Reunion • Kylo Ren

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I dropped from the ceiling, emitting the first noise I had all night with my light boots hitting the ground. And as expected, he heard and turned around.

"Padmé." He said.

"Ben." I responded, standing up and putting my hand on my saber.

"I knew I'd be seeing you soon." He said, his mask distorting his voice.

"Ben, if you do-"

"My name's not Ben." He growled interrupting me.

"And my name's not Padmé." I said. He clenched his fists. "My father was an idiot. I know that. He left me for dead."

"Join me." He said.

"No, frankly, you're an idiot too. And you're competition, I will kill my father. Not you." I said pulling my saber off of my belt.

"Together we could take over the whole galaxy!" He said taking a step towards me.

"I don't want the whole galaxy. I want my father's head." I growled.

"You will get that, but I know you need the map, and we're closer then you to getting it." He said. Fuck, he doesn't have it.

"You don't have it." I backed up a bit.

"No" he said.

"Fuck." I said softly.

"Please, Padmé-"

"Call me that one more time and I will end your disgusting existence and make it slow and painful." I growled gripping my saber so hard I could've snapped it.

"Alright, Kai," he said a bit hesitantly. "Join me, and will find your father and destroy him."

"And your uncle." I said I could see him tense up.

"He's no longer my uncle."

"Oh, yes, because you killed Ben Solo." I said sarcastically. He took a step forward, he was right in front of me. His hand went to my arm and he touched it lightly. Tears stung my eyes and I avoided his eyes. "You also killed Han." I said, a tear slipped down my face. He tensed up.

"He was getting in my way."

"Was he?" My voice broke. I turned away from him and tried not to cry. Han was the closest thing to a father I had. Even though we had a falling out, I always watched out for him. Keeping gangs off of his ass for years.

There was a long silence.

"He was your father." I said softly.

"He was more your father then mine. He was always prouder of you." He said resentfully. I turned back to him.

"Take that stupid helmet off." I said.

He reached up and pulled his mask off. He was admittedly very handsome. More handsome then the last time I saw him when we were 15. But there was one big difference, a huge scar going diagonally down his face.

I looked up at him, and adjusted my grip on my saber.

"He was prouder of me for a reason." I said activating my saber. It's orange blade stuck into his chest poking out the other side. He looked at me I shock.

"Send Luke Skywalker my regards." He said weakly.

"I will." I said. I deactivated my saber and he collapsed on the ground at my feet. I picked up my comm. "he's dead."

"Great work." The General said.


🌸Purposely ambiguous ending🌸

Which general is it???🖕idk🖕

I fully admit this is awful, but I'm bored and high and inspired and this seems like a good idea to post this with exactly 0 revisions or edits.


Thanks <333333

*edit* don't forget to request, vote, comment and follow me!

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