Bruce Banner: I'm Coming Over pt2

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This is one is going to be short and sweet.

After having been sick for a whole week, you were finally on your feet again. The mission you had just finished with everyone was a rough one, everyone one had made it out but not without some scratches.

You had the worst of all, and because of that, you were on your way to see Bruce and get patched up.

After being sick, Bruce acted differently around you. More flirtatious and out there. He was always playing with those stupid glasses that made him look so good. And running his hand through his hair.

You slipped inside the door and saw Tony and Bruce working on something. Limping, due to a large cut on your leg, you made your way over to an empty table and flopped yourself on. The noise gained both the scientists attention and they both freaked out.

"(Y/n)! What happened?"

"(Y/l/n)! Don't get blood on anything!"

And now you can tell where their priorities lie. Bruce rushed over and Tony went back to work.

"Just a few bumps and bruises but Steve wouldn't let me go to bed without seeing you."

"Good thing he did, some of these need stitches." He helped you lie down and got to work. About 40mins later he shook your shoulder.

"Everything is done except for the one on your shoulder blade and your stomach. So I need you to take off your shirt."

"Hey! If you want some privacy just ask!" Tony called over to you two.

Bruce blushed and slowly sat up and ripped the shirt off over your head. Laying back down Bruce got to work.

You couldn't help but focus on the way his hands felt on you, even if they were sticking a needle through your skin. The warmth and comfort that came off them were perfect and you almost fell asleep.

"I'm done, would you like some help back to your room?" Bruce handed your shirt back to you. You nodded but didn't bother with the shirt since it was stained with blood and sweat. Bruce stood right next to you as he became your crutch.

All the way through the tower you had a silent battle with yourself. Trying to decide to tell him how you feel or to just stay friends.

Bruce opened the door to your room and lead you to the bed, he gently placed you down and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"You could kiss my lips instead you know Bruce." You took the jump, the leap, the chance, the risk, and you paused to watch Bruce.

He smiled and leaned down. Right before he placed a kiss on your lips he whispered something into your ears.

"I'll kiss you after our date. Like a true gentleman." Instead of your lips, he placed one on your cheek.

He stood slowly and smiled. Walking out of the room and leaving you wanting more than that. But now you were excited to have the date you've been wanting for years. And now, Bruce was yours. 

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