Passenger • Finn

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"YEE-E-EAAAHH!" I yelled into the comm, maneuvering expertly through the trees doing barrel rolls and little acrobatics.

I was sitting on Finn's lap, his body tense against mine an his arms tightly wrapped around my body and his helmeted head pressed uncomfortably into my back out of fear.

"That's my favorite student!" Poe yelled poudly into my comm.

"Come on Finn, open your eyes. It's beautiful up here." I said as my ship leveled out and I had a moment to admire the beauty of Yavin-4.

"No." He said stubbornly, shaking his head against my back.

"Come on."



"No!" He said.

"I promise I won't do any tricks." I said.

"Alright." He said reluctantly. He lifted his head and I felt him relax as he took in the view.

"Quite the view huh?" Poe asked pulling up to the side of my X-wing. I felt Finn nod, then shake his head. He forgot Poe couldn't see him. I smiled to myself.

"Yeah it's... Really something." Finn said.

I looked over at him through my viewport and so did he. We waved at each other. My X-wing wavered a little, wind pushing it and my hand wasn't their steady the ship but it wasn't anything to worry about.

"Woah!" Finn grabbed my hand and put it on the wheel for me. "Both hands on the wheel please." He said nervously. Poe and I laughed.

"Come on Finn, it's not that bad." Poe said.

"Are you kidding me!?? This is terrifying!" Finn said. I laughed again.

"I'm a trained pilot! This is my job, and it's the one thing I'm good at, so trust me." I said.

"The one thing you're good at? I'll say." Poe said sarcastically. "We've both had your cooking."

"Careful Black Leader, wouldn't want the Dantooine story getting out there. " I said smirking.

"What's happening, what Dantooine story?" Finn asked. Poor kid hasn't stopped being confused since he woke up from that coma.

"Nothing!" Poe yelled. "Hayley you're gorgeous and talented and smart-don't tell that story please." He said a mile a minute. I laughed.

"Alright, it's safe." I said. Poe let out a relieved sigh.

"Woah! Look at that!" Finn said pointing to a waterfall that was just visible through the trees. I decided to scare him.

I suddenly did a barrel roll and he squeezed my stomach tightly.

"Woaaaahh!!" He said as we spun around. I laughed hysterically as we evened out.

"Come on Hayley, we don't want him to barf." Poe said.

"Listen to him." Finn said nodding.

"You guys are no fun." I said.


I helped Finn climb out if this ship, he was a bit uneasy after being in that ship.

"Have fun?" I asked.

"No" he said shakily.

I pulled off his helmet, and melted into a hug wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You were a good sport." I said. "Sorry." I said.

"It's alright." I pulled away and looked at him. "Just don't do it again." He warned. I laughed.

"Alright, but I'll find away to get you to enjoy it." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"How ya feelin?" Poe asked slapping his hand on Finn's shoulder.

"Awful, that was terrifying." Finn said.

"I know, flying with Hale is terrifying." Poe said.

"Well, you did teach me." I said. Poe nudged my arm.

"Come on BB-8, lets blow this Popsicle stand." Poe said turning and walking away with his small droid who had just gotten out of its compartment.

"Sorry but you're literally the worst passenger I've ever had." I joked.

"You should try flying with Rey, she's the biggest backseat flyer." Finn said laughing, his face lightening up when he talked about his friend.

"Come on let's get some food." I said wrapping my arm around his and holding it with my hands, leading him into the base.

"I am really not hungry." He said.

"I am. Come with me and I'll tell you the Dantooine story." I said.

"You said you wouldn't tell it." He said. I shrugged.

"I did." I said then kissed him on the cheek.


First off. This story is exactly 666 words. That's amazing I didn't know that until I pasted it in here.

Second, I realized I didn't have any Finn love on here so here it is. And I'll be posting more Finn later. Maybe some Rey if you guys want. It's just that Rey in my mind is asexual and I can't even think of her in a romantic relationship for some reason.

Also I tried to write her in Choosing Sides and that wasn't so hot.


I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks <3333333

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