Tony: Make Me pt3

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// this hopefully will be the last in this little 'series'. I hope you have enjoyed them.//

Grabbing your suitcase from next to the door of your apartment you headed out. You had one more stop before heading over to Central City to see Barry.

Hopping in your car you headed towards Stark Tower.

Pulling up you hurried inside and started the trip to the lab. You quickly found your way into the lab where Bruce, Tony, Steve, and Natasha were.

Natasha had a bandage on her nose, and a giant bruise on her cheek. Probably from the sewage lid you'd thrown at her. The four were deep in conversation and didn't notice you walk in.

"Um excuse me?" You said loud enough for everyone to hear.

The group looked up, Bruce fixed his glasses, Tony smiled at you, and Steve nodded, and Natasha eyed you suspiciously.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here? It's your day off." Tony voice called over to you.

"Yeah, I know. I'm here to tell you that I'm taking the weekend off, my friend is in some trouble and I need to go see him for awhile. I came to let you know and grab a few things from my desk." You walked towards your desk and started to grab simple items.

"What friend? Maybe we could help." Nat asked. Obviously thinking you were talking about Shockwave.

"His name is Cisco, he's having trouble at work with some molecular timing. Not really something anyone can help with." You reached towards the end if your desk with your left arm and it instantly screamed at you.

If you remember, you were blasted by one of Tonys repulsers, and then you also shocked yourself in water. Your left arm had blisters and you tried not to use it much.

Everyone notice you hesitate with your arm, and now you had to make up some lie of they asked. But for a very mysterious reason, they all ignored it.

"Right well, I got my stuff. I'll be back on Monday, but if something comes up to keep me longer, I'll let you know." You headed towards the lab doors.

"Be safe (y/n), goodbye." Tony said as you crossed the threshold.

"I will. Bye, darling."

• • •

You ran inside the doors of StarLabs, "What up my fellow superheroes?!" You spread your arms out wide for a grand affect.

"(Y/n)! We didn't you tell us you were coming?!" Kaitlyn asked as she ran to give you a hug.

"Because that defeats the purpose of a surprise." You walked farther into the room, you did your 'secret handshake' with Cisco and hugged Barry. It was only the three of them this time, the rest of the team was somewhere else.

"What brings you hear?" Cisco asked after he went back to tinkering whatever.

"Well, I needed a place to stay for a while. NYC and the Avengers are getting hard to handle on my own. Especially after I got this." You lifted your sleeve to show them the wrapped up arm.

"Want me to take a look?" Kaitlyn asked pointing toward a different room.

You nodded, walking and jumped onto the hospital bed, you pulled off your t-shirt. You had a tank top underneath.

"How is it getting hard?" Barry questioned as he leaned up against the doorway. Cisco not far behind.

"Well, I've almost been caught quite a few times. Ironface gave me this burn on my arm, and since I work in the same room as Banner and Stark, it's been no sleep for (y/n) (y/l/n) and bad guys for Shockwave."

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