Translation • Kylo Ren

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"No chuba da wanga, da wanga!" 'no not that one, that one!' I yelled getting frustrated pointing to the tool I wanted.

"Tagwa! Dis wanga!" 'Yeah! this one!' He said insisting it was the tool I obviously wasn't pointing to.

"Chut Chut!" 'nevermind' I yelled jumping out of the hole I was in and grabbing the tool I wanted and held it up for him to see. "Aaahhh" He said smiling and pointing at him. I slapped him on the head and he flinched in pain.

"Beeogola Nechaska" 'Stupid little princess' He muttered. I knocked him on the head with the wrench in my hand.

"I'm not a princess." I said switching to basic in my thick accent.

"You're the princess of the crime world." He said winking. "Everyone's saying it."

"Ohta su marvalic plesodoro" 'Let them marvel at my splendor' I said jokingly extending my arms like I'm showing off my body.

A man suddenly burst into the room, wearing an all black outfit of robes and a full head mask. Very excentric, I liked it.

I smiled at the man contrasting his aggresive and unpleasent demeanor. I swung the heavy wrench onto my shoulder and shifted my weight to my left hip casually.

"H'chu apenkee" 'Greetings.' I said pleasently.

"Hi chuba da naga?" 'What do you want?' Hyrem said unpleasently. I kicked him subtly in the shin.

"I don't speak that." He said sternly, his voice distorted by the mask.

"Sorry, I just said hi and Hyrem just asked what you wanted." I translated.

"I need you to kill someone for me." He said hesitating slightly. It made me a bit uncomfortable that I couldn't see his face and read it.

"Take off your helmet and I'll make a deal with you." I said.

"No" He said sternly.

"Alright then." I said, jumping down into the hole and went to work tightening a bolt.

"No" he said in his distorted voice, I rolled my eyes and kept tightening the bolt. "No" He repeated, but his voice had changed, the distortion was gone. I looked up from my work and turned around to see him without his mask.

He was handsome, to say the least. He had long wavy black hair and the palest skin I had ever seen.

"Alright, I'll listen. Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Kylo Ren."

Hyrem stood up and pointed his blaster at Kylo. Kylo whipped out a small black cylinder with cross guards, a lightsaber. He activated it and held it out in front of him, debating whether to be defensive or offensive.

"Hey hey hey!" I yelled pulling myself out of the hole and putting myself in between them. I turned to Hyrem and glared at him. "Coo ya maya stupa!!" 'You weak-minded fool!!' I spat. He was taken aback a bit offended.

I turned back to Kylo and smiled remaining civil.

"Sorry, hes an idiot." I said. He clenched his jaw. "Now who do you want dead?" I asked.


"And Killee means to kill" I said, my legs drapped over Kylo's legs, his hands on my knees rubbing lines on them with his thumb, my fingers playing with his soft hair.

"Killee" He said feeling the forein word in his mouth, I had to supress laughter because his accent was so bad.

"Das mah bukee!" 'that's my boy!' I said kissing his cheek. His hand caught my face before I could pull away and he pulled my lips to his. He pulled me onto his lap and pulled me tight to him.

We made out for a while before he pulled away and held my face, meeting my eyes.

"Bargon yanah coto da eetha." 'You're the best.' He said a slight smiling playing on his lips. I gasped and hit him on the arm.

"Koochoo!" 'idiot' I yelled. "What else are you hiding from me!?!"

He laughed and pushed a stray hair out of my face.

"You're so beautiful." He said changing the subject. I ignored it but rolled my eyes.

"Koochoo means idiot." I said twirling a piece of his hair between my fingers.

"I knew that!" He lied.

"Sure thing babe." I said kissing his jaw tenderly. "Anything else you have in that smart little head of yours?" I asked kissing his jaw again.

"Uma ji muna" 'I love you' He said softly. I paused and smiled widely, resting my forehead on the side of his head.

"Uma Ji muna doo." 'I love you too' I said.

He pushed my face up to his and we went back to kissing.


So yeah, I wanted to learn some Huttese bc it sounds cool and it's the language of criminals in the Star Wars universe. So I did. I'm getting pretty good, by the end I wasn't even using the wiki page.

Wow I'm such trash. I need help ;-;

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