Kylo Ren• Punk AU

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This is a picture of me with a Tie fighter pilot at free comic book today. It made my week, he was so sweet and we talked about episode VIII theories for like 20 minutes.


Requested by @verbeia <33

I stood in the corner of the dark room, more watching the moshers than the band. The band was just playing pretty generic angry punk, nothing that special.

They were called the Knights of Ren, according to the kick drum, and they had some weird thing with painted Hockey masks that covered their faces. The lead singer's was painted black with intricate silver tribal designs on the bottom half the moved up around the eyes but nowhere else. The others had masks with other designs like checkers and stuff, all on black matte.

"Hey Al," my friend Grace said walking up to me, handing me a beer.

"Whatsup, Grace." She said.

"This band is what's up, aren't they great?!" She asked excitedly.

"They're alright." I said shrugging, taking a sip of my beer.

"They're awesome!" She saiid excitedly. "Look, the lead singer," she moved to my side and pointed to the guy singing in a deep, misfits like voice. "He's called Kylo Ren, and those are his Knights of Ren." She said. I rolled my eyes. Ridiculous.

"Yeah, not pretentious at all." I said sarcastically.

"It's not!" Grace said defensively. "And Kylo Ren is intensely handsome under that mask." She said smiling and looking at him admiringly.

I scoffed and watched a guy slam his elbow into another guys nose, breaking it. I smiled, I wanted to get in there.

"I've heard people say that his parents were both very religious and sent him to catholic school, but when he was 15 he ran away and started traveling with Charles Snoke." My eyes widened at the name of one of the most famous punk artists out there. I looked to Kylo Ren as he jumped around on stage angrily.

I handed my beer back to Grace and jumped into the Mosh pit, using my arms to shove people.

The Knights of Ren finished their set and the next band started immediately after. Now the next band, really sucked.  I returned to my corner, I could feel bruises forming on my arms, torso and face and I'm pretty sure I had a broken rib, but I've had worse.

I watched the shitty band play a badly written and played song about I think communism. It also could've been about pizza... Really not sure.

A handsome, skinny man with what I could only describe as "poofy" black hair with dark red dyed streaks and ends, walked up to me with a confident grin. He stood in front of me and leaned on the wall.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I responded, for some reason intrigued by this man.

"How'd you like the show?" He asked.

"the shows still going in big guy." I said looking past him at the shitty band playing.

"I meant my show." He said. I raised my eyebrow. "The Knights of Ren, I spotted you in the Moshpit." He said. I was taken aback for a second, then I regained my composure.

"It was alright." I said, all of his confidence dropped immediately after my words. My smile dropped too.

"Just alright?" He said disappointedly.

"It wasn't bad, it just wasn't my favorite." I said.

"Then who's your favorite?" He asked. Suddenly the Resistance rushed the stage, pushing the shitty band off after the lead singer and guitar player went to grab an acoustic guitar.

"Them" I said breaking into a smile, pointing and looking to the lead singer and mind blowing guitar player Poe Dameron. Kylo turned to look at them and turned back sneering.

"Them?" He asked sounding a bit disgusted, I could barely hear him over the crowd cheering loudly.

"Yes them." I watched admiringly as Poe started strumming a low, dirty and heavily distorted riff and the rest of the band followed suit.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Alison, but you can call me Al." I responded. "And yours, Knight of Ren." I said a bit antagonistically.

"Call me Kylo." He said.

"I'm not doing that." I said smiling. He paused for a second.

"Fine, Ben, you can call me Ben." He said reluctantly. I smiled.

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could, Ben's hand went to my cheek and he wiped something off of my cheek.

"You had a bit of blood on your cheek." He said softly, his demeanor changed and softened. I studied his face. Maybe he wasn't so bad.

"Thanks." I said absentmindedly. Suddenly I wanted to kiss him. He had the same thought and leaned forward, pressing our lips together.

"Yeah!! Go Ren!!" A guy yelled. Kylo violently pulled away and looked to the guy.

"Shut the fuck up Sirus!" He yelled in a low gravely voice. Sirus raised his hands and backed away. I laughed. He looked back to me and his face softened.

"Sorry, he's an asshole."

"Obviously." I said.

"I haven't ever met a girl like you before." He said suddenly.

"I guess that's a good thing." I said.

"I guess so." He said breaking into the widest smile I'd seen him wear all night.

The rest of the night we made out against the wall to the sound of various bands playing. When the last band's set ended, we went our separate ways, forgetting to exchange phone numbers, but I'll see him again. I know I will, he's a Knight of Ren, how hard can he be to find.

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