Crazy • Kylo Ren

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Now have some fluffy Kylo.

Enjoy! <333333


I ran my fingers along the thick flimsy. It felt amazing under my fingers. The book was written in Atrisian, something I couldn't read, I've just never held an actual book before. They're very rare. I've only seen flimsy on rare occasions.

I felt Kylo shift, rolling over to face me. I looked down at him. He looked distressed, sweat covering his body and face.

I but my lip, trying to figure out what to do? Should I wake him? His lip twitched and he furrowed his brows. I shut the book and set it aside.

"Ren, babe?" I asked running my fingers through his damp hair trying to wake him up. He didn't respond. Tears fell down his cheeks. "Ren!" I said louder, shaking his shoulder.

He gasped awake and shot up. Suddenly grabbing his shoulder and wincing.

"Are you alright?" I askek, looking down at him. He panted for a second then his eyes met mine. I'd never seen this look in his eyes. He looked so vulnerable.

"Ren?" I asked running my fingers through his long hair, entangling my digits in the strands. "What's wrong?"

"I... Had  strange dream." He said.

"Tell me about it." I requested.

"I was on Corsucant, at the Jedi temple, meditating." He said "A beautiful woman approached me, she had flowers in her hair. I think she was an angel." He said a slight smile on his lips. I smiled warmly. His smile suddenly dropped. "Am I going crazy?"

"Completely." I pulled him towards me and kissed his forehead. "I'm gonna have to send you to the mad house, quite a shame really, you were so talented."

"Don't write my eulogy yet." He said playfully.

"Kylo Ren," I grabbed his hand and held it to my chest. "The best boyfriend a girl could ask for. He was intellegent, funny, handsome, a bit too tall for my liking but what ya gonna do." He rolled his eyes. "He would speak nonsense about angels, or women with flowers in their hair. Quite ashame, his dive off the deep end was quite abrubt."

He rolled over and laid on me, quickly pecking me on the lips.

"I try to share a sincere dream I had and you start pretending I'm dead? Why do I love you?" He asked. My eyes widned.

"You love me?' I asked in shock. His smile dropped, then returned quickly with a small laugh.

"Yeah I.. guess I do." He said. I grabbed his cheek and pulled him towards me pressing my lips to his.

"Good, because I love you too." I said quickly breaking away. He pushed his lips back to mine when I finished talking. We made out for a while, his hand running up and down my body like he was looking for something.

"You're so gorgeous." He said softly, his lips grazing mine lightly.

"Yeah, yeah flyguy." I whispered returning to his soft lips.

He pulled away abrutly, and pushed himself off of the bed.

"Kylo!" I said leaning forward, reaching out to him. "Come on" He smiled mischieviously. He loved teasing me.

"We'll finish this tonight. I need to attend to my duties."

"UGH, My boy friend really is crazy." I said.

"Crazy about you." He said sweetly. I fake threw up at his overly sweet statement. He laughed, pulling his black pants over his red boxers. "Come on, you need to get ready too."

"Can't I take a day off? Phasma's been giving me a lot of shit lately, I need a break." I said.

"Ignore her, if she gives you too much trouble I'll deal with her."

"Don't you dare." I warned.

"Do you think she suspects us?"

"I know she does, but she won't do anything."

"She better not." He almost growled.

I shifted myself on the bed and pulled my knees to my chest, I looked to the side, resting my cheek on my leg, staring at the helmet on the bedside table. It was Kylo's, mine was sitting next to it. I grabbed his while he was dressing and pushed it onto my head.

I held my hand out, imitating Kylo using the Force.

"You know I can take whatever I want." I said, my own distorted voice startled me. It was so strange to hear it. Kylo's head snapped in my direction.

"Hey!" He said playfully, lunging towards me trying to grab the helmet off of my head, I pulled back avoiding his grasp.

"No, It is mine now. I'm calling myself.... Darth Mal...i..gar. That's it. Darth Maligar!" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Alright Darth Maligar, I need that so give it up." He said motioning me to hand it over. I rolled my eyes and pulled it off.

"Here, crazy." I said.

"I hate you." He said playfully. I feighned offence.

"I thought you loved me!" I said.

"Both." He said.

"Both?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Both." He confirmed slipping his helmet on. I shot to my feet and looked at him disappointedly.

"Aw, now I can't kiss you." I said placing my hand on his chest.

"You can still kiss me, I just can't kiss back."

"You've got a point." I said getting on my tip toes and reaching up to kiss him on the cold metal cheek. "Now go before I make you stay." I said pushing him away from me. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was smiling.


*translation: If you didn't know, flimsy is what you call paper in the Star Wars EU. I probably should've used paper but I'm a sucker for continuity and using the correct words for things.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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