Chapter 28

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I slowly and carefully made my way back out into the living room where everybody was. I tapped Cameron on the shoulder lightly and pulled him aside. He looked at me with questioned eyes as I told him what was happening.

"I hope you're ready to be a parent because the baby is coming." I straight out told him. "Oh my God! Let's go to the hospital right now!" Cameron panics. "I don't even feel pain, Cam.." I tell him. "What?" His eyes grow wide. "I feel no pain whatsoever, Cam." I chuckle. "Let's not rush to the hospital." I assure him and he nods.

"The baby's coming!" Cam starts to freak out. "Calm down, bro." Shawn tries to calm him down. "I'll go pack the hospital bag. Madison, I need you to tell the rest of the guys and Jack, I need you to start the car and to help keep Cameron calm." Olivia takes over while holding Malachi. Everyone nods and starts to do their assigned jobs.

We all get into our cars and head straight toward the hospital. The traffic is pretty bad so we all have to sit waiting in it. Cameron starts to get even more anxious and jumpy. "How you feeling, babe? Do I need to call an ambulance? Do we need to stop somewhere to get you medicine? Do you want to sleep on my lap?" Cam keeps asking. "Baby, I'm fine." I chuckle. "I'm sorry, Lia, I'm just so worried." He sighs. "It's okay, Cam. We will get through this." I stay positive.

We then arrive at the hospital where the doctors rush me into a room. They start hooking me up to machines and injecting needles into me. Only six people could be in the room at a time so I made Cam, Madison, Jack, Olivia, Shawn, and Matt stay in the room with me. Olivia gave Malachi to Kimora to hold on to for a while.

I started to feel contractions after a while. "Ouch! I'm in so much pain." I cry. "Now you know how I felt." Liv gave me a frown. "Jack, we're never having kids." Madison protests. "Why not?" Jack shrugged. "I ain't going through this shit." Madison took a sat by the window. "You'll change your mind once you see my niece." Jack chuckled.

"I've always wondered what being a girl felt like." Matt tells us. "It's horrible! Trust me, you don't want to be a girl." Madison crosses her arms. "Madison, you're just mad about having a period every month. Try pushing a kid out of your vagina." Liv laughed which made Madison's face turn red. "Like I've always wondered what goes on inside a girl's head. At the same time I'm glad that I'm a boy. Periods and pregnancies sound awful. Thank you, God for making me a boy." Matthew looked up at the ceiling and thanked God. "I'm just glad to be alive." Shawn giggled. "Same." Cam nudged him and Jack nodded toward them.

After countless hours of waiting and waiting.. it's finally time to push out our daughter. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" I yell at Cam who's telling me to keep pushing harder. "You wanted this." Cam sighed. "SHUT UP! DO NOT SPEAK!" I demand. "I'm sorry." He quickly apologizes before shutting up. A few more pushes later the baby is out.

We decided to name her "Kaitlyn Delilah-Charlotte Dallas". Madison and Liv helped pick out her middle names. Our little girl was so healthy and happy. Cam's face lit up when he saw her. She brought joy straight to his eyes. I'm so glad that we now have our own little happy family. Cameron and the boys are already starting to talk about Cam and I having more kids. My dream has always been three kids, but maybe we'll have more. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

"She's beautiful just like you." Cameron kisses my forehead. "She has your gorgeous eyes." I smirk. "And she's got your nose." He boops my nose lightly. "I love you, Smirky." I smirked. "We made a deal, Kitty. Remember the deal?" He sighed. "Deals off!" I press my lips onto his as I kiss them for a good minute or two. "Keep calling me Smirky, Kitty." He smirked before returning himself back to Kaitlyn. How did I get so lucky?

Author's Note
Next chapter will be the last chapter!!
It'll be a little prologue!
My next book will be titled "Falling For The Boy Next Door"
It'll be in Emery's POV
It'll go through a huge prologue in the beginning of the book (which will be about maybe less than 10 chapters). The rest of that book will be about Emery's life and a little bit about the rest of Cameron and Hailey's life.
I can't wait to write the next book!

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