Chapter 29

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When we got everyone to the hotel we took the elevator up to room 522. I knocked anxious to see everyone. Sammy opened the door and before he could even say anything I jumped up and hug-hung on him. “Sammy!” I smiled. “Aye Kat. It’s only been a few days.” He laughed and hugged back. I looked around the room, Christian was sprawled out on a big chair, and Ian was sitting on the couch. Then I jumped down and hugged Christian, then Ian, and I looked around, “Guys, were is Daniel?” Then he popped around the corner with flowers. “I missed your face.” He laughed. “You’re so good with your words.” I laughed and hugged him for the flowers. “Who are they?” Christian laughed. “That’s Anne, Tylinn, Kale, Aubrielle, and Kevin.” I smiled. “Hey.” The boys all said at once. “Hey!” The girls laughed and giggled. “Hey.” Kevin said. “Alright,” I sighed, “this is Daniel.” I laughed and brought him over to my friends. “I’m Sammy, but apparently I’m not important enough to be introduced first.” He laughed and hugged the girls. “I’m Christian, the newly single one.” He smiled and shook there hands. “What?” I gasped. “I’ll tell you about it later.” He smiled. “I’m Ian, clearly the best looking one.” He winked and waved. “Well, these are my friends from Ottawa, and these are my friends from San Diego.” I smiled. “Well what do you guys want o do?” Christian smiled. “A lot of things.” Anne whispered to me. I cracked up, “We want to take you to this amazing restaurant. It’s called Baci Ristorante, it’s here in Clairmont.” Tylinn smiled. “Unless you don’t like Italian.” Kevin looked at Daniel. “Its fine, I’ll eat anything.” Daniel laughed. The boys grabbed their jackets and we squeezed into the van. 

When we got to Baci’s we all sat at this huge table. “My mom and dad used to take me here all the time when I was a kid.” I looked around the restaurant, remembering the smell of pastas and sauces. “Really?” Daniel raised his eyebrows. “Yeah, why?” I asked. “Its just different.” He shook his head. “Hey, can I help you guys?” A tiny waitress named Astrid came over and asked. “Yeah, what do you guys want to drink?” “Bring five cokes and four teas please.” I smiled. “Do you need a moment to check the menu out or do you know what you want?” She smiled. “We’ll need one minute.” Daniel smiled. “Okay I’ll be back with your drinks” She giggled. 

“So, have you guys met your opponents yet?” I smiled. “Yeah, they don’t seem too tough. I think it’ll be a good, fair match.” Sammy laughed. “Who are you wrestling?” Tylinn smiled. “Well, theres this senior named Bobby Claris, and those two are fighting Jared Timer and Dean Wells.” “I know Dean, I dated him my 8th grade year into my freshman year. For 16 months and we broke up because he had to move to Florida.” I smiled and tapped my fingers on the table. “I remember that!” Kevin laughed. “I do too.” Anne smiled. “You were excited to be dating a ‘scene boy’.” Kevin laughed. “How do you two know each other?” Daniel laughed. “He’s my friend.” I smiled. Kevin had a blank expression on his face and was gritting his teeth. “Yeah, we’re just friends.” He laughed. “Here you go.” The waitress set our drinks on the table.” “Thanks doll.” Ian winked. “Remember our first little date.” Daniel laughed. “Yeah, you took me to a party.” “And you showed me your dance moves.” He laughed. “I did aha.” I smiled. “That party was crazy.” He laughed. “You went to parties? Why don’t you go hard like you used to?” Anne laughed. “She used to go hard? Like party and rock and stuff?” “Yes I did. I used to scream for a band called ‘We Are The Wolves’, start fights, and beat people. I was a punk.” I laughed. “What? No way!” Sammy laughed. “Did you want me to get you some food?” Astrid laughed. “Can we just get two huge baskets of fries?” I laughed. “Sure thing Darling.” She smiled.

