Tony: Make me

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-February 7-

You were running through the streets of downtown Brooklyn, pumping your legs hard, rushing towards the sounds of distress.

You were a vigilante, friends with Oliver Queen, and you knew Barry Allen. Both of their teams help you create your suit and your tech. Since Starling City and Central City had Oliver and Barry, together you decided New York needed more help. Outside the law.

Currently, you were running down a lead connected to Justin Hammer. A friend of yours, Tara, used to work for Justin as a P. A. She informed you that suspicious behavior from her boss as well as the companies bank accounts were not making sense. You had digged around deeper and found out the Justin was selling weapons to HYDRA.

You were on your way to a meeting with an informant who might have an idea of where to find the drop point when you saw several men, dressed in black suits force a woman back behind the warehouse you were meeting at. As sneaky as they thought they were, they were very bad at it.

You saw the woman's face, and you've guessed it, it was your contact. Which meant, that those guys must be HYDRA agents.

Continuing to run, you followed her screams for help. For it almost being midnight, and only a few people were on the streets you figured maybe one of them would've ventured into the ally to see if they could help. But of course, no one did.

Stoping just before you in countered the HYDRA agents you slipped on your mask. You had worn your vigilante clothes, a suit (which was secretly stolen from Black Widow herself), black leather fingerless gloves, and your mask. It was some sort of carbon forming plastic, Barry made it for you, Oliver had one also. The only difference was that instead of just covering your eyes, it covered your entire face. The materiel was completely see through on the inside, while the enemy and everyone else saw the color black.

You took a deep breath, rubbing your hands together, creating electricity, you stopped around the corner to face four agents. All armed.

Oh yeah, the electricity part? Yeah, you have super powers. You were hanging out with Iris West and Barry when the Particle Accelerator blew. It took a year for your powers to jump start but when they did, you knew you could help people. Your power, was electricity, you could touch people and shock them. And, if you concentrated hard enough, you could throw a ball a electricity. Kinda like a lightning ball.

Once you stepped out, only two of the four noticed you. The other two, one was holding your contacts arms above her head and the other had his pistol pressed against her forehead. It being a dark ally, no moon, and you wearing complete black and masking your face, it was hard to see.

"You know, it's not always nice to hurt people, karma's a bitch when it comes back around." You stated and slowly sauntered forward.

The first two agents turned towards you. "Well, if it isn't Shockwave, New York's vigilante, I would say more a copy cat." Agent number 1 spat. Then they both charged.

Agent 1 threw a punch towards your head and agent 2 dived for your legs. Luckily, their timing was terrible. You kicked agent 2 in the face and his descent towards your legs halted. While you kicked, your arms came up quickly and tossed the punch off. Tossing agent 1 off balance with all the power the wasted his back was turned towards you.

You gripped his arm and twisted behind him with your right hand, with the left you placed it on his neck and shocked him full of electricity. He screamed and sank to his knees, falling forward he hit his head on the ground and knocked himself out cold.

Agent 2 had risen from the ground and charged again. Throwing punches and kicks, keeping you occupied, and not giving you enough time to shock him as well.

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