Binary • Finn

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Sorry for the long hiatus, school was getting super stressful. <3333

I pulled a card out of my pocket with the words 'I need you on the bridge' written in droid. I showed it to BB-8. He nodded and rolled over to Finn. He beeped the words to Finn and Finn's face lit up. Would he finally get one?!

"I need you to cross that bridge!" He said happily. I put my head in my hands and shook my head. "What?"

"I mean, you were kind of close." I said looking up at his disappointed face.

"What was it really?" He asked.

"Try again, repeat it BB-8." I said.

The droid repeated it and Finn thought for a second.

"I... Need you...on the bridge??" Finn asked unsure.

"Yeah!" I yelled raising my hand to give him a high five. He high fived me and laughed. "Nice job Finn." I said. "Try this one." I said. Pulling the card out of my pocket and showed it to BB-8. He recited it in Binary.

"We need reinforcements on the east side." Finn said translating it perfectly. My eyes widened.

"Finn?! What the fuck!?" I yelled standing up. He laughed so hard he rolled onto his back. "How'd you do that!? You don't even know the word for east!"

"I-can-read-droid." He said between laughs.

"You've been pretending the whole time!?" I asked. He just nodded, laughing too hard to speak.

"You fucking prick!!" I yelled breaking into laughter. We both laughed for a while then calmed down.

I sat back on the ground across from Finn.

"Why would you pretend not to understand?" I asked.

"I wasn't pretending not to understand. I was just pretending I didn't know, I have no idea what this ball of bolts is saying most of the time. BB-8 beeped with angry offense at Finn. "See, no idea." Finn said. I laughed and pulled BB-8 towards me.

"Yeah but why?" I asked.

"You don't hang out with me outside of this..." He said trailing off. My smile dropped.

"Finn, if you wanted to hang out you could've just asked me." I said.

"I know." He said looking down at his hands.

"Hey dude, it's fine, we're just gonna have to keep what I'm telling Double B to say a secret." I said shaking BB-8 with the arm I had wrapped around him. BB-8 beeped in agreement.

"Damn" Finn said snapping his fingers.

"You're an idiot." I said shaking my head. "How do you know how to read droid, but you don't understand binary?" I asked.

"All I can say is the First Order is weird." He said shaking his head.

"You can say that again." I joked. He opened his mouth to actually say it again. "But don't, it's a figure of speech." I said. "Why do you want to hang out with me anyway? I'm super boring, especially compared to your best friend Poe Dameron." I said.

"Poe Dameron isn't as pretty as you." He said smiling. I camouflaged my blush behind a smile. 

"I don't know, Poe's..." I trailed off and made the 'perfect' symbol with my hand. "And he's got this little guy." I said drumming my fingers on BB-8's body and looking at him.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my cheek and lips on mine. BB-8 beeped an excited 'FINALLY'. I pulled away in shock. 

"Did you mean to do that?" I asked disbelievingly. He laughed.

"Of course I did." He said pushing his lips to mine again. I kissed him back after a moment, hearing BB-8 roll in a small happy circle next to me.

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