Insufferable • Anakin Skywalker

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I gotta give some love to the prequels.

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Thanks <33333


"I have to work with Anakin Skywalker?" I asked disgusted and annoyed looking at Mace Windu.

"Yes, and you will not try to kill each other like last time"

"He deserved it." I growled.

"And so did you!" Mace yelled. "Now you will work with him and you will be humane." He said.

I huffed and looked away from him angrily. He stepped towards me and out my hand on my shoulder.

"Shaeha, I've known you since you were a child, you've gotten along with everybody else. Why not Anakin?"

"I just don't feel right about him." I looked down at my hands and fiddled nervously. "Being around him just...." I trailed off.

"You'll be alright. I know you better then anybody, you were my Padawan, I'd trust you with my life. You just have to do this one mission with him." He said. "You'll barely be in the same room, you'll be in separate ships."

"Great." I rolled my eyes. "And I can't even punch him."

"Exactly." He patted my shoulder and walked past me.


"Stay on the route,Skywalker." I said warningly.

"Well the route sucks, we'll never make it in time, follow me." He said. His ship veered off to the right. I wanted to punch him.

"If we were in the same room I swear-"

"Come on, Shae." Anakin said playfully.

"Don't call me Shae, Ani." I growled.

"As you wish, princess."

"I swear-"

"Alright, I'll stop, but I get to call you Shae."

"You're insufferable." I said.

"I know." He said cheerfully. 

He was leading me straight into a meteor field. The one I had deliberately mapped our route to avoid.

"Anakin, I'm not good enough at flying to fly through a meteor field." I said truthfully. 

"You'll be fine, just follow my line." He said.

A lump formed in my stomach as I passed the first asteroid, coming too close for comfort even following Anakin's line.

"Ani, I have a bad feeling about this." I said shakily.

"It'll be alright." He insisted.

I took a deep breath as we maneuvered through more of the field. I needed all of my concentration for this.

Suddenly my ship jerked and I let out a strange high pitched cry.

"Shaeha! What's wrong?"

I looked to my side. The side of my ship was gone and smoke was streaming out of where the ship was.

"I-I'm hit!" I yelled.

"Fuck!" He said, "can you land?"

"Ca-can I land!?" I yelled struggling to keep my ship up, alarms blaring from every direction. "You're kidding!?"

"I-I'm sorry, look, that asteroid should be big enough for us to land. At least try." He said.

"Al-alright." I said shakily. I don't think I've ever been this scared.

I landed on the huge asteroid. It was an intense landing, my head slammed into the console as the ship slid across the rough rock, finally stopping violently on a rock. My body rocketed forward and I hit the viewport but didn't break it.

Everything hurt, and I could feel blood pouring down my face. Thankfully the cockpit didn't have a hole in it so I was fine for a bit.

I reached up and wiped my brow. Everything protesting with pain. I pulled my hand away. It was covered in blood.

"Fuck me." I said softly.


I jumped hearing the noise and turned to it. A blue lightsaber was cutting into my airlock door. It was Anakin. The cut out fell into the room and Anakin jumped through and ran to me.

"Shaeha!" He yelled running to me. He placed one hand on my arm and the other on my face, searching me for wounds.

"I'm alright. I'm fine." I lied.

He was finally satisfied that he'd seen it all and squeezed his eyes shut looking distressed.

"Anakin?" I asked.

"I thought I'd lost you." He said leaning forward and resting the top of his head on my shoulder.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to be terrorizing you for a long time." I said light-heartedly. He laughed and grabbed onto my robe tightly.

"Good." He said softly.

"You want me to terrorize you?" I said.

"I do. I want you in my life as much as possible." He said. I was shocked, was he.. "I love you."


He lifted his head interrupting me.

"I know, it's against the code, but I just realized it when I saw you crash. I can't-"

I kissed him, stopping his rambling. He kissed me back, entangling his fingers in my hair.

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