Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Trystin because he whines too much CX

After a while we cheered each other up and went back to gossip. We painted our nails black, then we put a clear coat with purple sequins over it. We watched Adventure Time for a couple hours then I heard a car pull in the drive way. Abigail stumbled in sobbing, and looked coldly at Adelaide.

“Hey Kat, can I talk to you real quick?” Abigail motioned toward herself. “I know I should have asked, but I have to tell you something about Adelaide. She,” I tried to babble myself out of trouble. “Listen, Max was in a car accident. He slid off the small bridge nose first.” Abigail interrupted me. “Is he ok, was there anything messed up?” I worried. He broke 4 of his ribs, broke both his knees, and has a burn across his chest from the seat belt. If he wasn’t wearing his seat belt, he could’ve,” Abigail started to bawl, “if he wasn’t wearing his seat belt.” Abigail went to her room and closed the door. I didn’t hear from her the rest of the night.

When I was younger my family had a party at my aunt’s house. My aunt Stacey had just broken up with her boyfriend and was still a little teary. Her ex showed up at the party a little after everyone had a drink or two. Stacey saw him and started to get upset. She talked to the female adults about him for a while. Then he was about to leave and Stacey went over to him and talked with him for maybe half an hour. Then he left and gave Stacey her keys. Stacey came over and sat by me and we talked about her boy issues. My laptop was open and on Facebook and I was chatting with a boy I was going to go to homecoming with, while she was telling me about him. She smiled and said, “I shouldn’t be putting this on you.” Then she stopped crying. I remember she hugged me for like five minutes straight and left. Then I fell asleep. When I woke up and went back on Facebook and I was chatting with him again. My mom was sitting by my dad in a chair, my aunt Tina was sitting on the couch with her friend Anna. My aunt Jen and her boyfriend Andy were in Jen’s bedroom making the bed. 

My mom was scrolling though her mail, when she got a notification. It was from one of her friends who’s husband was an E.M.T. She read it to my dad, Jackson. It read, “Hey Lucy, my husband was on call last night, and I just thought I would inform you that they think they found Stacey’s body. My family’s immediate reaction was to call Stacey’s phone. No answer. We called countless times and left hundreds of voice mails. I was still on Facebook so I clicked on Stacey’s page to see if she had any recent statuses. No, not one. However I kept scrolling through her posts. There was one dated on that same date the year before, it read; “Happy birthday to my daughter Lindsey” 

My eyes flooded. A little while later we got a definite answer, it was the girl who had just only cried on my FFA t-shirt no less than 7 hours ago. My mind froze, I felt sick, and I couldn’t tell if I was in a dream or not. I remained calm until I heard what had happened. She had bad tires, she was going to get them fixed soon. The road she was driving on wasn’t paved very well. Stacey hit a bump and blew out her tire. She swerved and flipped her car. The top of her car smashed all the way down to the dashboard. Her neck was bent at an angle restricting her air flow. She suffocated. When my some of my family went down to the crash sight to pay there respects, they notice it was on the wrong way to her house, it was on the road to her ex’s house. The 3 months following that accident, I really didn’t feel normal. I still don’t.

When I woke up Adelaide had comforted Abigail, explained why she was at our house, & she even made breakfast. “Kat, your friend Adelaide is very good at cheering people up.” Abigail sniffled. “I know, she’s one of the best.” I smiled as I walked over to the blueberry pancakes and helped myself. 6 days until Christmas. 

After I ate I went upstairs with Adelaide so we could change. Since Adelaide forgot her clothes I gave her my grey sweatpants, & my yellow Spongebob shirt. “Rad.” Adelaide smiled. She went to the bathroom to change and I put on my grey Mac Miller top, my black yoga pants, & my grey slipper boots. When Adelaide came back her hair was in a braid. The way her hair was dyed it look so cool when it was braided. I gave her my black slipper boots.

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