Part 4

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"OH no i plan to do worse things to you." I say in a voice that wasn't mine as i laugh and smile manically. Cassian worriedly takes a step back.

"Oh really now." He challenges.

"Yes so.. I would be careful about what you choose to say Lucian." I growl squeezing a little. his eyes widen.

"Go ahead do your worse either way whore tamlin is blaming the bastard here or the man whore whose bed you've been warming for months now." Lucian said spitting at cassian.

"Who said i wont tell tamlin it was me."

"He wont believe you cause i'll say it was rhysand and his circle."

"He will believe me because your not going to tell him about anything."

"Yeah right."

"If you do i will take the thing you need more than anything in this world."

"And that is." He said rolling his eyes.

"Elain." (140.)


"You can't we are mates."

"That didn't stop you and tamlin."

"I can't disobey him he's a high lord." I laugh getting off of him.

"I'm the high lady." I say taking off the glamour.

"Feyre do you know what you've done by doing that. you've broken the most sacred tradition." I sit on one of the tree stomps crossing my legs.

"Why should i care about a tradition were the man is better then the woman even though mated people are suppose to be equal." i say eyeing a nervous cassian.

"Feyre when this gets out you will have a target on your back for the rest of your life. you will always have to be on guard."

"I will have rhys to guard my back as i will always guard his." my eyes shot to Lucien as he sits beside me.

"What about when he dies." he says taking my marked hand.

"Who kills him better hope they get me at the same time because I will burn the world down raising only the night court out of the ashes and that person will see exactly i am fully capable of and hey will suffer for millennial's and then final i will kill them the same way they killed my beloved." I say. Cassian sits on the log beside me and pats my shoulder.

"Feyre that's no way to live."

"How do you suggest i live Lucien. With tamlin causes he's a great high lord he protects me and doesn't have people hunting him. WELL LET ME IN LIGHTEN YOU LUCIEN ONCE PEOPLE HEAR HYBERN'S SOLDIERS ARE COMING FROM THE SPRING COURT BECAUSE OF A DEAL HE MADE WITH TAMLIN. Tamlin wont only be hated by the night court he will be the enemy of almost every fae on this damn continent." I growl.

"Lucien do you know else they are going to hate. You because you didn't warn anyone and you didn't help stop him. I Won't have elain living like that."

"What do i need to do." He asked finally getting the point."

"You are my sweet friend are going to do nothing but give me every word that tamlin says."

"About hybern or rhysand." He asked.

"Everything whether you think it's of value of not. Understand"

"Yes my high lady."

"Good Now." I said hugging him.

"I Need you to go find tamlin. If he asks where i am at say im walking." I say walking towards cassian.

"What if he asks about cassian and what we discussed."

"Tell him cassian is an his way and tell him if asked that feyre wanted to him about with him privately at the manor." I say. He shakes his head as i go up to a laughing cassian and slap him. He falls on his butt Lucien laughs and goes back to the tavern. I grab cassians hand and pull him up.

"What was that for."

"What are you doing here." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him into the forest.

"A old friend of mine is here somewhere."

"What does she look like."

"She has red hair and blue eyes."

"Is she from the night court." I ask remembering the lady i talked to earlier."

"Yes her name is alexia."

"She talked to me for a minute then i sent her to see rhys with a message."

"So shes on her way to the house."


"Oh how i love you." He said kissing my cheek and hugging me.

"WOW. She must be important to you."

"She's important to all of us except mor they've never met." He said hugging me.

"Cassian i've got to ask you. how is he doing."

"I've been staying in the town house with him and it's not good. He screams for you at night. He yells that he loves you. He fills the house in darkness sometimes its bad enough mor has to go in to his room. but even then you can hear him crying and whispering your name while Mor comforts him but he's not slept a full night since you've left. If alexia is there though things should be a little better." Cassian says. i growl he smiles. 

"How exactly do you all know each other." I asked.

"Alexia is from the court of nightmares. She ran away and was wondering around till she entered the camp. A group of males got to her before anyone saw her. She held her own for weeks until finally they broke her. when they broke her they throw her in front of the house and left her there naked and broken beyond repair. it was only a few minutes later we heard screaming rhys and I went outside and saw her. The camp people laughed at her. i gave her my shirt and packed her into the house. we put her in my room and showed her the shower and gave her some food. After a few weeks she finally adjusted and realized we were there to be her friends and family. She told us what the males had done to her and she said she had never been that defenseless. She said she never wanted to be that way again. She then begged us to train her and to help her become a new person. so for two years we secretly trained her to be a warrior like us."

"Why secretly."

"Her family in the court of nightmares was looking for her. An we know what would happen to her if she was returned. The only problem though was that we begin to love he like a sister so she became our sister. Everything was fine until one day though."

"What happened."

"It was 55 years ago. The males from all those years came to the house demanding she be returned to them so she could be give to her family. The thing is though they gave up getting her back 100 years ago because she'd been missing for 150 years. But anyway they came to the door shouting and she answered it. I was right beside her. She was fit with flashbacks. she all of a sudden exploded with darkness and killed them all. everyone ran away from her. so she left after she keep receiving threats from the other villagers."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's ok we all heard that hybern had captured and killed her. so when i found the note i had to come see her."

"Well go back to the court and see her."
"What about you."

"I'm fine. go see her."

"Thanks my high lady he says hugging me. He then runs off.  

I turn back to the tavern to see a beast with gold eyes looking at me.

"Tamlin calm down." I Say as he ponces at me.

Comment thoughts and opinions ~ Clace9299

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