Part 3 (Rhysand)

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She was standing in front of me. I reached out and touched her silk skin. I brushed the hair out of her face and stroked her cheek. She kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand at my side.

"I've missed you." I said cupping her cheek.

"I've missed you to." She said kissing me. she pulled back and hugged me.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you to tamlin." She said pulling me closer. Then suddenly I was chained to a wall and Feyre had her arms around tamlin and was kissing him.

"FEYRE NOOO." I yell as she turns her back to me. Tamlin then pulls back from the kiss smiling. He looks in to my eyes as he lifts her chin and whispered in her ear. a few seconds later she turned to me.

"Don't not speak my name you cheap whore." She said smacking me.

"Feyre please stop this isn't you. You love me."

"Enough rhysand. I'm free of your mind control finally and I will never again be fooled under it again." She said as tamlin handed her the ash knife.

"Feyre please don't do this to us." I begged

"There is no us." She said driving the knife into my already broken heart.

(A few Minutes later)

My eyes shot open as I jerked up. I'm surrounded by darkness. Without thinking I reach for Feyre only to remember she's not there. I sigh and get up. I finish buttoning my tunic as Mor comes rushing in.

"Cassian's gone. He left you a note." She says handing me a note.

Dear Rhys,

I had to leave for a bit I'll return in a day or to. ~ Cassian.

I sighed and shook my head. I then turn to Mor.

"He's a big boy Mor."

"It's not me who's going crazy it's Nesta."

"Tell her he does this all the time."

"OK. Oh, and there is a visitor in the court of nightmares she says to tell you her name is alexia."

"No, It's got to be a mistake. There's no way it's her she's dead."

"Would you like her sent away."

"No tell the court I'll be there in 10." I said Mor nodded and winnowing away. I sigh at the empty room. As i walk out of my room i see azriel 

"There's a girl named alexia is in the court of nightmare." I say. He jerks towards me when he hears her name.

"I thought she was dead." He said.

"Come on let's go find out."

"What about Cassian."

"He's out of the city right now."

"Oh okay." He says.

"You ready."


"Let's go then."

"You might want to put some glamour on."

"Why." I asked.

"There are bags under your eyes and everyone knows tamlin has taken Feyre back so they are going to connect the dots and you know what that means for her." He said patting me on the shoulder. I nod my head and put one on. I then winnow down to the gate of the court. A few seconds later Azriel appears beside me. I walked in as Azriel walked behind me. I walked in the throne room and sat on the throne. Mor comes up beside me.

"Lead her in." I said. Mor nodded and walked out she returned a few minutes later with the feisty red head the only difference is the scar over her eye.

"Rhys my darling it's good to see you again." She said kissing my cheek.

"Alexia, Where have you been. I was in Amarantha's dungeon then once I was freed I heard about the wonderful and lethal Feyre and that my old and dearest friend and high lord had her as his personal toy. So, once I got here I went to your house and saw you going crazy with Amren over this woman so I go around town to hear that we wear attacked. Then as I'm about to enter the house to find out that tamlin had her and had taken her from you again. So, I left you a note which I guess Cassian's got. Since he's not here which is a pity. " She said she then kissed Azriel who laughed and pulled her against him. Mor's eyes flared in fury at her.

"It's been a while my friend." alexia said hugging him. She then looked at mor.

"Hello." She said pulling away from Azriel.

"Are you the fabulous Morrigan that's finally conquered the heart of the heartless Azriel." She said sticking her hand out to shake Mor's.

"Yes." Mor said deadly calm.

"nice." She said to Azriel after scan Mor's body from head to toe. She then came to me and sat on the arm of my throne.

"So, I went to the spring court and followed tamlin until earlier today he came to a tavern and a beautiful woman followed behind him. an of course as you know my powers sensed her glamour from a mile away and peeled it off and I saw the markings. So, I talked to her and she said to tell you."

"Go to him and tell him that I said I'm not getting paid nearly enough and that a shop in the rainbow maybe be enough along a lot of little red lace things." Alexia finished and I smiled thinking of the vision I sent Feyre before we were claimed to be mates. I laughed and wiped my cheeks. I then pushed her off the arm causing her to land with a thud. she got up with a huff at me and walked over to Azriel

"I would watch out for Mor when it comes to Azriel." I said.

"Why she get jealous easily." She said. She then ran a finger down Azriel's chest. Mor growled. Azriel laughed. Alexia then kissed Azriel's neck. I laughed at the sight of Mor's face turning red.

"Alexia I would stop."

"OK." She said licking Azriel's neck from the base to his chin. Mor let out a snarl and pounced for her. she didn't fight as Mor pinned her.

"Az. I think you've got a real winner."

"What." Mor said caught off guard.

"Honey, Az loves you more then life. I was seeing what you would do if anyone tried to take him. same thing im going to do to this Nesta when I see her and Cassian. I may do it to the high lady even."

"I would like to keep the court intact and not burnt to the ground so let's no." I said laughing as I thought of a mad Feyre.

"So, my darling high lord what are the plans about the high lady." she said smiling at me as she walked towards me like a jungle cat.

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