I'm so sorry • *****

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Wish granted fam

I just...sigh... I don't know...

The mysterious man trekked through the cantina, his eyes downcast, the large hood of his black robe enwrapping his face in a dense shadow. He cut through the crowds and the thick smokey air to get to... him.

Jabba the Hutt. His obsession. His palms started sweating and he clenched his hands into tight fists, digging little crescents into his palms.

He watched Jabba from the edge of the crowd for a long moment. Watching him slurp down moon slugs. Each lick of his lips sent a shiver down his spine.

Eventually the man stepped out from the crowd and in front of the Hutt requesting an audience. The large creature shifted in it's seat, it's interestingly textured skin folding over itself, moving as he moved like the ocean at low tide, it was beautiful. He wanted to.. touch him. Feel his skin against his, feel it tremble against his fingertips.

The man got on his knee in front of him.

"Who are you, punk?" The Hutt said. The man looked up and gently pulled the hood off of his head revealing a ruggedly handsome face, half covered in shaggy brown hair. "Luna-pundi!" Jabba said in shock.

"Yes, it's me." Diego Luna said standing up slowly. "There is no where for you to run, no where that I will not follow you."

The mighty hutt seemed shaken. One of his guards stepped towards the human but Jabba stopped him.

"No, it's time to end this." He said in Huttese. "You may...do it..." The great hutt said reluctantly.

The man smiled happily and subtly wiped his palms on his pants. The crowd at the cantina seemed enwrapped in the scene unfurling in front of them.

The man stepped timidly towards the Hutt, it was like he was waiting for this moment his entire life.

And he was.

His hands connected with Jabba's textured skin. It felt like a moist paper bag wrapped around a glob of peanut butter.

It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever felt. Tears of joy sprung from his eyes. He finally knows.

Dammit he finally knows!

He wanted to scream it from the rooftops, sing it to the clouds, write a poem about it!!

Even though the man was eventually kicked out of the cantina, and is never allowed to be in the same star system as the infamous Hutt, it was still the happiest day of little Diego Luna's life.

The day his curiosity was finally quenched, the day he touched Jabba the Hutt.


Yeah..... I'm sorry. Again. I just find this meme so damn funny like holy hell. Sign me up for more of these Star Wars community memes. We need more. We only get em every once in a while but the ones we get everyone seems to know.
I just fucking love this community.

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