Christmas #1 Loki: Mewling Quim Traditions?

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Grinning crazily to yourself, you dashed out of the elevator when it opened. You lept into the kitchen spinning around and yelled, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!"

Tony, Clint, Steve, and Nat were all in the kitchen. Tony looked at you doubtfully. "Actually (y/n), it's Christmas Eve. That's also why we're having a Christmas Party tonight, here, at the tower."

"But what about Santa? And presents? And cookies, and milk, and snow, and Christmas dinner, and games, and-"

"(y/n)! Slow down there pup. It's like you've never had a Christmas." Clint exclaimed lifting his hands up defensively.

Truth is you never have. You grew up in an unloving home and your parents couldn't care less about Christmas. "It's not like I've never had a Christmas..."

You hadn't told anyone this but some you joined the avengers this would be your first Christmas with them and you were hoping it to have the ideal Christmas. Presents, laughter, silly songs, and a Christmas dinner. Your best Christmas has been the past year, when you worked for SHIELD, they had a secret Santa and you ended up with a precious teddy bear. At least you thought it was precious. The person who got it probably forgot and grabbed something at the nearest store. But you had cherished it greatly because it wa your first Christmas gift that wasn't junk.

Even if they had no idea who they got it for.

"Party is at 7 (y/n), be ready, a lot of people have been invited." Tony stood and walked out of the room and headed toward the lab.

You looked down. Sighing to yourself you slumped your shoulders and headed off to the one person you know can make you smile. Loki

Once you were out of the room though, Natasha looked at the other two and all three nodded in agreement. Something was wrong and one of them had to figure it out.

• • •

You quietly knocked on Loki's door, you hear a soft 'Come in.' You opened the door to find Loki slipping a t-shirt over his perfect body.

Blushing you looked down at your feet.

"(y/n)? Are you all right?" His voice was laced with concern.

Loki had joined the team before you did but everyone was quicker to trust you than him. But slowly, you felt yourself fall for him.

"Yes, I'm just a little sad." You walked in closing the door still holding on to it and faced the door you leaned your head against it.

"Talk to me, my dear." He walked up behind you and wrapped his long arms around your waist. He burrows his face into your neck and you started to giggle.

"Lo-Loki, you-you know the-that tic-tic-tickles meee!" You pushed him away and instantly regretted it. You like having his arms around you. Even him tucking his face into you was comforting.

"It made you smile. It was worth it." Loki smirked at you and grabbed your hand and sat on the edge of his bed. "Tell me what's bothering you."

You loved him. You really did, he was always willing to talk to you about your problems and he even talked to you about some of his. He was always looking for things to do to brighten your day and even put up with your lame jokes and bad puns. You both loved to read together and attempt cooking. You were perfect for each other and you didn't know how to let him see that.

"It's Christmas. And I guess the more I think about it the sillier it is."

"What's Christmas?"

Startled you looked directly into his eyes, furrowing your own eyebrows. "You're kidding right? Weren't you here last year or the year before that?"

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