Chapter eleven

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Tiffany's P.O.V

Harry's been acting really weird lately. We've been dating for a week and he's always busy. At first I really didn't think about it, but now it's starting to worry me. We've all been hanging out, and when we called Harry to come he always had something. I don't want to sound like a clingy girlfriend or anything but I'm so confused. I even found out he was lying to me. A few days ago I texted him to see if he wanted to hang out and when I asked him he told me his sister was with him so he wanted to spend time with her. When I told the other boys they told me that his sister wasn't even in California. I didn't confront him about it since I really didn't want to start a fight. I am actually developing strong feelings for him. I woke up this morning in a really weird mood to get coffee. I got up, threw on shorts and a top, and walked out the door. I took one of Justin's cars, after asking him so he wouldn't get mad again, and drove to Starbucks. I got my self an iced caramel latte and headed out the door. It was around 3 and it was beautiful out so I decided to go for a walk. I walked down a few blocks and found a park. It reminded me of back home. If I said I missed it I could be lying. I'm actually kinda glad that they dragged me on this tour with them cause it's much better then staying home all summer. I was lost in my thoughts when I saw a couple holding hands. Then the boy pulled her towards her and kissed her sweetly. Aw, that's so cute. The boy looked very familiar so I walked closer to get a better glimpse. When I saw the boy's face my heart shattered into a million pieces. Why does this keep happening to me? I keep taking risks and in the end I have my heart broken. I was in tears at this point. I walked up to the boy and slapped him in the face.
"How could you? And to think that you loved me. Was this all a game to you? Just to see at the end who gets their? heart broken? Well I'm done. We're through Harry. Never talk to me again. I hate you," I spat at him. I'm guessing he didn't see me cause his facial expression was filled with surprise.
"Baby it's not what it looks like," he said letting go of the girl.
"Well it looks like you were sucking faces with another girl while you have a girlfriend. Wait, had a girlfriend. You're such an asshole, and I'm the idiot that fell for you. Don't even try calling me or anything cause I will never forget what you did," I said about to turn away, " wait I forgot something," I said as I poured my drink on him. Then I turned around and ran towards the direction of my car while tears spilled out of my eyes.
"Just let me explain," I heard Harry scream.
"Explain what? That you're a lying, cheating idiot?" I screamed as I ran faster. When I got to my car, I unlocked it and drove my way back to the house. I can't believe that just happened. At least I saw the real him. When I got in the drive way, I got out and unlocked the front door. As I opened the door, I saw all three boys in the kitchen eating pizza.
"Hey, why did you take so.. Oh my god! Tiffany what happened?" Justin said running towards me with a concerned face.
"H-he c-cheated on m-me," I managed to say in between sobs.
"What?!" I heard all boys scream at the same time.
"I w-was walking in the park when I saw a couple. When I looked closer I saw Harry kissing another girl," I told them as I continued I cry. I felt two reassuring arms wrap around me as I cried in Justin's chest.
"Who does he think he is?!" Chaz said obviously pissed. All the boys looked at each other and nodded. Just then Justin and Chaz left the house as Ryan tried to calm me down and tell me everything was going to be alright. I wish it would.

Justin's P.O.V

Who the hell does he think he is, cheating on Tiffany? When I saw her walk in my heart broke. Just seeing her in so much pain made me want to beat the shit out of who ever caused it. Right then I made a promise to myself that I would never let anyone hurt her. Chaz and I ran out of my house and drove to the park hoping that he didn't leave yet so we could teach him a lesson. When we got there we spotted him and ran towards him. As we reached him I punched him in the jaw.
"Ow man what was that for?"Harry said holding his jaw.
"What was that for? You cheated on Tiffany and now you're acting like it was nothing," I shouted at him.
"Stay out of this. Why do you care? She would never love you or go out with you for real. She obviously loves me. She'll be back begging me to take her back. Just watch," he said in a cocky tone. That set me off. I jumped on him and started beating the crap out of him. Everything he just said drove me crazy. How he said she would never love me;the way he was playing her. It all just drove me insane. After a few punches I felt arms pull me back.
"Dude calm down, you've punched him enough," he yelled relieving Harry, "If you don't stop he's going to end up in the hospital, and Scooter and half the crew will be pissed at you." I straightened my jacket and prepared to walk away. I didn't feel an ounce of guilt;he deserved it.
"If you ever come near my sister again, I swear you will end up in the hospital," Chaz told him after punching him right in the face causing him to fall back down. We walked back to the car and drove to my house. When we got there we found Tiffany asleep next to Ryan. She had tear stains on her cheeks indicating she was crying a lot. I felt so bad, he really hurt her and she was so fragile. I walked towards her and scooped her up in my arms. I carried her up to her room and lay her on her bed. I was about to leave when a arm held me back.
"Please stay with me," she pleaded. I nodded and laid down next to her. She scooted closer to me and laid her head on my chest. After a few minutes I heard soft breathing. She was asleep. She looked so peaceful and beautiful when she slept. At that point I knew I didn't just want her, I needed her to be mine. I think she still had feelings for me also. I couldn't let or trust anyone else with her. I knew what I had to do. I carefully adjusted my self so I wouldn't wake her and grabbed my phone.
'This just isn't working out between us. It's not you, it's me. I'm sorry, you deserve someone who loves you and cares for you, not someone who's heart belongs to someone else. 'I texted closing my phone. I know what you're thinking, what a douche move but it had to be done.
'So cliche Justin, but I understand,' she typed back.
'Wait so you're not mad?' I typed confused.
'Yeah I'm mad, but I kinda saw it coming. It's the way you look at her, I knew something was up,' she replied. Wow, that was easier then I thought.
'Oh ok. Friends?' I typed
'Yeah,' she responded and I closed my phone. Now how am I going to get Tiffany to to trust me? Just then it came to me. I have the perfect plan.


Chapter end notes:

Getting intense! Justin needs Tiffany. What will he do to get her? Thank for reading!!!

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