Chapter 15

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A/N Hey readers! I know that there are only a few of you but you guys are amazing. Thank you so much for reading my story! Don't forget to vote, share, & comment your opinion! I love to hear feed back c: <3

“So, who’s this little guy?” I questioned. “My baby,” Adelaide paused to cough, “brother. He’s my little brother. His name is Matthew.” She fake grinned. We just started talking about Grace and her plastic posse. “What are their names?” I smiled. “Who?” “The other ones.” “Oh, haha. Um, so the one with dark brown curly hair and hazel eyes is Manny, the one with the blonde hair and brown eyes is Belle.” “Yeah.” “Tess is the dirty blond with bright blue eyes, and the last one is Emily, she has the black hair, is really tan, and has blue eyes.” Adelaide grunts.

“Why don’t they ever talk?” I asked. “I’m pretty sure its because Grace took their souls.” Adelaide laughed. “Why are they so terrible?” “She is probably threatened by you. Besides that she used to be really ugly.” Adelaide stated. “What!” I got over excited. “Yeah they used to call her ‘Hatchet-face Grace’.” Adelaide looked into the sky trying to remember the  times when Grace wasn’t so terrible.

“In like fifth grade, she started to change. Her acne cleared up and she started getting her hair and nails done. When everyone came back to sixth grade she was completely different. Everyone was stunned and amazed.” Adelaide wrinkled her face. “I didn’t know that.” I squinted my eyes. “Yeah. Fortunately for her, she started getting prettier while boys hormones started growing wilder. After a while, it seemed like all the boys had to respect her, and treat her like she was the monarch. Like she had them all under her spell.” Adelaide tried to sound creepy. “Succubus.” I laughed.

After a couple minutes Daniel came and we talked about how crazy it was that our teacher was dead. Besides that we all had an amazing day at the park. Before we all left Daniel played with Matthew, and I couldn’t stop smiling at how good he was with the baby. “Look how natural he is with the baby.” Adelaide kept complimenting. “I know, it’s like he's done this a million times.” I giggled. After a while it got dark and Adelaide took Matthew home.

“Do you want me to drive you home?” Daniel smiled. “I got my bike.” I sounded uncertain. “You can through it in the back.” Daniel smiled. I got lost in his amber brown eyes. The flecks of gold drove my mind crazy. I couldn’t help but smile. “Okay.” I had been dating him for a few days and its already felt like forever. 

When I got home Abigail pretty much ignored me and went straight into a hug with Daniel. “You’re just so handsome, its ridiculous.” She giggled. “He’s mine Abigail.” I taunted her touching her wedding ring. She mocked me. “Do you want me to make anything? I could make hot chocolate, tea, cappuccino. Whatever you want.” Daniel and I make eye contact and simultaneously shake our head no. “Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Abigail joked.

As we walked up the stairs to my room, Daniel asked me if Abigail was serious. “No. She’s just silly.” I smiled. Daniel jumped and plopped onto my bed. “Do you watch Adventure Time?” Daniel asked as he studied my Adventure Time shirt and belt. “Yeah, do you?” I smiled. “I heard it’s weird, but I’ve never actually watched it.” Daniel shrugged. “Do you want to?” I smiled. “Sure.” Daniel patted on the bed for me to join him on.

We watched Adventure Time until it was pitch black outside. "I better go, its late." Daniel got up and kissed me on my forehead. When he left I turned on the song 'Therapy' by All Time Low. I laid on my bed wondering what life would be like if it hadn't gone to garbage. I might've been with Kevin. I would've never of known Abigail, Max, Ian, Christian, Sammy, Adelaide, Daniel or GraceI would be living it up right now. 

I fell asleep.  I didn’t dream, which for once was nice. I didn’t feel like I was going to die  when I woke up. I laid in my bed with my eyes closed trying to relax, when I heard Abigail on the phone, “Are you sure?” She sounded unhappy. “I thought he was with his family this weekend.” “Maggie said he was there!” “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell.” I couldn’t hear most of what she said because she mumbled most of the time. 

I put my hair in a braid and slid into my over sized grey sweater and my black leggings. I put my grey booties on and walked down stairs. I plopped on the couch and stretched making a weird moaning noise. I turned on the t.v. and the news was on. The satellite was glitching. I looked outside and it was cloudy and raining. I walked upstairs and opened my sliding door. The smell and sound of rain was perfect. Abigail came up to my room and handed me my hazelnut coffee. 

“Rain.” Abigail smiled and rested her head on my door frame. “I love it.” I smiled back. “I was going to name my first daughter Rain. Spelled like the actual rain not like R-A-Y-N-E.” Abigail’s smile slid to a slight crack. “What happened?” I tried to lighten the situation. “Miscarriage.” Abigail’s voice cracked. We sat for a couple of minutes in silence just staring into space. Then she stood up straight and fake smiled, “I’ll be gone for the day, I have some errands to do.” She tried to sound happy. Then she left my room. 

I took my MacBook and turned on the song ‘Incredibly Still’ by Sombear. I sat in my chair looking out my door at the rain, thinking, sipping my perfect coffee. With the smell and sound of the rain, the taste of my coffee, and the chilled air from the outside creeping in everything felt perfect. I finally felt peace and relaxation. 

I sat like that for maybe an hour and a half, but it felt like six hours. Until my phone started ringing. It was a restricted call. “Hello?” “Hey, is this Kat?” A familiar voice crept through my bones. “Hi Kevin.” I sighed feeling those stupid feelings come back. “Kat, I need to talk to you.” “How’d you get my number Kevin?” “I found it. Anyway, do you have anywhere to stay?” He slightly stuttered. “Um, I don’t think so.” I questioned. “Um, well, my family owns the Motel down the street from the school. I told my dad you needed a place to stay, and he said you could stay in room 216.” He fumbled his words. “Listen, Kevin, I’ll stay in the hotel as long as my friends can stay in it with me.” “Ye, Yeah. Yes, definitely. Totally okay.” He spit out. 

After a while of talking he gave me directions to the hotel and the hotel’s desk phone number. “Do you remember the day in class when I was sharpening my pencil and you asked me a question and I looked at you and walked away?” “Yeah, why?” “Because I didn’t want you too feel like I hated you. I just got super nervous because I liked you.” I choked down the feelings. “Okay.” I swallowed. “Look, that was in the past. I don’t want things to get awkward. I’m over you.” “I have to call you back.” I whispered. I don’t know what hurt worse; realizing that the entire time I liked him, he liked me back or that he got over me.

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