Chapter 10

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When I woke up I couldn’t even stand, my stomach hurt so bad. I told Abigail, and she let me stay home. I called Daniel and told him that I wasn’t coming to school today he sighed and told me to get better. I smiled and started to edit our Tumblr video. Then Abigail left for work. When I finished our video, I sent it to Daniel and posted it on Tumblr and youtube.

After that I went upstairs and watched Awkward and Teen Wolf. Then after awhile I went on the computer, I checked my Tumblr. 38 re-blogs 57 likes, in about two hours. Boy, that escalated quickly. I went to Facebook, and I logged in. I know what you’re thinking, why the heck would you deactivate it just to log back on. I got curious. I looked at my old friends pages but something was weird. They didn’t have any recent pictures together. They didn’t post on each other’s walls at all. I wonder if I was glue. 

I check all my notifications and messages. It was my friends posting things on my wall saying how much they miss me and that I should hang in there because I have a strong personality. Blah blah blah, I hate when people feel sorry for me. My parents were murdered, theres nothing I can do. They’re dead and gone, and I can’t bring them back. 

I ate some Cool Ranch Doritos, with a Dr. Pepper. Not the best things to eat after being sick but I wanted them. I turned on Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. I laid down and covered myself up with a blanket. My eye lids got really heavy and I passed out.

I was in my old house again, but this time my room was a dull blue and the paint was chipping, and my bed was just a stained mattress on the floor. Everything looked like it had been abandoned for years. Then I heard a loud thud. *THUD THUNK THUD* It was as if someone had turned up the volume on the water droplets. 

I covered my ears but I could still feel the beat of the water dripping from the sink. I heard the most skin crawling scream. Then I heard the sound of a knife entering and exiting flesh. It felt like my ears were next to a speaker, blasting noises as loud as it could. I got goosebumps, and not the soft silly ones. The kind you get when you’re sick or terrified. I blinked and then I was in school. My school wasn’t normal, the red paint on the lockers were chipping. I walked into the lunch room and all my friends were pale and their faces were slightly sunken in. I walked over to my old friends.

Nick, Sarah, Paige, Anne, KT, and Ben. Now that I think of it my life was so different before I met those people. They were like family, I could talk to them about anything. They might’ve given me some bull, but they could understand.

Nick had long, layered hair that was usually straightened, & it was either dark red or black because he dyed it. He always wore band shirts with skinny jeans and his Nike high tops. He always listened to loud music, and made everything 10 times funnier then it was.

Sarah had super curly strawberry blonde hair, and super pretty green eyes but she always hid them with bright blue contacts. Whenever she talked to a boy she turned red her voice started to get high pitched and squeaked. She made me laugh everyday.

Paige was really short, and she had really pretty bright blue eyes. Her hair was blonde with black low lights. Once I told her that I liked the boy on the right infront of us and she said, “Boy on the right.” and thats all I heard before I turned around because I knew what she was going to do. She was really smart too, except for when it came to bread seeds.

Anne was the kind of girl that everyone likes. She was crazy smart, pretty, & she donated her time to the food pantry. She had shoulder length black hair and a dull but bright blue eyes. She always dressed nicely, even on her scrub days. I could tell Anne anything and she would make it better.

KT’s real name was Katie but we called her KT because she didn’t like it. She was freaking hilarious. No matter what she did she managed to make it funny. She had short curly brown hair, with greenish-brown eyes. She looked, sounded, and acted like a fifth grader. She was dorky but made everyone happy.

Ben was a exercise junky, he constantly worked out and was always moving. He watched what he ate, and when he ate junk food, he always worked it off. He’d always play hit me or the girls and he’d always apologize to us afterwards. Ben was mexican, so he had black hair and dark brown eyes. He had scars on his face because when he was little he was attacked by a dog.

We were family, and it was a great feeling. In our whole class there were only 40 of us give or take a few, but iLEAD classes were usually a smaller type of charter school anyways.

When I sat down by my old friends they looked worse close up. They had black rings around their eyes and their faces were cracked like chapped lips. “Are, are you guys okay?” I slowly asked. None of them said anything they just started breathing weirdly, making gasping noises. I felt a pain in the back of my neck, it was cold and felt like needles.

I blinked and I was in my new town, my new house, on the couch. I stood up and got light headed so I sat back down really fast. When I got up I yawned and walked over to the fridge it was still wednesday. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I laid back on our couch and my phone went off playing ‘Hell Above’ by Pierce The Veil. It was Daniel.

“Hello?” I said. “Hey Kat, I forgot to mention, um. Well the winter formal was coming up and I was wondering, if you,” *Clears throat* “wanted to go.” He chocked. “No.” I joked but tried to sound serious. “Oh, do you have other plans or do you just not want to go or...” “I’m just kidding. Of course I’m going, with you.” I laughed. “Right, right haha.” He nervously. “Well I gotta go.” I slipped. “Okay, um bye Kat.” He laughed. “Bye bye.” I laughed back. “I lo...” He stopped himself. “What?” “Nothing I didn’t say anything.” He tried to forget the statement. 

“Oh, ok well um, can I come over tomorrow?” I questioned. “Um sure, I’ll have to check with my parents. But I definitely want you to.” He yelled excitedly. I smiled. “You’re making me smile right now.” I laughed. “Good, I miss you boo.” My whole body shrunk in, and my lungs stopped dead in their tracks. My heart was beating, making every single pulse points pound with adrenaline. “I miss you too babe.” I smiled. “I hope I see you tomorrow.” I took comfort in his calm, gentle voice. “Bye.” He laughed. “Bye.” I hung up.

I went upstairs and walked into the exercise room. I turned on my Pierce The Veil/Of Mice & Men/Sleeping With Sirens play list, and turned on the treadmill. I ran until the adrenaline from Daniel calling me boo wore off. A little girly I know but, whatever.

When Abigail got home I ran up to her and hugged her tight. “Hi, Abigail. How was your day?” I smiled. “It was great, listen I need you to go upstairs so that I bring in your presents, okay?” Abigail smiled. “Okay!” I jumped up and ran upstairs. I laid on my bed thinking of all the wonderful things I could receive. I though about getting warped tour tickets. I thought about meeting my heroes. And just like that I was asleep.

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