Mushy • Han Solo

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"Babe you think we can get a new oscillator? This old ones shot." I said struggling to get it in working order. Hands grabbed my waist and yanked me down. I fell back and let out a cry of fear as I fell into Han's arms.

He laughed and I hit his chest playfully. 

"You really scared me!" I cried smiling at him.

"That was the point." He said. "We can get a new oscillator, it'll be our anniversary present." He kissed my cheek. I pumped my fist.


"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He said squeezing me in his arms. "You're simple, like me." He said.

"Don't go all mushy on me, Han." I joked.

"Mushy!? Nothing about me is mushy!" He said defensively.

"Yeah except for that oatmeal in you have in place of a brain." I said poking him in the head. He rolled his eyes and carried me into the common room.

I pushed my legs out of his arms and he let my feet hit the ground. I stood on my own but he kept his hand on my waist. He pulled me to him and nuzzled his face into my neck placing a soft kiss on my collar bone. He pulled away and started sputtering. I laughed.

"Agh! You taste like oil and sweat!" He yelled wiping his mouth. I laughed.

"See, it's all mush up there, no substance." I said ruffling his hair. He let out a frustrated sigh but pulled me closer to him. I laughed and pecked the corner of his mouth. A split second later we were making out, him pressing me against the wall and kissing me hungrily.

Chewie let out a loud moan and Han pulled away.

"Come on Chew, leave us alone." He said, his mouth quickly returning to mine.

He moaned again and Han pulled away and walked away. Leaving me confused. Him and Chewie were speed walking down the hall.

"Han! What's going on?" I asked.

"Hide!" Han yelled. My heart skipped a few beats and I ran to the back of the ship. I pulled the grate up and jumped down into the smuggling compartment and crouched down looking up into the ship.

I heard the ship knock into another and lock onto it. The door slid open and I heard voices, Han's and another I didn't recognize. They were speaking a strange language.

They walked closer to me, Han was trying to negotiate but the man was angry and not having it.

There was a silence.

Suddenly I heard someone hit someone else. Han cried out in pain then Chewie in anger. Blaster fire was flying everywhere.

I pulled the blaster out of my holster and stood up, my head just touching the grate. I pressed my hands to the metal grate, watching the leader walk on top of it.

I used all of my force and pushed up, flinging the leader to the side and hopping out of the hole.

Han was couched behind something, shooting when he got a chance. His face was distorted in pain but I couldn't tell if he was injured or just hurting from the punch.

I pointed my blaster at one of the 5 other people and shot them in the head. Suddenly I felt a searing pain in my leg and it went out from under me.

"LILI!" Han yelled. I looked down, there was a gash in my leg and it was pouring out blood.

I felt hands grab my wrists before I could react and knock the gun out of my hand and hold them behind me.

"Hey hey! I surrender" Han said throwing his hands up and popping out from behind his cover. Blood was seeping through his clothes on his side.

"Han no!" I cried out I didn't know who these people were or what they wanted. I just knew Han couldn't surrender to them. The man tugged my arms hard and I gritted my teeth.

"I don't have the credits but you can... You can take whatever you want." Han said.

"Then I'll take the girl." The leader said walking up behind me. His hands went to my waist and his face found a place by my neck. I tried to cringe away from him but the other man held me in place

"No, not her." Han said shakily.

"Then I'll have to kill all of you." He said, his lips brushing against my neck.

"Han, let him take me, I'll be fine." I said my voice wavering and tears coming to my eyes.

"No! take the ship...please just... not her." He said his voice getting softer and sadder with each word.

"I like the girl more. She'll be worth twice as much as this hunk of junk once we clean 'er up." He said.  His accent was strange and thick.

"No" Han said. He looked more defeated then anyone I'd ever seen.

"Let's go boys!" The leader said pulling me back by my arms.

Han fell down to his knees dramatically, half out of sadness and shock and half because he was loosing a lot of blood.

"Han! Don't try to save me! I'll get out of it!" I yelled.

"I love you." He said just loud enough for me to hear and looking up at me.

"I love you too." I replied, realizing it for the first time, as they pulled me out of the common room. 


This isn't very good and the name is awful. I didn't know what else to call it though, but whatever. I've been in a real slump lately. wow.

I'm working on it. I'll get back to posting more often I promise.

Also- 500+ reads already!? Wow. Thanks guys you rock!

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