Chapter 27

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Cameron's POV

Lia and I decided to buy a house today. Our house is really huge and spacious. My parents helped pay for our house too.

The house included..

Six bedrooms
A finished basement
Four full bathrooms
One half bathroom
A kitchen
A living room
A dining room
A two car garage
..and an in-ground pool outside

The owners let us move in right away too!

I had the guys come over to Jack's house and my parent's house to help move since Lia can't lift anything heavy. We got moved in very quickly. It only took us four hours to move everything.

Lia and I went to Target to go get baby stuff for the baby. She made an entire list of everything that we need for the baby too.

List of baby things for the baby
•5 diaper packs
•6 wipe packs
•baby outfits (at least 15)
•a crib
•baby rings
•stuffed animals
•baby bottles (at least 5)
•sippy cups
•baby formula
•car seat
•baby carrier
•baby bag
•diaper changer
•a stroller
•diaper cream
•baby powder
•hand sanitizer
•first aid kit
•baby towels
•baby shampoo
•baby brush
•little pillows
•baby monitor
•baby bath

We spent about $2,500 on baby supplies. I took Lia out to lunch afterwards. I wanted to treat her to something before she has the baby.

"Can we invite the boys over for dinner tonight?" She questions. "Sure! How about we order pizza?" I suggest. "I like the sound of that." She smiles. "I love when you smile." I tell her. "I like when you smile too." She blushes. "You're beautiful, Lia." I admit. "And you're handsome." She winks. We finish up the rest of our dinner and head home to prepare for our dinner get together tonight.

Lia's POV

"Honey, I invited John over tonight as well. He's bringing Brianna." I smile. "Sounds good." He continues vacuuming the house. After tidying up the house, the guests start to come.

"Hey, Shawn!" I hug Shawn and then greet Malachi. "Hi, little Kai." I grab his little hand and I shake it slowly. "Liv!" I beam. "What's up, girl?" She goes in for a hug. "Everything's been good. The baby has been kicking hard lately." I rub my stomach. "She's due soon, right?" She questions. "Any day now."
I laugh. "I'm so excited for you guys. Kai Kai can't wait to have a new friend to play with." She points to Malachi. "I can't wait!" I smile before greeting everyone else.

"Who wanted pepperoni pizza?" Cameron asks everyone. "Taylor, Matt, Carter, Nash, Lia, Shawn, and I." Aaron replies. "Come and get it!"
Cam does a little dance that earns a laugh from everyone.

"Have any of you boys found any girls lately?" Jack asks. "I'm dating this blonde beauty from this cute diner downtown." Taylor smiled. "Tell us about her." Kimora perked up. "Her name is Lilly and she's majoring in cosmetology." Taylor blushed. "She sounds nice! Congrats, dude." Madelyn told him. "Thanks, guys." He thanks us.

"I'm dating Mahogany." Aaron pleasingly says. "Oh my God! Congratulations! I've always shipped you two together." I smile. "I've liked her since I was 15 and well.. I finally told her how I felt. She said that she felt the same so I asked her out." He tells us. "I'm so happy for you, Aaron." Carter tears up.

"Carter still hasn't moved on from Hailey." Nash laughs. "I love her, I'm sorry." He laughs. "She's mine." Cam gives him an evil glare. "I'm going to steal her away." Carter smirks. "Good luck with that." JJ laughs.

"John, how are things with you and Bri?" I change the subject. "We're about to hit 3 months of being together. I couldn't be more happy." He intertwined his fingers with hers. "He's such a gentleman." Brianna laughed. "You guys are so cute!" Kimora squealed. "So are you and Matt." Brianna winked. "Hey, I like her!" Kimora sits next to Brianna and they start to talk.

"Madison and I are getting married!" Jack jumps up. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Everyone yells. "Yes!" Madison jumped up and down while clapping her hands. "Congratulations! My big brother is getting married." I tear up. "My brother." JJ hugs Jack. "I'm so proud, man." Shawn pats him on the back.

As everyone is celebrating Madison and Jack's engagement announcement, I start to feel something dripping down my leg. I rush to the bathroom and I notice that my pants are wet. Then it hits me. My water broke...

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