Chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Thomas

A/N Sorry this chapter is a little short, but there is a lot that happens in this chapter and I added a little bit to the last chapter! Also I met this writer and he is insanely good at writing <3 You should read them Enjoy c:

On my way home it started to snow. It was very light but the flakes were huge. I kept staring at the ground, watching the trail my tires left in the fluffy snow. When I got home I went straight to my MacBook. I opened it and checked Facebook. The first thing in my newsfeed ‘Sammy Reed is in a relationship with Adelaide Montgomery.’ “Wow, that was fast.” I smirked. I turned on my Spotify and the first song that came on was ‘Bulletproof Love’ by Pierce The Veil. I started to smell the faint smell of burning. ‘Who barbecues in the winter?’I got tired and fell asleep.

I could only see black but my head and lungs hurt. My head was pounding and my lungs burned like an asthma attack. Then I could feel my heart start pulsing so hard that it was pounding my whole body. It was happening so fast and I couldn’t see, I started taking shorter and shorter breathes. I closed my eyes and took a breath really slow. Then I fell.

 When I woke up I was in somebody’s arms and the were running. My vision was blurry and my head hurt. I coughed a little then I felt someone set me on a bed. I heard doors closing and sirens starting. I felt a couple bumps and then an African American lady put a mask over my mouth. “Darling, everything is going to be all right. My name is LafawnDa.” She said soothingly while she ran her fingers through my hair. 

 “Am I being kidnapped?” I coughed. LafawnDa started laughing really hard. “Nuh-ugh, not today sweetheart. You’re on the way to the hospital honey.” She giggled. I smiled, “Oh, okay.” Then I blacked out occasionally coming to when we hit a bump. Then I opened my eyes as I was being lifted up, set down, and wheeled into the hospital. I could hear crying and laughing. I smelled the cleanness of the hospital. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Maya, Alex, and Marcus. 

In My Head - Watty Awards 2014Where stories live. Discover now