Chapter twenty six

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Tiffany's P.O.V

I woke up to a large crash which made me fling myself up. The usual. I turned next to me to see Justin who did the same. We both had confused faces and ran to the door. We walked into the living room to see Chaz and Louis staring at us with a guilty smile, obviously hiding something.

"Chaz, what did you do?" I scolded at him.

"What? I don't know what your talking about," he said scratching his head.

"We heard a loud crash. Spill," I said crossing my arms.

"I didn't hear anything. Louis did you hear anything?" He asked turning to Louis.

"Nope, nothing at all," he replied innocently looking back at him.

"Oh cool, so move over," I said, gesturing my arms in a motion. His hands were behind his back, and they were both standing in front of the TV.

"No," Chaz said trying to sound smart," I'm quite comfortable currently. How bout you Louis?"

"Same here. I don't have the energy to move," Louis responded fake yawning.

They were trying to act natural and were looking around. Just as they got distracted I pushed them apart to reveal the tv screen shattered. Anger built up in me as I turned on the balls on my feet to be facing the two idiots.

"WHAT DID YOU TWO DO??!" I screamed at them, making them jump.

"Ah well. We were kinda playing wii and Chaz and I were versing each other in golf so Chaz kinda got carried away and when it was his turn the remote flew out of him hands and cracked the tv," Louis explained nervously. As he was talking Chaz started slowly moving behind him trying to hide him self which of course didn't work. I walked over the the tv, grabbed a wii remote, and walked back to where Louis was standing and Chaz was hiding. I moved Louis and found Chaz closing his eyes and ears.

"This is why you put on the bracelet when you play," I said as if I was talking to a five year old. I was. Dry tempted to hit him but the remote was a little too harsh. I lunged forward and grabbed my iPhone charger and whipped him.

" That was also for waking me up. I told you I would get revenge..."

I threw the remote at his head and walked into the kitchen. Why would that retard shatter the tv? I guess our little scene woke everyone up because when I walked away I heard laughing. In the kitchen I grabbed an apple nonchalantly and started to eat. As I was chewing I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"You're hot when you're mad babe" Justin whispered in my ears seductively. That raspy voice drives me insane, in a good way. I giggled and spun around to face him.

"He just gets me so mad sometimes. He's such an idiot," I responded.

"It's ok. You being mad turns me on," he said with a wink causing me to hit his shoulder, "Well you're a feisty one today," he said pulling us closer.

I pushed him away and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. I walked immediately to my room, trying to avoid eye contact with Chaz just to worry him a little. I changed into a bathing suit and clothes and grabbed my bag for the beach. When I walked out I was embraced in a hug and Chaz kissing my cheek multiple times.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I sowwwwwy," he said in a baby voice.

"You're a two year old you know that right?" I asked him.

"Will you forgive me and not kill me?" He said.

"On one condition," I smirked making his eyes wide open.

"What condition?" he asked me suspiciously.

"You have to be my slave for the day," I said causing him to groan.

"Then you will forgive me?" He asked me.

"Yes," I said making him smile," now carry me," I said putting my arms out. He rolled his eyes and turned around so I would go on his back. Justin laughed and shook his head to my actions. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're just jealous," I joked as Chaz started walking towards the elevator causing.

"Not at all. I have Ryan," Justin said jumping on Ryan making them fall.

"Really dude," Ryan said flatly laying on the floor making me laugh. The four of us rode with Louis in one elevator, and the others rode in the next one since there was no room. We arrived at the beach, and Chaz threw me down into the sand.

"Idiot, now I have sand all over me," I said wiping the sand off my arm. I was about to get up when weight pushed me down.

"Justin get off," I said trying to push him off.

"Nah, I'm pretty comfortable," he said laying down on me. He ducked down and nuzzled his head in between my boobs. Horny ass. I squirmed my way out somehow and stood up just to be brought back
down by Justin hugging me.

"You're mine and only mine," he said pouting like a two year old.

"Justin let go," I said laughing at his foolishness. He just closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep. I looked up to see a few feet away from us eyes sending me a death stare.

"Selena is staring at us," I whispered low enough for just him to hear," and she's sending me a death stare."

"She's just jealous of how beautiful you are," he said pulling me into a kiss making my cheeks go red. What started as a kiss turned into a heated make out session. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth allowing him to push his tongue into my mouth. He explored my mouth, and I turned my head slightly so I could increase the depth.

When we parted I was startled to see Selena standing right next to us. I rolled my eyes and put my head down.

"Hi, guys," she said in her girly voice. Gosh her voice gives me head aches.

"Ugh I have a headache," I groaned without thinking.

"Here, take this," she said putting two advils in my hands. I smiled and thanked her as worry thought went threw my head. When she turned around I chucked them behind me without even looking causing the boys to laugh. I wasn't taking a chance with her. For all we know she would drug me if it meant getting rid of me.

"What's so funny?" She said in her peppy voice.

"Oh nothing, it's an inside joke," I said trying to break the ice. The other boys and Kendall arrived and Kendall immediately looked at me with a confused face when she spotted Selena.

"Excuse us," Kendall said pulling me up and far away from the group so they couldn't hear us.

"What is that slut doing her?!" Kendall asked.

(A/N: we don't actually hate Selena. We love her , she's perfect. This is just for the story. No hate.)

"I don't know. I think she followed us here. Justin and I were just walking one day and bumped into her. She has been stalking us ever since," I said holding my head.

"You ok?" She asked me.

"Yeah, her voice gives me headaches," I said rubbing my forehead.

"Tell me about it," she said rolling her eyes. We walked back to find Selena laughing and all the boys with straight faces. She's so annoying I can't even.

We spent most of the day on the beach till we got bored and went back to the room. I honestly didn't mind since that meant we didn't have to deal with Selena. We went back to the room, took showers, and changed. I threw on sweats and a tank and sat on the couch. A phone rang making me jump. I walked to it realizing it's Chaz.


Do I pick it up? Eh whatever. He's my brother. I picked up the phone and a female voice spoke through it.

"Hello is this Chaz Somers?"

"This is his sister,"

"Can you please tell him his pictures from his photo shoot are ready."

My eyes opened wide in shock.

"I'm sorry. Which modeling is this?" I asked curiously.

"He models for our sock brand," she said. I bit my lip to try to hold back my laughter.

"Oh yes I remember now. We are very proud of Chaz for his accomplishments of sock modeling."

"He's actually one of the best," she said confidently I couldn't help it. I put my hand over the speaker and laughed so hard," please inform him we are sending the pictures to his email."

"I will. Thankyou for calling."

"Anytime. Good day."

"Goodbye," I said closing the phone. I fell to the ground hysterical laughing at the thought of Chaz Somers being a sock model. How did I not know of this. Ha, I'm going to haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Babe, what are you doing on the floor?" Justin said standing over me confused.

"Chaz- sock model- pictures," I said in between laughs.

"Calm down," he said pulling me up. He walked me to the couch and placed me on his lap,"speak."

"I picked up Chaz's phone for him and it was this lady," I started to say.

"Oooh, that's my boy," Justin shouted.

"No it gets better. So I was talking to her and it turns out Chaz is a sock model," I told him. His eyes opened and a smile spread across his face.

"You're lying," he said looking at me.

"Nope she said it's sent to his email. Wait one second," I said getting up.

I walked to were I left the phone, grabbed it, and sat back on Justin's lap. I unlocked his phone and when straight to the email app. I opened it up and read some sock brand name. I opened it quickly and Justin and I looked through the pictures of Chaz. By the time we were done we couldn't breath because of how much we were laughing. Chaz walked in causing us to immediently stop. I threw the phone in Justin's hands who then threw it in mine till I just stuffed it in my shirt.

"Hey guys have you seen my phone?" Chaz said coming towards us confused.

"No I haven't seen it actually how bout you Justin?" I said turning my head towards Justin.

"Nope haven't seen it. Maybe it's in your bedroom," Justin said calmly.

Chaz nodded and walked towards his room. That boy believes anything. Once his door close I sprinted to were I found his phone at first and flopped my self on the couch.

"Nice save," he said as a smile formed on his lips.

"Shut up," I said smiling laughing.

"Never," he said pulling me in a tight hug.

"It's not in there. I thought I left it- wait there it is," Chaz said walking towards it. He grabbed it and quickly put it in his back pocket. That was close. As if on cue everyone came in a took different spots in the living room. There obviously wasn't enough room since there was a lot of us so Louis went to sit on Harry's lap. Before he sat Harry pushed him causing him to fall on his face.

"Not cool," Louis said standing up.

"Too bad this is my spot, I need my space," Harry said spreading his legs out making us laugh.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Kendall asked sitting on Zayn's lap.

"What are you guys in the mood to eat?" Niall asked.

"I say sushi," I replied quickly.

Justin whispered in my ear, "I'm in the mood for you."

I burst out laughing at that and playfully punched his arm at how perverted that boy could be. I then whispered in his ear, "Ew you're gross, but I think I like it." I then winked at him and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Yes let's go to among!!Chaz shouted excitedly.

"Then we should go to that sick teen club they have," Ryan added.

"That's not a bad idea actually," Niall agreed.

"I'm cool with that," Justin said ,"how bout you?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah let's go," I said.

We all got up and went to our separate rooms to change. I picked out a tight, lacy dark blue dress and a pair of black pumps. I put on the dress and curled the tips of my hair. I applied mascara and eyeliner to make my blue eyes pop. After I was done I placed on my heels and grabbed my bag. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Justin. When he saw me his jaw dropped making me blush like crazy.

"Wow you look amazing," he said coming closer to me. "Not that that surprises me."

He placed his lips on mine and placed his hands right bellow my butt making me jump slightly. He laughed without our lips breaking which made me smile too. He moved his hands placing one hand on my waist and one on my face.

"Aren't they cute together?" We were startled by Chaz's voice. As we broke apart we saw Chaz there holding the laptop so it showed us.

"Lovingthebiebs says you too should get it on and I agree," Chaz said standing there with a stupid grin on his face.

"Chaz what are you doing??" I said looking at him confused.

"Oh, just live streaming," he said as an evil smirk was grew on his face.

"I love you guys but Chaz you're an idiot," Justin talked to the computer.

"Ok they're cranky. I'm probably going to get hit for doing this but it's payback," Chaz said. When he was done he closed the screen. As he turned around me and Justin simultaneously slapped him on the head.

"Hey!" He said rubbing his head.

"Whatever happened to privacy?" I asked pushing him out of the door which just made him laugh. I turned around to see Justin all ready.

"So where were we," he said pulling us closer.

"I'm pretty sure we were just about to leave," I said teasing him. He groaned and walked out the door with me. We met up with everyone and went down stairs to the main lobby. This night is going to fun.


Author's note:

Okay well this wasn't the best chapter. It was supposed to be kinda funny and cute though. Okay so roller coaster is out THIS MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT. The moment we have all been waiting for. I'm so excited oh my god. Make sure you buy it. Love you guys and thanks for reading.

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