Chapter eight

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Justin's P.O.V.

What is wrong with me? I fucked up badly. Now she's never going to give me a chance. 'Ugh I hate my life' I thought to my self. Maybe I should go talk to her. Wait let her cool down first, I don't want to start a fight with her. I walked into my studio in the basement. Coming down here helps me think and I could express what I'm feeling by writing a song. I really don't know what to do, but I'm not giving up. I'm going to do everything and anything to make her fall in love with me. No matter what it takes.


I woke up the next morning in my recording room.Huh, I must of fallen asleep in here. I got up and walked upstairs towards the kitchen to reveal Chaz, Ryan, and Tiffany. Tiffany eyes looked red and puffy. Did I really make a girl cry? I'm such as ass. Shoot I have the VMA's tonight. I already asked Scooter and he said that they could come so I guess this is my chance to tell them.

"Morning,"Chaz said eating his cereal.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you guys the VMA's are tonight and Scooter said I could invite you guys," I said waiting for a response. Ryan and Chaz both high-fived each other. When they were about to speak, Tiffany interrupted them.

"I'm not going. I'd rather sit home then watch others praise you or give out stupid awards," Tiffany snapped.

"Well, you have too. Mom and dad kept me in charge so you're going," Chaz demanded.

"Ugh, I hate my life," Tiffany said storming out of the room. She looks so cute when she's mad.

Tiffany's P.O.V

First yesterday happened and now today I have to go to someone stupid award show. I guess it could be fun. I'm pretty sure Kendall is going, since she always goes to those so maybe she could introduce me to new people. Maybe tonight won't be as bad as I think it will. Wait what am I going to wear? I ran into my room and started rummaging

threw my closet as a voice interrupted me.

"Get out," I said to Justin as he was going threw the hangers.

"You should wear this," Justin said holding up a dress. It was a really tight purple dress that stopped around mid-thigh. It was really short and extreme skanky. I don't even know where he got that from, but I would never wear it.

"Justin, get out!" I screamed at him.

"I'll get out if you wear this," he said grinning.

"Bye Justin," I said directing him to the door and shutting the door on him. I continued to go through my clothes when I came across a perfect dress. It was a black, one shoulder, long sleeve dress. I picked out a pair of black Louboutins that went perfectly with my dress. I looked at the time, it was around 2 o'clock; I'm pretty sure the awards were at 8 so we would leave around 7. I grabbed my bag and texted Kendall to meet my at the nail salon. I went in the draw in the kitchen to reveal all the keys to Justin's cars. Idiot. Now which one to choose, or which would make him the most upset. I grabbed a pair of keys and making my way to his new turquoise Lamborghini. Ha, he's going to be so pissed. I put the keys into the engine and drove to the salon. When I got there I parked the car and walked inside where I saw Kendall.

"Hey, nice car," she said laughing.

"Yeah, I know," I said laughing too.

"Isn't he going to be really mad?" Kendall asked me.

"He'll get over it," I responded. I picked red nail polish and let the ladies get started. When we were done we walked over to the hair salon next store. They did my hair so the top was straightened at the top but turned into loose curls at the bottom. When we were done it was around 5:30 so we drove home since we would meet up again later. I walked into the door to a very mad Justin.

"You took my Lamborghini?!?" He questioned furiously.

"Yup," I said as if it was nothing.

"You could've asked me before taking it!" He exclaimed. Wow he's over reacting.

"Chill, it's a car," I said walking to my room.

" Yeah, MY car. You just had to take the new one right," I heard his voice say.

"Yup," I screamed out to him as I closed the door. I headed to my closet and carefully put on my dress. I put on my loubitons and sprayed perfume on my body. I then walked to the bathroom and took out my makeup bag. I put on a little cover up, mascara, and eyeliner. I applied red lipstick to my lips, matching my nails. I stared at my self in the mirror so I could see if I forgot anything. Not to seem conceited but I looked good. I walked down stairs to see Chaz, Ryan, and Justin all dressed up. Justin looked so hot oh my god. Ugh stop, forget about him. When they saw me all there mouths dropped open.

"Close your mouth boys," I told them smirking. We all walked outside to see a limo waiting for us. We piled in and some how I ended next to Justin. We arrived to the venue in about 20 minutes. When we got there we walked straight to the red carpet. It was flooded with reporters and fans screaming. As we got out of the car Justin took my hand. I look at him with a confused look as he mouthed 'just go with it'. I nodded very confused. We stopped in front of photographers as they started snapping pictures frantically.

"You look beautiful," he whispered into my ear making me blush in front of the cameras. When he saw this he kissed my cheek to create a cute picture. I'm going to kill him; people are going to think we're dating! When we were done posing for pictures we entered the venue.

"Ok spill. What was that?" I said with my hands crosses.

"Don't act like you don't love it," he said smirking.

"Justin," I said scolded.

"Fine, Scooter kinda told me that we have to fake date because of the picture the paparazzi got of us on the beach," he told me nervously.

"What?! When were you going to tell me this?" I asked him. You've got to be kidding me. They didn't even ask me.

"Well I was going to tell you when you got home but I kinda forgot," he said scratching is back.

"So I'm guessing there's no way I can get out of this," I was so annoyed.

"Nope," he said grinning, while popping out the 'p'. Great, just great.


Chapter end notes:

Thing are getting more intense haha. I hope you guys are enjoying the story!! Thanks !!!

He'll Never Know ( Justin Bieber Fan Fiction )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora