep.

• • •

A month later, you were walking by yourself and breathing at night without a machine. Right now you were trying to sneak into the kitchen to eat ice cream. There are two reasons why you had to sneak, one the ice cream was Bucky's and two, it was a little past midnight.

You got to the end of the corridor and pressed yourself against the wall. No lights were on in the kitchen or the living room, the tower was completely quiet.

You inched forward and made your way to the freezer. Slowly you opened the door and pressed down on the switch that turned on the little light so that it wouldn't light up your face. Keeping the freezer dark you reached in for the ice cream and pulled it out slowly. Placing the ice cream on the counter you closed the door to the freezer and grabbed a spoon.

You sat at the island in the kitchen and started to spoon the deliciousness into your mouth. Before you could take a fourth bite a hand appeared on your shoulder.

You jumped and we're about to scream when a metal hand found its way to your mouth to muffle you.

"Quiet." Bucky's dark and husky voice said into your ear, leaving hot breathe down your neck.

He pulled his hand away and turned you around. "That's my ice cream."

"I know." You couldn't manage anything else.

"It's not nice to steal other people's food." He brought his face closer to yours.

"I k-know." You swallowed at the closeness of you two.

"Are you going to apologize and give it back?" He came closer. Almost to your lips.

"Probably not." You said just above a whisper.

"And what will you do if I take it back?" He couldn't come any closer without kissing you. And you desperately wanted him to kiss you.

"I don't know. I can't think right now." You placed your hands on his chest. You could feel the muscles become full of tension.

"Then don't think. Just do."

And with those words, nothing else was spoken. You moved the last little bit so that your lips touched. Your lips were cold from the ice cream but his lips were like fire.

You pulled him closer with hands on his jaw, his hands found your waist and held you close to him so that there was no space left between you.

Slowly you wrapped your legs around him and he lifted you from your seat. As he rose to carry you away you jerked your head backed and gasped in pain.

He immediately stopped moving, "What's wrong?" His voice was covered in concern.

"My lungs, I can't breathe heavily or move quickly. And just now it hurt like some stabbed me."

He was quiet for a moment then spoke. "I guess we'll have to wait till you're all better. But I don't mind. You're worth the wait."

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