Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Ben Segovia

I told Abigail I was bored, so I went into the garage and went treasure hunting. I found a bike. It was old, but not rusty. The frame was light yellow with white handle bars and white seats. I picked it up and sat on it, the tires needed air, it was a little dirty and the chain was hanging off. So I pulled it up to Max’s air compressor. I had no idea what to do. I took the hose and put the end on the bike’s tire, then I switched it to on. There was a loud noise and I jumped. My tires filed up with air fast. Then I picked up the chain and put it around the light yellow sprocket. I accidentally pinched my finger, so I put it in my mouth. There was a really nasty taste, so I spat and when I looked at my finger I saw oil. So I ran in the house and brushed my teeth and washed my hands.

“Hey Abigail!” I yelled. “Yeah?” Abigail shouted back. “Is oil poisonous?” I asked as I was walking up the stairs towards the theater room. “Well, it depends.” She pause the movie. “On?” “How much did you eat?” “None, but I got it in my mouth.” “You’re fine, you might get a little sick, but nothing serious.”  “Okay.” I let out a sigh of relief. “Kat, why were you eating oil? You’re not a robot.” Abigail smiled and laughed. “It was an accident.” I smiled then ran to my room and put on my white shorts, my orange Aeropostale T-shirt, and my orange Converse. Then I ran out to the garage.

I got on my fixed yellow bike, and rode all over the street. My head was clear, but I couldn’t think. I was to distracted by nature. I just petaled and absorbed all the green.

I wonder what snows like. I remember one time in the middle of August in Wisconsin when the ground frosted over. It was like a billion little diamonds twinkling in the light of the moon. That was the closest I’ve ever come to seeing snow. 

Sometimes I miss my friends Nick, Anne, Paige, Sarah, KT, & Ben. We always had fun together. I remember this one time when we all sat together in this one room and just talked all day long. We were making jokes and having fun. I used to miss them so much, but then I think, I have a fresh start here.

HONK! HONK! I quick snapped out of my daydream and realized I had ridden out infront of a car. That car looked familiar. It was Max. “What are you doing Kat? You could’ve gotten yourself killed!” Max yelled. “Sorry Max. I just zoned out.” “Put your bike in the back and I’ll drive you home.” Max offered. “Okay.” I accepted. 

When we got home, I went upstairs and turned on my T.V. I watched the old episodes, they were crazy. I checked my phone, and saw 4 new texts and 1 missed call. The missed call was from a weird number so I just ignored it. I had messages from Ian, Sammy, Christian, and one from that weird number. They all said some form of hello. I said hi back to all of them. I fell asleep listening to music. 

I was as my old school eating lunch with my old friends and laughing. Then I went to my locker and pulled out my math book, my pink notebook, and my silver pencil. Thats when the police approached me. “Ms. Somerson, will you come with us back to the station?” The young cop asked. “Yeah.” I solemnly responded. In the back of my mind I knew that I was about to witness something terrible. However, my heart was pounding so loud I couldn’t think. I was walking down the hallway of the police station. 

‘I’ve got the whole world in front of me, I’m not letting go ‘til I say!’ ‘Let’s cheer to this’ by Sleeping With Sirens was my alarm. 8 days until christmas. I checked my phone, no new messages, I sighed. I wondered why the didn’t text me back. 

I got my black Sleeping with Sirens shirt and my yellow skinny jeans out. I turned on my hair straightener, lined up my make up in order of how I put them on, and put on deodorant. I straightened my hair, put on my make up and clothes. I walked to my garage and got out my yellow bike. I thought about how far my path would be. I put my bike back in the garage and walked to my bus stop.

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