Sam: Have You Been Following Me?

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-July 3-

You went to work at the VA, Personal Counseling, that's what you did. You were late for a get-together with your coworkers and were rushing to get there.

After parking your car in Washington D. C. You ran inside while slipping into your heels. Rushing down the halls you felt a pair of eyes on you. Having a military background you paid attention to these things. While walking down the halls you surveyed the area without moving your head. You saw nothing.

Thinking you might just be paranoid so you pushed the thoughts out of your mind and continued on your way.

Slipping into the door and finding a spot next to an attractive looking man. Looks like he just got there too, he had dark skin and brown eyes. Plus a small gap in between the front teeth.

After exchanging small "hellos", learning his name was Sam and that he did group therapy with the veterans. Smiling at the new found friend, you turned your attention back to the front.

• • •

You were jogging along, music in your ears, and covered in sweat. The perfect way to spend an afternoon.

As you jogged you felt that same sense of being watched, glancing around, you never faulted in your speed and kept going.

You slowed down and leaned over onto your knees. Breathing deeply you stood and stretched, hands over your head turning in all directions.

After seeing only a few people also running, you breathed deeply and continued in your running. Something is wrong with me.

• • •

In your apartment you had your baggiest shirt on and a pair of shorts. A tub of your favorite ice cream next to you and Netflix at your fingertips.

Turning on your show, you slouched into your couch. And of course, the feeling of being watched came. You shifted ever so slightly to the edge of the couch. Where in between the pillows a pistol was stored.

Just as fast as the feeling came it was gone. Frustrated, you turned back to your show, but keeping the weapon close by.

• • •

You had just left the grocery store heading towards your car. Humming, you placed your groceries in the back seats, as you close the door you felt the same eyes watching you.

This has happened every day for the past week, when you went to work, when you worked out, when you at your house, when you hanging out with your girlfriends, and now, buying food.

You jumped quickly into your car and sped off.

• • •

You were taking you lunch break from work when Sam sat beside you on the park bench. You and Sam had hung out a few times around work. He seemed like a great guy.

"Hey, Sam, what're you doing here?"

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing." He sipped the drink he had in hand.

You raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue.

"I come here every Thursday for lunch. I saw you and got curious."

You nodded your head and you both were swept up in conversation. Learning about his military back ground, his best friend was best friends with his enemy, he had really good connections everywhere, and he knew the Avengers personally.

While questioning him about Captain America you got that feeling again. You stopped talking and looked around for anyone you might recognize.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Sam frowned at your sudden change in behavior.

"Yeah, it's just, every day for the past week now, I've been getting the feeling someone is watching me." You were still looking around.

Sam's frown deepened even further. He huffed and stood to look around. You turn to be confused.

"Sam?" You stood and gripped his arm. His head snapped back to you and smiled.

"Nothing, don't worry. That feeling is probably just some PTSD from being deployed. Give another few days."

You nodded. You had never thought that might've been it, a simple answer like that was easy to believe so you let yourself believe it.

Sam offered to walk you back to your car, accepting you headed the direction. Smiling once you got there you said goodbye and drove off back to work.

• • •

Running. An exercise that you hated. But you did it anyway, it reminded you of boot camp.

Pumping your legs you saw three men in front of you. A tall blonde, a broad brunette, and a smaller dark man. The blonde and brunette were super fast, running laps around their slower friend.

Jogging into the same loop all three were all going you pushed yourself to catch up to the slow one.

"On your left."

"On your right."

Both sentences were said within seconds of each other and right after the blonde and brunette flew past you.

Frowning, you came up beside the slow man and glanced to look at him.


You both looked at each other in surprise, and because neither of you was watching where you stepped you tripped over nothingness and both crashed to the ground.

Laughing you sat up. Sam was laying on his back breathing heavily. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing." You winked at him. "I'm running Sam. You should try it."

"Oh ha ha (y/n), you're very funny." He sat up and slowly stood.

"I know." You followed suit. Standing up and looking at each other you hadn't noticed the other men had just wandered up to you.

"Uh, Sam you alright?" The blonde asked.

"I'm fine Steve, we should be asking if you're alright (y/n), are you?" Sam turned his attention back to you.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm peachy." You smiled and then raised an eyebrow at Sam.

Realization struck soon after, "Oh right. (Y/n), this is Steve and Bucky." The blonde was Steve and the brunette was Bucky. "Steve, Barnes, this is (y/n), my co-worker."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Bucky stuck out his hand and you quickly accepted it.

"You're (y/n)? You mean the one Tony-ouff." Steve was elbowed in the gut by Bucky.

"What?" You raised a questioning eyebrow to all three.

"Ugh, nothing. Don't worry about it." Steve coughed again.

"Sam, you said you knew, and this Steve, that means Tony, YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWING ME?!" Slowly pieces clicked together. Sam knew the Avengers, Steve was the name to Captain America, Tony-well duh, Tony Stark, and Tony was a billionaire he could have hired people to follow you. It made sense in your head.

Sam blushed and looked down, Steve looked anywhere but you, and Bucky was laughing.

"No, (y/n), I have not been following you. I told Tony that there was this cute co-worker of mine at work that I wanted to ask out but didn't know if it was inappropriate. All he said was that he had it covered. Once you told me you felt like you were being followed I knew it was Tony and told him to stop."

"You want to ask me out?"

"That what you got out of that?" Sam smiled. "Tony freaking Stark following you for a week in a half and you zero in on that?"

"I know my priorities." You put your hand on your hips. "And if this goes somewhere, I'm sure I'll be meeting this Tony Stank soon."

"If you beat him up, make sure in there?" Bucky voiced.

"Of course, Tony needs to know stalking someone doesn't put you on great terms with them."

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