Chapter 3

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  • Dedikert til Sarah Thomas

When I got home I went upstairs to my room. Then I turned on the first season of 'American Horror Story' and saw Violet and Tate together, which just made me even more upset, so I fell asleep.

Then I felt a sting all over my back. As I looked up, I saw that the sun was up and there weren't any clouds out. I looked down and my skin was red and blistered. Then there was a gust of wind and a river of sand flew into my face, stinging and dehydrating my eyes and mouth. I moved my hand out of my jacket pocket and slowly covered my blistered face. As the wind died down, I raised my head, I felt something boney, warm, and furry underneath me. I looked down hesitantly. A camel was carrying me somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

Then I was sinking in crystal blue water. I tried to swim but the harder I tried the faster I sank. I stopped trying to get away, only for a moment or two, to think about what was happening. I was breathing but not through my nose or mouth, my lungs were just working. I was surrounded by darkness and black waves and I could see them as they engulfed my body. All I could think about was Daniel.

When I woke up, I was shaky and sweaty. I was still flustered. When I went down stairs, I grabbed two of my pills and got ready. Hair, make-up, & clothes. I walked down to the bus stop.

I was wearing my black tank top and my red and black flannel with my dark jean shorts, and my Vans. I noticed how long my hair was getting when it tickled my lower back. My old friends loved my long, straight, thick, artificial red hair.

When I got on the bus Christian was sitting alone which was a surprise, usually girls would be clustering him. So, I sat by him. Christian turned to me smiling an adorable sideways smile, his eyes squinted, he must've been laughing. He was wearing a black Drop Dead sweatshirt with his black skinny jean, and his black Nikes. When I turned to my right Sammy was there too.

"Ayee, Sammy!" I smiled. "Ayee, Kat." Sammy was wearing a grey long sleeve, black skinny's, and black Earl Sweatshirt shoes. "I'm glad that it happened, I mean it. Between us, I think there is something special and if I lose my mental just hold my hand even if you don't understand. Sammy looked at me with his head phones in and smiled. "I love Childish Gambino!" I smiled. He was dancing like a white kid, I was laughing so hard both Christian and Sammy started to laugh.

When we got to school I walked in and thought, it's Friday, breathe. I walked to Ian's locker and said, "Good morning!" I smiled. "Hey, what's up?" "Nothing really, I just feel were distant." "What are you talking about?" "We don't talk, even at lunch." I whined. "Well, we are now." Ian sarcastically said. I smiled and hugged him a long happy hug. While we were still hugging Daniel walked up.

"Hey Kat, can I talk to you real quick? Alone?" He sounded like he was either really tired or upset. "Yeah." I stopped hugging Ian, and walked over to Daniel.

"Yeah?" I questioned. "Listen, Grace..." "Wait," I interupted him, "I, I didn't know you and Grace were," "There isn't a Grace and I. There never was or will be a Grace and I." Daniel took his turn and interupted me, but I was happy. I smiled a little smile but I was screaming on the inside. I gave Daniel a big hug, I squeezed harder then when I hugged Ian. That was the best hug I'd ever had, not only because it was with Daniel, but because he squeezed back. For a moment our heart beats were in perfect rhythm. I felt electricity. Daniel looked down at me and smiled, I smiled back. Then the first bell rang.

As I walked into Mrs. Golaki's homeroom, Mrs. Golaki was leaving to get some papers from the printer. I saw the she-devil and cringed. "Hello, Katrina." Grace instigated "Kat. My names Kat. I've told you a thousand times." I blankly responded. "Oh, so can you do any tricks for us, Kat?" She was adding gasoline to the fire. 

Then I looked her right in the eyes, "Wanna see a trick?" I smiled. Her whole plastic posse started laughing, until I punched her right in her nose. She was bleeding slightly, with a shocked look on her no-longer a doe looking face. She stood up and shoved me hard in my chest, so I grabbed her by her dirty blonde curls and yanked, harder then I thought I could. She latched her perfectly manicured hands onto my straight, red, layered hair and pulled, hard. Then I removed one of my hands from her skull, and punched her in her gut. Grace fell on to her boney ass. When I looked down at my hands I had clumps of her hair in them. Honestly, I wish I would've done this rather then just thought it.

Then I realized class was starting so I sat down in he back of the room where I could contemplate the idea of beating the bull out of Grace.  Then someone sat by me, I didn't pay much attention to them at first. Then the lights went off, and the projector went on, just barely lighting the room. The stranger next to me passed me a note. I unfolded it and it read;

"Hey, can you make it the party tomorrow night?"

I pulled out my pen and wrote; 

"Yeah, but I need a ride."

Then the stranger wrote; 

"I can give you one, if you want?"

Then I smiled and wrote; 

"Yeah, I'd like that, but you'd have to pick me up at my window."

The stranger scribbled quicklyand wrote this; 

"Okay Juliet, I'll pick you up at 7:30, sound good?"

I was smiling and wrote; 

"Yeah :)"

Then I smiled at the stranger who wasn't a stranger anymore. Now I could see his face in the dim projector light. It was Daniel. I thought about Grace's words.

At lunch I sat in the seat closest to Daniel. "Aye Kat?" Christian asked. "Yeah?" "Why don't you eat lunch?" He sounded worried. "The food here's gross, and I'm not usually hungry." I lied. Almost every day after I got home from school, I pigged out because I felt malnourished.

"Oh, it's not that bad." Christian smirked. "Yeah, It's better then my mom's cooking!" Sammy joked. "I second that!" Ian laughed. I smirked and Daniel giggled.

When the last school bell rang I walked to the bus and sat in my normal spot, the back right seat. Then Christian plopped down next to me and pulled on a piece of my hair and laughed. "Your hair is red." I looked at him with a big smile. "Yeah, it is." "I like it, it's not like the rest of our blonde and brunette girls." "I'm the ONLY red head?" "Yeah, you haven't noticed?" "No, aha, I've been too distracted." "Ohh, I see." "Yeah." Then Christian put in his head phones and turned to me and smiled. "I know you see my girl, stop frontin', I can tell you're up to a little somethin'. Hold up. " Christian started to laugh. I smiled and joined in, "Over there lookin' all suspicious. Get a clue girl, don't be a mystery. I see you likin' on all my pictures of me and my bitch up in all of our business." "Awh, Kid Ink is life." I cut him off and smiled. We both started laughing. Then the bus got to my stop and I got off.

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