I spilled a little of my drink and I reached for the napkins. I touched hands with Kevin. I pulled the napkins back and let out a nervous laugh. “I’m so lucky I have you.” Daniel smiled. “Me too aha.” I smiled. “So does anyone else want to talk?” I smiled and looked at Kale who hadn’t said anything the entire time. “I um have to go.” Kevin got up fast and walked towards the hallway. “Kevin, no. Excuse me.” I got up and ran after him. I finally caught up to him in one of the hallways. 

“Why the hell did you bring me? Am I a joke to you?” He frowned. “No! What are you talking about?” I yelled. “You two, he’s saying all of this because he wants to torture me.” Kevin sat on the staircase. “No! He loves me, and I love him.” a tear ran down my cheek. I could tell his heart was flooded with sadness and his head was full of rage. “Whatever, I’m leaving. I don’t want to see you again or talk to you. Okay?” He looked at me. “No. That’s not okay.” I whispered. “Why? Do you like using me as your little puppet? Guys have emotions too, mine aren’t strings that you can just tug when ever you want!” He yelled not crying. “I don’t want to stop talking to you because I do like you. I love Daniel and I ‘m confused okay?” I cried. “No, I want you to make a decision, me or him.” He looked at me with the most serious look I’ve ever seen. “I pick,” another tear fell, “Daniel.” I looked at Kevin with sorrow. “Fine.” He grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug goodbye. “Goodbye.” He didn’t have an expression on  his face. Then he surprisingly kissed me. “Goodbye.” I whispered after him as he walked out. Everyone came around the corner. 

I felt something rush through my entire body and I had a sudden urge to chase after him. “Are you okay?” Everyone looked at me, and Daniel looked hurt. “Move.” I pushed past everyone. “Kevin wait!” I chased after him out the doors, and I scanned the parking lot for him. He was halfway across the parking lot, I ran out into the street. “Kevin wait! Its you.” I smiled right before I heard a pair of tires screeching across the pavement and taillights blinded me. I felt a snap in my back and neck, and then I heard a crunch noise in my head. I saw my lifeless body laying on the pavement, with my little brother and sister screaming at the top of their lungs, my friends collapsing on there knees and Sammy screaming. They ran up to my body and Sammy picked me up. “I NEED A HOSPITAL!” He screamed and cried. “Theres one right down the street. He picked my body up and set me in the back of the car. Ian and Christian jumped in. Sammy took me into the hospital and screamed, “I NEED HELP NOW!” and “SHE’S DYING!” A doctor took me into and emergency operating room and Sammy crashed into his knees and started crying. Ian and Christian  didn’t know what to do or say they sat there and shook and cried. Everyone in the hospital was watching them. Later the nurse came in and asked them questions about me. After a little while The rest of my friends came in and yelled for help. “What is it?” Ian asked. “Kevin and Daniel are fighting and its serious.”

They all ran outside and Daniel and Kevin were fighting dirty. “Its all your fault!” They yelled back and fourth bashing each others face in. Sammy ran in between them, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS IS F*CKING RIDICULOUS!” Sammy screamed louder than I’ve ever heard anyone scream before. “What!” Daniel yelled. “The love of your life was just hit by a f*cking car and your first thought was to get into a fight over her? You’re so selfish and dumb! You’re such a jerk to ever think of that!” Sammy screamed. “And you!” Sammy pointed to Kevin, “You knew Daniel and Kat were dating but you just had to come between the two of them with your little sob story! ‘Oh I loved you before you left’ blah blah blah! Come one! They were already happily together! Whats wrong with you man?” He screamed. “I’m so sick of this fighting, she's not some toy you can mess with! SHE COULD BE DEAD!” They both stopped fighting and looked at Sammy. Reality sunk in. “Ugh, I’m, uh.” They both stumbled on there words. Then Sammy walked into the hospital and sat by Ian, Christian, Anne, and Tylinn. By then Skylar had gotten a call from Aubrielle and they went home. 

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