Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Anne Houy

When I got home I went straight to my room to watch "The Kings of Summer." It's my favorite movie next to "As Cool As I Am." After I got about 15 minutes into the movie I heard a car pull in the driveway. It was Max. "Dinner!" Abigail screamed. I went down right away because at school I was too scared to eat my lunch in front of Daniel and his friends, so I was pretty much starved all day.

As soon as I sat down I would've rather looked like a pig in front of Daniel and his friends then eat Abigail's nasty vegan food. I looked up at Max's tan, skinny, mellow face, then into his grass green eyes with a sickened look on my face. He smirk then laughed a little.

"Can I get a pet?" "No." "Why not?" "They're messy." " I'd clean up aft..." "No."  "But why! I'd clean up after him!" "Allergies." "You guys are lame, okay?" I cleared my plate, ran up stairs and finished watching the movie. After that it was late so I went to bed.

I woke up around 3 a.m. to a loud whispering. At first I couldn't hear it, it sounded muffled. It was coming from the kitchen. When I got there I could hear it loud and clear. It was saying, "Using the fire beneath us, man puts and end to darkness." It kept saying it louder and louder. Little green beads inside purple capsules sat on the counter. Popped one, then two, and the voices stopped.

In the morning, Max asked me if I was okay. I must've woken him up last night. "You were kind of loud, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. That really pissed me off because he really didn't care. "Why do you care now?" "How do you mean?" "You never did care before." "I've always cared Kat?" "Well, you didn't show it very well." "Maybe not, but I did." I highly doubt he cared, but I was wasting both our time arguing. "Well, I gotta go." "Want me to drive you?" "Rather take the bus." "Want breakfast?" "No." "Well, if you need anything just tell me." I walked out the door. Beep-beep! The bus honked. 

I ran to the end of my drive way, almost tripping on branches and dying, then got on the bus. I walked to the back of the bus. I adjusted my clothes that had gotten all tangled while I ran. I was wearing my black crop top, my floral high waisted skirt, and of course my black Vans. I thought to myself school time, Daniel time.

After I'd checked myself out a couple times, I'd realized someone was sitting across from me. They were hard to make out considering the fact that they were looking out the window. They were obviously a he. He had dark hair. He turned around. Our eyes met, his eyes were so dark brown they were almost black. He looked familiar. 

"Hey," he smiled and pointed to himself, "Christian." Christian, that was his name. "Oh! Yeah, I remember." "I like your jacket." I said. "Thanks it's our schools varsity jacket, hence the blue and yellow." He laughed back. "Yeah, I kinda figured." I said. "I like your dress." He smilled. "It's not a dress, it's a shirt and a skirt." I showed him where they separate. "It's cute." He smiled his straight, white, no gapped smile. "Thank You!" I said. Okay, so don't get me wrong girls would die for Christian. He's gorgeous, super polite, and im sure he has a great bod, but I've got my eyes set on Daniel, and only Daniel.

When we got to school, Christian and I got off and walked up to the doors to be greeted by Daniel, Sammy, and Ian. I started to realize something, my friends were the hot dudes. I'm pretty sure every girl wanted to be where I am, and all I did was be myself. Thinking about that actually made my day.

Today was a gym day. I nearly died running the track. I'm not in shape. After gym I walked to the locker room. As I turned around the door, Grace and her friends were standing there.

"Hello, Katrina. It's been a while since we've talked." Grace devilishly smirked.


I replied. "Excuse me?" Grace dumbly responded. "Kat, I said Kat." I repeated. "Well, Kat, I'm sure your familiar with Daniel, my boyfriend? He's off limits." "He's not your boyfriend." I responded "Yes he is and besides don't bother, he doesn't date virgins." Grace smiled.

"What does being a virgin have anything to do with anything? And since when is it a bad thing to be one?" I cringed. "Well, the thing is, Daniel only likes girls who put out, and judging from your appearance, you're not worth the effort. Daniel is mine, ask anyone." I made eye contact with one of her friends, and she raised her eyebrows, slanted her mouth, and shrugged. "You're lying, why would he want to hang out with me, if he's with you?" I wrinkled my forhead. "He's just being nice, he's always been nice to all the newbies." 

Daniel walked around the corner and saw me, he walked closer and saw Grace and her friends aswell. "Grace, what are you doing?" He sighed. "I was just telling her to back off of you, of us." She put her hand on his neck. "Grace, there i.." She cut him off by kissing him.

No! I thought it over repeatedly. Grace and her toothpick friends sat there and watched me hoping they'd get a reaction, but I just sat there thinking about it. I had cornered myself in my own mind. Everything went black.

My mom was sitting next to me twirling my hair, my dad was making food and humming a sweet tune. He was making his famous cheesy omelet. The smell of the melting cheese made my mouth water. My skin tingled and sent chills up my back. Goosebumps. My mom came over by me and sat down, dad was following. They both hugged me tightly. "We love you, and we miss you so much Kat." My mother gently whispered into my ears. "My little girl your growing up so fast!" My dad rambled like he normally did. "You guys have no idea how much I've missed you, I have so much to tell you!" I felt like I was being ripped apart, I started to cry. "I missed you both an unbelievable amount." 

I broke down. My world was twisted in a knot, just like my stomach. I couldn't breathe, I thought my lungs collapsed. My heart felt like it had pounded out of my skin. My brain went through everything, trying to see if there was an explanation, but only solid walls and bottomless pits inside. 

Then there was a flash of light and all the pain stopped as I awoke. Daniel, Ian, Nurse Tania and Coach Broserge stood above me with a worried expression. At first things were kind of distorted, but I focused on Daniel and my vision regained it's strength.

"Kat? Are you all right?" Daniel worriedly questioned. As I stood up I nodded 'yes' then walked to the bathroom trying to ignore Daniel.

I was enraged, furious, and sad all at once. I felt like a time bomb. I really liked Daniel, but he's with Grace. I always do this to myself, fall way too fast for the wrong people. I had to completely redo my make-up, because I'd looked like a raccoon with my tears and eye liner smudged under my eyelids.

At lunch I went home. I had called Abigail and told her I started my period and didn't feel well. She came, no questions asked.

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