Chapter forty

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"Tiffany, the ladies for hair and makeup are coming in an hour for you and Ariana," Justin shouted from the living room.

Tonight is New Year's Eve and since we're going into the city for Justin's performance, he got Ari and I professionals to come do our hair and makeup.

I told him that we would do it ourselves but he insisted so that we wouldn't have to worry about anything.

I decided to wear a black, sequined, long sleeve dress that came about mid thigh. I put on nude tights since I would be freezing, and was going to wear black suede Steve Madden wedges.

"Ok, I'm changing now," I yelled since I was in the bed room. I put on my outfit after taking a quick body shower.

I went into my suitcase and started rummaging in it to find my shoes... Let's just say I began throwing everything out of my suitcase and all over the room to find them.

"What are you doing?" Justin asked looking at me with an amused look as he leaned on the door frame.

"I'm looking for my black wedges. I can't find them anywhere have you se- and they're in your hands," I said right when I turned my head to see Justin holding up my shoes.

"You do realize you put them outside of the room so you wouldn't forget them right?" Justin reminder me obviously having fun with this.

"Yes, I meant my other ones," I tried to play it off which didn't work.

"Sure you did," he replied as he handed them to me.

"Hush, don't you have to get ready?" I asked him questioning his attire which was basketball shorts and a hoodie.

"I'm a dude, I don't take three hours to curl one strand of hair," he said.

I grabbed the pillow that was closest to me and threw it at him. With my luck, he dodged it and started laughing as he walked back into the living room.

I kicked the door open with my leg since I was sitting down and was too lazy to get up and placed everything back neatly into the suitcase.

"Tiffany, Ariana, they're here," Justin's yelled. Well that was fast.

"Tell them all to come into our room," I told him and I flopped onto the bed.

I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Ariana to come to my room since both couples had separate hotel rooms. I opened the door to reveal two girls with huge boxes filled with makeup and hair stuff.

"Here, you can out your stuff in the bathroom," I told them making them nod and walk into the bathroom.

"Hey, hey, hey," Ariana sing songed walking into my room.

"Hey, you're ready to get all dolled up?" I asked focusing my attention to her and off my phone.

"Yes, let's go," Ariana replied pulling me off the bed from where I was sitting.

We went into the bathroom to find makeup and hair stuff all over the place. It was like a girly girl's dream. We both sat down and the women decided to start with our hair first.

"This is what you guys are wearing right?" One of the ladies asked both of us.

"Yup," I responded to and she heated up her curling and straightening iron.

"Ok, perfect," she said.

After about an hour and a half of hair and makeup they finally finished.

"Ready to see?" She asked me. I nodded.

She turned my chair so I was looking in the mirror which made me gasp slightly. The lady straighten my hair and made lose curls on the bottom which I immediately fell in love with. She did a some what smokey eye and what ever she did,made my eyes pop a lot which I loved. She added red lip stick to my lips for a finishing touch.

"Wow, I love it thank you so much," I told her.

"No problem," she relpliedas she started packing up her stuff. As she was doing that I turned to Ariana to see she was done too. Her hair was the kind when you curl it and you brush it out to get that soft curl. Her makeup was similar to mine and her green eyes looked amazing.

"You look hot," she complimented as she looked at me.

"Look at you, Chaz is going to be drooling," I said making her blush.

We walked out to find the boys all ready and Justin paying the ladies. Once Justin closed the door he looked around and stared at me with a face I couldn't read.

"What? You don't like it?" I asked him getting kinda nervous.

"You're flawless," he said as walked over to me and placed his hands on my waist as I put mine around his neck,"and you'll all mine."

"Yeah Tiffany you look really good and that's coming from me," Chaz stated looking at me in shock before going to compliment Ariana.

Justin started leaning in for a kiss when I stopped him.

"No, no, your waiting for tonight," I said turning around leaving him with his eyes widened making me laugh,"and plus my lipstick will smudge."

"You owe me so badly later," he stated pouting.

"Come on,let's getting going," Chaz said pulling both of us.

"Wait I need my bag," I said running to my room to grab my phone and purse. Note to self: never run in 6.5 inch heels because the pain in unreal.

"Ok, let's go," I said as I walked out the door with them.

We walked outside to find a car with tinted windows and Kenny waiting near it. We all got in it and he started driving to our destination.

New York City is so packed on New Year's Eve you wouldn't even believe it. It took forever to get there especially when there's teenage girls chasing the car and trying to get it open while we were stopped at a red light.

"This is crazy," I stated looking outside the window.

"Yeah, Kenny are we almost there?" Justin asked with his hand around my shoulder.

"Yeah, it's on the next block but we're going through the back so I have to go around," Kenny said.

"These girls are cr-," Chaz said as his door opened slightly and screams filled our ears.

Chaz and Justin were both trying to close the door when some girl grabbed Chaz and almost pulled him out of the car.

Thankfully Ariana and I pulled him back or he would've been on the streets right now. Chaz in New York City on New Year's Eve wouldn't be good..

When the light turned green the girls stepped back a little and Justin closed the door and held on to it.

"Kenny, lock it!!" He told him causing Kenny to press a button.

"I don't even know how that happened, they were locked two minutes ago," Kenny said as he continued to drive.

"Chaz are you ok?" I asked looking over at him.

"I almost died," he exaggerated looking straight forward with a straight face.

"But you didn't," Justin responded
shrugging jokingly.

"We're here," Kenny said stopping the car.

"I almost died," Chaz repeated.

"Come on, I'll get you food," Justin said making Chaz's eyes widen.

"Really??" He asked excitedly.

"Sure, now let's go!" Justin's said opening the door.

We went through the back and arrived in the dressing room for Justin.

"FOOD!" Chaz screamed like an idiot skipping to the snack table they had set up.

"And how are you dating him again?" I whispered over to Ariana who just had a smile on her face. She turned around and playfully smacked my arm as I help my arms up in defense.

"I'm pretty sure Miley's performing you wanna go watch?" Justin asked coming from behind me.

"YESS," I screamed like a happy two year old.

"Let's go. Ariana, Chaz you wanna go see miley?" Justin asked.

"There is food that I'm not leaving until it is in my stomach," Chaz replied stuffing his face.

"You two go I'll stay with him to make sure he doesn't choke," Ariana responded looking at Chaz.

"Okay-y, bye," I said as I pulled Justin out.

"Someone's excited," Justin laughed.

"Her album is perfect and so is she. I'm in love with her music," I replied as he led us to the VIP area.

"Not as perfect as you," he said kissing my temple making me blush slightly.

He opened the door to reveal Miley waiting for her turn to perform. When I saw her my mouth dropped. I can't believe Miley Cyrus is right there. Justin looked at me and shook his head while smiling.

"Come on I'll introduce you," he said pulling my hand as we walked towards her.

"Justin, what up," she greeted pulling him into a hug.

"Hey," he said hugging her back, "miley,this is my beautiful girlfriend Tiffany. She's a huge fan," he said introducing us. I probably looked like an idiot because I was still in shock making her laugh.

"Hi, I'm Miley," she said pulling me into a hug.

"Oh my God I'm a huge fan. I listen to your music almost everyday," I told her as we let go.

"I'm happy you like it. Your girlfriend is gorgeous Bieber, I approve," she said jokingly.

"Thank you, I know," he said hugging me from behind.

"Miley, you're on in five," a guy with a headset came to tell her.

"Ok thanks," she told him,"it's nice meeting you. I'll see you guys later," she said as she walked backstage.

"I just met Miley Cyrus," I fangirled once she was gone.

"Yes and you're dating Justin Bieber," he said.

"Yeah but it's Miley," I told him, turning my body so I was facing him.

"And what am I?" He asked fake hurt.

"You're Justin and I love you. Thank you," I told him for introducing me to her.

"Anything for my princess," he said kissing my head," come let's go watch."

We walked into a room which was filled with famous people watching the show. It was so different seeing all these people that I usually see on t.v and the internet right next to me.

We watched Miley perform and went back to his dressing room since he was going on soon.

"You ready?" I asked him as he changed in the bathroom of his changing room.

"Yeah. How do I look?" he asked me coming out and spinning around.

"Hot," I said pulling him in for a quick peck on the lips when there was a knock on the door.

"Justin, you're on next," the same guy said that we saw before.

"Thanks, I'm coming now," he said.

"Come on guys," I said telling Ariana and Chaz who were lounging on the couch. Justin took my hand as we started walking near the door to back stage to find Justin's dancers.

"Go to the room with everyone else to watch," he told me.

"Ok," I pecked him again on the lips for good luck,"kill it."

"Don't I always?" He smirked.

"Don't be too cocky, Bieber," I told him letting go.

"I love you," he yelled as Ariana pulled me to go to the VIP section.

"Love you too," I said as I turned around and the other two screamed good luck to Justin.

"Now, for the you've all been waiting for, is Justin- Bieber!!!" The host announced making my attention go towards the large screen. He performed 'Beauty and a Beat' and 'Boyfriend'.

You could tell how much he loved being up on stage. It's what he lived for. When he finished loud screams filled the air from outside and claps from the room. I clapped and screamed his name since I was so proud not realizing how loud I was and I found everyone looking at me.

"Sorry, boyfriend, yeah," I blushed pointing to the screen making everyone laugh. Well that was embarrassing.

"Nice going," I heard Justin whisper behind me.

"Shut up," I said smacking him not realizing it was him," oh my god you did amazing." I pulled him into a hug as he spun me around making everyone aw.

"Thank you, I thought of you the whole time I was up there," he told me as he put me down making a huge smile grow on my face.

"One minute guyss," Ariana squealed making me look at the screen. I turned around and looked at Justin and then back at the screen with everyone else.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW-" everyone screamed which I didnt even notice anything around me since Justin pulled me into a kiss immediantly when the clock ran out.

Our lips moved in sync and sparks flew every where. It seriously felt magical and I never wanted it to end.

"Get some bieber," I heard Miley yell making us break apart.

When I looked around I found everyone looking at us smiling making me blush. I hid my face in Justin's chest as he laughed.

"Happy New Years baby," he told me making me look up.

"Happy New Years Justin," I told him pulling him back into a passionate kiss. I looked around and see Chaz and Ariana making out. I continued kissing Justin and smiled through the kiss. I have a feeling this is going to be a good year.


Chapter end notes:

Queeeen miley everyone!!! Haha we love her.

Okay so this was kinda a short chapter but the next one will be a little more eventful ;)


I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Comment your thoughts or ideas below. Love you.

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